“Through the open window, out of the darkness, gathered a heavy rumble of wheels; then again uprose the call of the bell, the cry of the hoarse voice: ‘Bring out your dead!’” (See page 293) | Frontispiece | | OPP. PAGE | “The single contemptuous exclamation fell like the cut of a whip” | 68 | “She felt at last that she had power” | 132 | “Lionel took place beside him and from narrowed lids looked smilingly at the young man’s happy countenance” | 184 | “The huddled figure in the great chair. The face of her that had so stout a heart, conquered in death—but less piteous, less awful sight than the living face of the French madam” | 314 | “Harry gave a deep groan, covered his face with his hands, and fell upon the bench” | 364 |