| PAGE | If he gets loose, he darts through an ambulance or climbs a tree, without compunction. But he seldom gets loose | Frontispiece | The quenchless, marvelous mule emerges from the mire and clay, with a whooping-cough wheeze | 63 | But likeliest from safe shelter of some commodious, commanding stump, observing the struggle with a rural Sunday morning cheerfulness | 135 | Blessed is the voluptuousness of reverie, blessed and cheap as an expectant clothier's greeting, while he pauses ecstatically for an appropriate smile | 162 | No two companies have been drilled alike; no three consecutive soldiers perform the same antic at the same time | 212 | The veterans quietly gathered in the voluntary and involuntary honors.... One state points with pride to her nine soldier governors, and of seven presidents elected since the close of the war, six were ex-soldiers | 230 | I hail thee Brother—spite of the fool's scorn! And fain would take thee with me, in the dell Of peace and mild Equality to dwell, Where Toil shall call the charmer Health his bride, And Laughter tickle Plenty's ribless side! How thou wouldst toss thy heels in gamesome play, And frisk about, as lamb or kitten gay! Yea! and more musically sweet to me Thy dissonant harsh bray of joy would be, Than warbled melodies that soothe to rest The aching of pale Fashion's vacant breast! —Coleridge.