

Adams, John, 15

Adriance, John P., 103, 119

Advertisements of Reaper, 54, 8183, 112, 134

Africa not a wheat-eating country, 242

Agencies established for sale of Reapers (about 1844), 63

Agents, Cyrus H. McCormick's plan in regard to, 83, 84, 86

Agriculture, Department of, 87

Albert, Prince, 125, 132

Algeria, 242

Allen, Grant, 205

America, yacht, 131

Amsterdam, 222

Antwerp, no grain stored in, 217;
Bourse in, 222;
third busiest port in world, 239

Appleby, John F., 115

Argentina, 209, 212, 225, 228

Arkwright, inventor, 53, 131

Armagh massacre of 1641, 22

Athens, mills at, 236

Atkins, Jearum, 106

Augusta County, Virginia, 3

Australia, wheat crop of, 209;
legislation against speculation in, 225;
development of, 228

Australian stripper, 200

Austria in 1809, 4;
farm laborers received no wages in, 123;
climate and wheat production in, 241

Austrian Emperor decorated Cyrus H. McCormick, 135

Ayrshire, Scotland, 86


Babylon, 206

Baggage Case, 1862–1885, 100102;
see also Pennsylvania Railroad

Baltic Exchange, London, 221

Baltic, holder of ocean record, 131

Baltimore and Ohio Railway, 49

Baltimore Convention of 1861, 158, 166

Bankers concerned in moving of wheat, 223, 224

Barbary pirates, 4

Barclay, Col. A. T., 40

Barge, invention of, 210

Battleship turret, improver of, 95

Bavarians in the Tyrol (1809), 4

Beagle, H. M. S., Darwin's voyage in, 51

Bear, Henry, 66

Behel, Jacob, 115

Belgian method of reaping, 6

Belgians, King of the, 125

Belgium, legislation against speculation in, 225;
consumption of bread per capita in, 239, 242

Berlin, 214, 217

Berthelot, 51

Bessemer converter, 17, 49, 69, 210

Bismarck, 136

Black Death in England, 124

Blackie, 1

Blame, Mrs. Emmons, 183

Blanchard, inventor, 95

Blue Ridge Mountains, 2, 36

Board of Trade, none in Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70

Bonanza farms, 194

Bull, Ole, 184

Bonar, 1

Bonner, Henry, publisher, 21

Bottgher, 53

Bourses, or European Exchanges, 222

Bowyer, Col. John, 40

Braila, Roumania, 216

Bradshaw, Prof., 40

Brains, John, 59

Bread, making of, 237, 238;
record time from standing grain to, 238;
cheapness of, 238

Bread tax, 240, 241

Brokers, wheat, 219, 222, 224

Brooks, Absalom, 58

Brown, A. C., 66

Brown, Senator, of Miss., 93

Bryant, 76

Buckle, 204

Budapest, Bourse in, 222;
"new process" mills in, 235, 236

Buenos Ayres, 218, 222, 229

Buffalo, N. Y., 69, 216

Bulwer, Sir Henry Lytton, 130

Burson, W. W., 115

Bushnell, Reaper manufacturer, 103, 120

Butler, E. K., 143, 148

Butler, Gen., 36


Cablegrams, 233

Calhoun, 164, 178

California, 51, 82, 190, 243

Calvin, John, 156, 157, 168

Canada, grain inspectors in, 222;
grain speculation in, 225

Canada (western), wheat crop of, 209;
railways of, 212, 213;
development of, 227, 229

Canadian Pacific Railway, 227

Canal, first, in Chicago, 75

Carlyle, 155

Carnegie, Andrew, 56

Carpenter, "Pump," 114, 115, 117

Carson, Miss Polly, 40, 41

Carthage, ruins of, 242

Cash, John, 35

Cavaliers of Virginia, 20

ChÂlons, Emperor Napoleon's estate, 134

Chautauqua idea, originator of, 120

Chicago, 4, 30, 31, 37, 50, 67, 68, 7078, 83, 85, 97, 106, 137, 144, 146, 151153, 162, 166, 188, 189, 192, 196, 201, 214, 215, 218, 219, 222, 223

Chicago fire of 1871, 30, 151153, 182

China, opium traffic of, 204;
future use of wheat in, 232, 243

Chopin, 1, 51

Christian, Minneapolis miller, 236

Cincinnati Democratic Convention, 171

Circus, first, in Chicago, 71

City and town dwellers, proportion of, 195, 196

Civil War, see Secession, War of

Clay, Henry, 15, 164

Clermont, Fulton's steamboat, 7

Cleveland, Ohio, 73

Collins Line, 131

Colt's pistol, 130, 131

Columbus, Reaper traced back to, 17

Congress, first recognition of Chicago by, 72;
Lincoln elected to, 72;
patent suits carried to, 91, 92;
how inventors have been treated by, 95

Cooper, Peter, 11, 155

Corn stored at Chicago, 215

Corn Trade Association, London, 221

Corn Trade News, of Liverpool, 221

Corners in wheat, 226

Cort, 53

Cotton-gin, 52, 97, 191

Covenanters, Scotch, 19, 23, 157

Cradle, 5, 27, 45

Crichton-Browne, Sir James, 204

Crimean War, 190

Criminals in period of 1809, 8

Cromwell, 173, 185

Crosby, Minneapolis miller, 236

Cross of the Legion of Honor given Cyrus H. McCormick by Emperor Napoleon III., 135

Crystal Palace, London, 127


Dalrymple, Oliver, 193, 194

Darwin, 1, 51

Davis, H. Winter, 99

Davy, 131

Debates between Lincoln and Douglas, 100

Deere, John, 49, 131

Deering, William, 115, 116, 118, 121, 150

De Lesseps, 70

Denmark, 241

Department store, free trial given by, 80

Des Moines, Iowa, 6, 86

Dickerson, E. N., 91, 98

Diet of Worms, 156

Diseases prevalent in 1809, 7

Divider, origin of, 32, 46

Douglas, Stephen A., 91, 99, 100

Driving-wheel of Reaper, 34

Drunkenness in 1809, 7

Duluth-Superior, 215

Dunfermline, Scotland, Andrew Carnegie's birthplace, 56

Dunwoody, Minneapolis miller, 236

Duties imposed on American machines entering Europe, 136


Eager, Samuel, 58

Easter, J. D., 230

Eastern States, labor and money in (about 1839), 58

Ebrington, Lord, 127, 128

Edward, King, 132

Egypt once wheat-centre of world and present production in, 242

Egyptian tombs, wheat found in, 206

"1800-and-starve-to-death" period, 51

Elastic currency, demands for, 223

Electric engine, builder of, 95

Electrical experiments, 50

Elevators, grain, 214217

Embargo (1809), 810

Emerson, Ralph, 45, 46, 98, 103, 119

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 97

England, riots in (1809), 3, 4;
U. S. flag flouted by, 4;
at war with Scotland, 18, 19;
with Ireland, 19;
Scotch-Irish ready for war with, 20;
conditions in (1831), 50;
price of labor in, 123;
labor conditions and farm machinery in, 124;
Corn Exchange in, 218;
speculation in, 224;
consumption of bread in, 239;
no tariff on wheat or flour in, 240;
has lost place as "granary of the North," 240;
contrasted with Germany, 241

Erie Canal, 210, 212

Ether, use of, 69

Euphrates, valley of, 228

Europe, introduction of Reaper into, and trade with, 123138;
cost of growing wheat in, 209;
American wheat exported to, 210;
wheat stored in, 217

Exchanges, grain, 218222


Factories in 1831, 48, 49

Factory, rebuilding of, after fire, 31, 152, 182;
present size of, 47, 196200;
in Virginia, poor transportation from, 64;
McCormick's plan to build his own, 67;
Chicago chosen as site of, 77, 137, 202;
largest in Chicago, 77;
in 1860, 106;
output of, 137;
at time of Chicago fire, 151;
in 1884, 188

Famine of 1846 in Ireland, 71

Famines, local, 51;
in Russia, 242

Farm laborers drawn by 1849 gold rush, 82, 83, 190

Farm machinery, none in 1809, 5, 11;
invention of, 17;
profession of making, 22;
none in 1831, 49;
farmers not using (about 1839), 57, 58;
fixed prices for, 81;
field test as method of marketing, 87;
McCormick's system of selling, 89;
introduction of, in England, 124;
sale of, boomed after 1849, 190;
present era of, 193195

Farmers, increase of (1810–1820), 11, 21;
their opinions of early types of mowers and reapers, 43;
McCormick's confidence in, 80;
advertising among, and testimonials from, 82;
McCormick stood well with, 85;
his business methods with, 85;
McCormick hurt by petitions of protest from, 94;
credit extended to, 193;
farm machinery used by, 193195

"Farmer's Register," 43

Fassler, Jerome, 119

Federal bankrupt law of 1842, 71

Field, Cyrus W., 155

Field tests, 8789, 134, 135

Fingers on cutting blade, origin of, 33

Fire department, Chicago, 1846, 72

Fiske, John, 21

Fitch & Co., 66

FitzGerald, 1

Fixed price, Reapers sold at, 80, 81

Flesh food, 205

"Flour Cities," 234, 235

Flour, manufacture of, 234237

Flour-mills, 234237

Food, first necessity, 203, 204;
relation between population and, 204;
three principal articles of, 205

Foreign trade in Reapers, 123, 124, 131138

Fowler, Miss Nettie, see McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus H.

France, U. S. flag flouted by, 4;
price of labor in, 123;
no central wheat market in, 222;
speculation in, 225;
consumption of bread in, 239, 240;
wheat grown in, 240;
intensive cultivation in, 240

Frederick of Holstein, Prince, 128

Frederick, Virginia, 3

Fredericksruhe, Bismarck's estate, 136

Free library, none in 1831, 50

Free trial of Reaper, 80

French Academy of Science elected Cyrus H. McCormick a member, 136

French Revolution, 156, 204

Froude, 21

Fulton, Robert, 7, 11, 21, 53, 95

Fulton's steamboat, 7


Galatz, 216

Galena, Ill., 76

Galilee, Sea of, people who dwell by the, 237

Gammon, E. H., 116

Garrison, William Lloyd, 51

Gas not used in Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70

Genoa, 218

Gerland, Dr., 206

Germany in 1809, 4;
price of labor in, 123;
reasons why Reapers are not made in, 136;
grain inspectors in, 222;
legislation against speculation in, 225;
compared with Red River Valley, 231;
compared with Great Britain, 240;
intensive cultivation in, 241

Gilkerson, David, 58

Gladstone, 2, 51

Glanders, a contagious disease, 5

Glessner, Reaper manufacturer, 103, 120

Gold put in circulation by wheat, 228, 229

Gold rush to California, 1849, 82, 190

Goodyear, 53, 95

Gorham, Marquis L., 115, 117

Grain-car, invention and use of, 211, 212

Granville, Lord, 131

Gray & Warner, 66

Great Britain, see England

Greece, 225, 241

Greeley, Horace, 72, 129, 155, 167

Gutenberg, 53


Hague, The, Conferences, 233

Hall, Dr. John, 169

Hall, Patrick, 22, 23

Hamburg, 222

Hancock, candidate for President, 171

Hand-labor, Reaper invented in era of, 48, 49

"Hard Times" measures in Legislature, 71

Harding, George, 91, 99

Hargreaves, inventor of weaving machinery, 53

Harper, Henry, publisher, 21

Hart, Eli, & Co., 52

Harvest season only opportunity of testing Reaper, 61, 92

Haussemann, Baron, 1

Hayes, President, 165

Hayes-Tilden controversy, 165

Heathcoat, inventor of weaving machinery, 53

Henry, Joseph, 21, 50

Herald Square, New York, 6

Hewitt, Abram S., 155

Hite, James M., 63

Hitt, Dr. N. M., 37

Hobbs lock, 131

Hoe press, 49, 69, 131

Holland in 1809, 4;
legislation against speculation in, 225;
no tariff on wheat or flour in, 240

Holloway, D. P., 96

Holmes, 1, 51

Holmes, H. A., 115

Homestead Act of 1862, 193

Hong-Kong, flour-mills at, 243

Houghawout, John W., 40

Houghton, Lord, 1

Howe, 69, 95, 131

Hudson Bay, 213

Hulled corn, use of, 69

Hungary, speculation in, 224;
climate and wheat production of, 241

Hunger, evils due to, 204, 205

Huntley, Byron E., 103, 119

Hussey, Obed, 87, 88, 119

Huxley, 51

Hyatt, inventor, 95


Illinois, 64, 65, 69, 100, 151, 193

Immigrants supplied with Reapers on credit, 85, 86

India, opium traffic of, 204;
cost of wheat production and labor in, 209, 242;
railways of, 212;
area and population of, 242, 243;
wasteful methods practised in, 243

Indian Confederacy of Tecumseh, 4

Indian Massacre (1764) in Rockbridge County, Virginia, 2

Indiana wheat crop, 217

Indigo displaced by wheat in India, 242

Inspectors of grain, 222, 224

Insurance agents for wheat, 222224

Intensive cultivation, 240, 241

Interior, The, 162, 163, 172

International Harvester Company, 183, 201

Inventors not encouraged, 6;
how treated by Congress and the Patent Office, 95;
rights of, as stated by Webster, 95

Iowa, 50, 63, 69, 230

Ireland, Scotch Covenanters in, 19, 21;
famine of 1846 in, 71

Irish immigrants in Chicago, 71

Iron furnace operated by Cyrus H. McCormick, 5557

"Iron Man," Atkins's self-rake Reaper, 106, 107

Iron, price of, about 1833, 55, 56

Italy, no central wheat market in, 222;
wheat consumption and production in, 241


Jacquard, inventor of weaving machinery, 53

Jails, conditions in, 8, 9

Jamestown colony, 36

Janesville, Wis., 114

Japan, object of, in war with Russia, 204;
more wheat consumed and raised in, 243

Jefferson, President, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16

Jenks, Joseph, of Lynn, 5

Johnson, Reverdy, 91, 98

Johnson, Senator, of Maryland, 96

Jones, William H., 104, 120


Kansas, 51, 85, 204, 230, 231

Kansas City, 216

Kay, inventor of weaving machinery, 53

Kelly, inventor, 95

Kentucky, Scotch-Irish in, 20

Kinglake, 1

Kinzie, John, 77

Knox, John, 18, 58, 156, 157, 169

Koh-i-noor diamond, 125, 126

Krapotkin, Prince, 204

Kurtz, Jacob, 58


Land sales from 1810 to 1820, 11

Law-school, first in, Chicago, 71

Lexington Female Academy, 40

Lexington Union, 54

Lexington, Virginia, 37, 39, 40

Licenses to manufacturers of McCormick's Reaper, 66, 98, 112, 116, 120

Lilley, General, 140

Lincoln, Abraham, 1, 2, 51, 72, 91, 99, 100, 191

Lind, Jenny, 184

Liverpool, 221, 222, 225

Livingstone, 70

Locke, Sylvanus D., 112, 115

Locomotives, early, 49, 50, 192, 210

London Exhibition of 1851, 124127, 130, 131, 190

London, no grain elevators in, 217;
wheat consumption of, 217;
Baltic Exchange in, 221, 222;
methods of wheat marketing in, 225

"Low-down" binder, 118

Luther, Martin, 156, 157, 173


Mackenzie, expert Reaper operator, 128

Mail-order houses, free trial given by, 80

Manchuria, wheat raised in, 243

Manitoba, Province of, 225

Mann, inventor, 108

Manny and Emerson, of Rockford, Ill., 98, 103, 119

Manufacturers licensed to build McCormick's Reapers, see under Licenses

Marsh, C. W., 45, 46

"Marsh Harvester," 109, 110

Martineau, Miss, 76

Mary, Queen of Scots, 18

Masses benefited by wheat trade, 229

Massie, William, 60

Mazzini, 51

McChesney, Adam, 28

McClung, Billy, 159

McClurg, Alexander C., publisher, 21

McCormick, Miss Anita, see Blame, Mrs. Emmons

McCormick Centenary, 45

McCormick City, 196202

McCormick Company, present, 98

McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 2, 3, 1113, 1618, 21, 22, 2528, 3035, 3748, 5168, 7185, 87105, 109113, 115119, 121124, 129191, 193, 195, 198202, 208, 230, 244, 246

McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus H., 182, 183

McCormick, Cyrus H., Jr., 163, 183, 184, 201

McCormick, Davis, 29

McCormick family, 13, 17, 2225, 64, 66, 78

McCormick, Harold, 183

McCormick home in Rockbridge County, Virginia, 2, 3, 1316, 25, 3537, 40, 48, 62

McCormick, Leander, 37, 123, 140, 143, 181, 182

"McCormick Plan," 167

McCormick, Robert, 1317, 22, 25, 2831, 40, 45, 104, 181

McCormick, Mrs. Robert, 2325, 181

McCormick, Robert, son of Cyrus H. McCormick, 183

McCormick, Stanley, 183, 200

McCormick System, 243

McCormick Theological Seminary, 162, 163

McCormick, Thomas, 22

McCormick, Miss Virginia, 183

McCormick, William, 37, 123, 143, 181, 182

McDowell, Col. James, 40

Mechi, John J., 127129, 131

Mecklenburg, Virginia, 20

Melville, Andrew, 169

Mendelssohn, 1, 51

Mexican War, Chicago organized regiment for, 71

Michigan white ash used in manufacture of Reapers, 74

Miller, Lewis, 104, 120

Milwaukee, 73

Minneapolis, 215, 235237

Minnesota, 51, 193, 217

Mississippi River, 50

Missouri, 63

Moore, James, 40

Morgan, Junius, 131, 155

Mormons, 69

Morse, 21, 95, 131

Morton, Dr., 69

Mount Vernon flour-mill, 234

Mower, Miller's, 120


Napoleon, 4, 10

Napoleon III., Emperor, 134, 135

Nebraska, 51

New Albany, Ind., Seminary, 162

New England, 230

"New process" flour-mills, 235

New York City, 4, 6, 8, 9, 37, 52, 119, 160, 216

Newspapers in 1831, 50

Newton, John, 59

Niagara Falls, power from, 216

North Dakota, 85, 232

Northwestern Theological Seminary, 162

Norway, speculation in grain in, 225;
wheat production in, 241, 242

Novorossisk, Russia, grain elevator at, 216, 217


Oats stored at Chicago, 215

Odessa, 217

Ogden, William B., 7578

Ohio, 64, 67, 242

Oklahoma, 69

Oliver, James, 49

Opium traffic, 204

Oregon, 242

Oriental method of chaffering and bargaining, vogue of, 81

Osborne, David M., 103, 120


Pacific coast, no grain elevators on, 216

Page, Prof., 95

Palissy, 53

Papers in 1831, 48

"Parcimony in Nutrition," 204

Paris Exposition (1855), 133

Paris, no grain stored in, 217;
Bourse in, 222

Parker, J., 63

Pasteur, 51

Patent, Cyrus H. McCormick's first, on Reaper, 59;
expiration of original, 91;
suits over extension of, 9198

Patent Law, 91

Patent Office, 9193, 95, 185

Patents for Reaper and mower inventions, 34, 41;
suits over, 45, 9098;
for self-binders, 118

Patton, Dr. Francis L., 172

Paupers in period of 1809, 8

Paved streets, none in Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70

Peabody, George, 131, 155

Peavey, F. H., 214

Pennsylvania Railroad, 158;
see also Baggage Case

Pericles, mills in time of, 236

Peterborough, N. H., 50

Photography, 49

Pillsbury, Minneapolis miller, 236

Pittsburg, Pa., 74

Platform on Reaper, origin of, 33

Plow, hillside, 45, 81

Plow, iron, thought to poison soil, 5;
invention of, 49

Plow, self-sharpening, 45

Poe, 1, 51

Police force of Chicago in 1847, 70

Polish female laborers, 197

Pompeii, bread found in ruins of, 234

Poorhouses used as storehouses for wheat, 230

Portugal, 241

Post-office, Chicago, in 1847, 70

Postage in 1831, 50

Postage stamps, 70

Postal Union, 233

"Prairie Ground," American display at London Exhibition of 1851, 126

Prairies, need of Reapers to harvest on the, 65, 73;
uncultivated before advent of Reaper, 67

Prairie States, ten, 230

Presbyterian Church, 158, 185, 186

Princeton University, 172

Protestant Reformation, 156, 185

Proudhon, 1, 51

Publicity, Cyrus H. McCormick believed in policy of, 81

Puddling-furnace, 17

Pyramids, wheat pictured on, 206


Railway from Chicago to Galena, 76

Railways in 1831, 49;
extending westward, 67;
none reaching Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70;
Chicago becomes a centre for, 73;
preceded by Reaper in West, 192;
distribution of food-stuffs by, 210, 211;
building of trans-continental, 211;
across Siberia, 212;
in western Canada, Argentina, and India, 212;
as wheat-conveyors, 212;
converging at Chicago, 214;
in Prairie States, 230

Ready-to-eat foods, 237

Reaper, McCormick, 13, 17, 2848, 5267, 7376, 7886, 88, 89, 92, 9598, 100, 103108, 110113, 115, 117, 119124, 126135, 137, 138, 147, 166, 169, 170, 188193, 195, 196, 200203, 208, 210, 212, 214, 226, 227, 230, 243246

Reapers of all makes, total annual production of, 209

Reciprocating blade, origin of, 32

Red River Valley, 194, 231, 232

Reed, Col. Samuel, 40

Reel, origin of, 33, 46

Republican party, 100

Revolutionary War, 3, 20

Rice, 205, 212, 242

Riots in 1837, 52

"River and Harbor Convention," Chicago, 71, 72

Rochester, N. Y., 234

Rockbridge County, Virginia, McCormick farm in, 2

Rotterdam, wheat stored in, 217

Roumania, 242

Roumanian cities use concrete grain elevators, 216

Rubber manufacture, inventor of, 53

Ruff, John, 38, 40

Russia, farm laborers received no wages in, 123;
in war with Japan, 204;
development of, 228;
wheat production, consumption, and exportation in, 242;
famines in, 242

Russian army in Sweden (1809), 4

Russo-Japanese War, 204


Sailors become farmers, 11

St. Louis, Mo., 73, 216

Sales system of Cyrus H. McCormick, 47, 78 et seq.

Saratoga, N. Y., 7

Sault Ste. Marie Canal, 210

Sauvage, inventor of screw propeller, 53

School attended by Cyrus H. McCormick, 26

Scotch-Irish, the, 1723, 25, 29

Scotland, 18, 74

Screw propeller, inventor of, 53

Scribner, Charles, publisher, 21

Scythe, invention of, 5

Secession, War of, 100, 166168, 191, 192

Self-binders, 110115, 117, 118, 121, 208210, 238

Self-rake Reapers, 106, 107, 110, 114

Self-sizing device, Gorham's invention of, 117

Seneca, quoted, 154

Serfs, 15, 124

Servia, conditions in (1809), 4

SÈvres porcelain, 53

Seward, William H., 91, 98, 155

Sewerage, none in Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70

Sewing-machine, 17, 49, 69, 131, 210

Seymour, Morgan & Co., 66, 116, 119, 120

Sheffield steel used in manufacture of Reapers, 74

Sherwood farm, near Elgin, Ill., 111

Shipping, Chicago becomes centre for, 73, 215

Siberia, Russia seeking seaport for, 204;
wheat crop of, 209, 217;
railway across, 212;
development of, 228;
might take lesson from Red River Valley, 231

Sickle, its use in 1809, 5

Side-draught construction of Reaper, 33, 34

Side-delivery machine, first practical, 46

Skulls, pyramid of, 4

Slaves, work of, 191

Smith, Abraham, 60, 62

Smith, Joshua, 57

Smith, Sidney, 130

Social conditions in 1809, 79

Solomon, 206

South Carolina, 97

Spain, in 1809, 4;
wheat imported by, 241

Spaulding, George H., 115

Speculators, grain, 224, 225

Spencer, Herbert, 51

Spring, Charles, 143

Stanton, Edwin M., 91, 99

Staunton, Virginia, 2, 40, 57, 58, 60

Steamboat, invention of, 210

Steele, Eliza, 37

Steele, John, 37, 40

Steele's Tavern, Virginia, 37

Stewart, A. T., 21, 81

Stock-yards not located at Chicago when Cyrus H. McCormick came, 70

Storage of wheat, 213, 214

Suez Canal, 70, 210

Sulina, 217, 218

Surveying, Cyrus H. McCormick's study of, 27

Sweden in 1809, 4;
speculation in grain in, 224;
wheat production in, 241, 242

Switzerland, 225, 242


Taylor, Dr., 40

Taylor, Hon. William, 39, 40

Tecumseh, 4

Tehuantepec Inter-Ocean Railroad, 144

Telegraph, 49, 50, 70, 131, 210

Telephone, 210

Temperance society at Saratoga, 7

Tennessee, Scotch-Irish in, 20;
first Reaper purchased in, 63;
comparison of grain production of, 242

Tennyson, 1, 51

Texas, Scotch-Irish in, 20;
not in the Union in 1831, 51

Theatres in early Chicago, 70, 71

Thompson, J. Edgar, 101

Tilden, 76, 165

Times, Chicago, 166

Times, London, 130

Town and city dwellers, proportion of, 195, 196

Town laborers become farmers, 11

Trans-Siberian railway, 212

Transportation charges on wheat, 213

Transportation of Reapers from Virginia farm, 64

Tribune, of Chicago, founded, 71

Trolley, introduction of, 210

Tunis, 242

Turks in Servia (1809), 4

Tutwiler, Colonel, 63

Twine-mill in McCormick factory, Chicago, 197

Twine self-binders, 115118, 121

Tyre, King of, 206

Tyrol, riot in (1809), 4


Ulster, county of, 19, 21, 22

Union Army in Rockbridge County, Virginia, 36

Union Pacific Railway, 144

United States, in 1809, 4 et seq.;
Scotch-Irish in, 1821;
papers printed in (1831), 48;
railways in (1831), 49;
extent and development of (1831), 50;
Buffalo chief grain market of, 69;
London Exposition display from, 126;
inventions credited to, 130;
reasons why Reapers were invented in, 136, 201;
McCormick's place in history of, 153;
production of wheat in, 188, 189;
manufacturing and labor in (1884), 189;
Reaper little used in, until after 1849, 190;
Reaper appreciated in, 191;
industrial supremacy of, 195, 229;
harvesting machinery industry in, 201;
wheat crop of, 209;
cost of production of wheat in, 209;
railway across, 211;
grain inspection in, 222;
speculation in, 225;
cultivation of semi-arid land in, 228;
consumption of bread in, 239;
area and population of, compared with India, 242, 243


Van Buren, Martin, 76, 178

Vermont hay crop, relative value of, 5

Victoria, Queen, 125, 132

Virchow, 51

"Virginia Reapers," 64

Virginia, Scotch-Irish in, 20;
main wheat State in 1831, 51, 193;
supremacy passing to Ohio, 67


Wages of harvesters at time of introduction of Reaper, 38

Wallace, Andrew, 40

Wallace, Henry, 106, 107

Wallace's Farmer, 106

Walton, N. Y., 76

Warder Reaper manufacturer, 103, 120

Warehouses at Reaper agencies, 83, 84

Warfare, expenses of modern, 233

Washburn, William D., 235, 236

Washington, George, 5, 6, 11, 15, 17, 20, 81, 234

Washington State, 238

Watson, Peter H., 91, 99

Watt, 131

Weaving machinery, inventors of, 53

Webster, Daniel, 15, 76, 95, 164

Weed, Thurlow, 72

West, orders for Reapers from the, 63;
transportation to the, 64;
McCormick visits the, 65;
need of quicker method of cutting grain in the, 65, 66;
Chicago helped by use of Reaper in, 73;
McCormick's policy developed the, 86;
Reaper preceded railway in the, 192;
wheat crop of the, 193;
railways in the, 211;
Reaper advance-machine of civilization in, 227

Wet grain, adaptation of the Reaper to cut, 33, 61, 62

"Whaleback" grain ships, 210

Wheat, 51, 67, 69, 70, 73, 188196, 201, 203, 205 et seq.

Wheat Congress, international, 233

Wheat-ships, 210213

Whiteley, William N., 45, 46, 120, 150

Whitney, Eli, 52, 97, 191

Whittier, 51

Willmoth, improver of battleship turret, 95

Wilson family from Ayrshire, Scotland, 86

Wilson, Hon. James, 86, 87, 192

Winnipeg Grain Exchange, 225

Wire self-binders displaced by twine self-binders, 115117

Wisconsin, 50, 63, 114

Withington, Charles B., 109115

Wood, Jethro, 49, 53

Wood, Walter A., 103, 112, 120

Woodworth, inventor, 95

World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, 124

Wright, Joseph A., 134

Written guarantees given with McCormick Reapers, 79


Yellow fever in the McCormick family, 16

Transcriber's Note

Simple typographical errors were corrected.

Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed.

Page 64: The lower portion of the illustration "AN EARLY ADVERTISEMENT FOR McCORMICK'S PATENT VIRGINIA REAPER" was not readable in the source from which this eBook is derived.

Page 91: "Beverdy Johnson" corrected to "Reverdy Johnson."

Page 256: "see Blaine" corrected to "see Blame."

Cover revisions made by Transcriber and placed in the Public Domain.


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