Page. Alefeld on pollen moistening by worker 23 Antenna cleaner of worker bee, figure 8 Auricle of hind planta of worker bee, definition 9 figure 11 role and action in pollen collecting 16-17, 19, 20-22 Basket, pollen. (See Corbicula.) Brush of foreleg of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 13 figure 8 hind leg of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 16 middle leg of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 14-16 figure 9 Brushes of legs of worker bee, use in pollen collecting 8-9 Bumblebee, moistening of pollen, views of Sladen 23-21 Cheshire on process of loading pollen baskets by worker bee 17 Comb or pecten of hind tibia of worker bee, definition 9 figure 11 role and action in pollen collecting 16-19 figure 10 Corn, sweet, pollen collecting therefrom by honey bee 11-13 CoxÆ of worker bee, figures 8, 9 Dunbar, Dr. P. B., analyses of corn pollen from plant, from corbiculÆ of bees, and from hive cells 28 Femora of worker bee, figures 8, 9, 10, 11 Fleischmann and Zander on process of loading pollen baskets by worker bee 15 Flowers, variable amounts of pollen from different plants 10-11 Franz on pollen moistening of worker bee 23 process of loading pollen baskets by worker bee 17 Hairs, branched, of honey bee, use in pollen collecting 7-8 fringing pollen basket, function 20 unbranched, of honey bee, use in pollen collecting 7, 8 Hommell on pollen moistening of worker bee 23 process of loading pollen baskets by worker bee 18 Honey, use by worker bee for moistening pollen 24, 28-29 Leg, hind, of worker bee, loaded with pollen, figure 22 Legs, fore, of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 12, 33 hind, of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 13, 16-18 stages in basket-loading process, figure 19 middle, of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 13, 14-16 of worker bee, action in unloading pollen 30-31 structures used in pollen collecting 7-9 Mandibles of honey bee, action and role in pollen collecting 8, 13 worker bee, use in packing pollen in the cell 31 MaxilÆ of honey bee, action and role in pollen collecting 8, 13 Moistening of pollen by bumblebee, views of Sladen 23-24 Mouthparts of honey bee, action and role in pollen collecting 8, 13 Nectar, supposed use by worker bee for moistening pollen 24-29 Palma of foreleg of worker bee, definition 8 Pecten of hind tibia of worker bee, definition 9 figure 11 role and action in pollen collecting 16-19 Planta of hind leg of worker bee, definition 3 structures concerned in pollen collecting 9 middle leg of worker bee, definition 8 Pollen, chemical composition 26 collecting by worker bee, bibliography 33 general statement regarding it 11-13 corn, from plant, from corbiculÆ of bees, and from hive cells, moistening by bumblebee, views of Sladen 23-24 structures of honey bee concerned in manipulation 7-9 unloading process by worker bee 30-31 Saliva, supposed use by worker bee in moistening pollen 23, 29 Sladen, observations on process of loading pollen baskets by worker views as to pollen moistening by worker bee 23-24, 27 Spur of middle tibia of worker bee, figure 9 Storing pollen in the hive 29-31 Structures of honey bee concerned in manipulation of pollen 7-9 "Sweat glands" of Wolff within hind tibia and planta of worker bee, supposed function 24 Tibia of hind leg of worker bee, modifications and structures for pollen collecting 9 TibiÆ of worker bee, figures 8, 9, 10, 11 Tongue of worker bee, action and role in pollen collecting 8, 13 Trochanters of worker bee, figures 8, 9 Wax shears or pinchers, so-called, use in loading pollen by worker bee 7 Wolff on pollen moistening by worker bee 24 Zander, Fleischmann and. (See Fleischmann and Zander.) |