Chapter | | Page | I. | The World's Need of a Reaper | 1 | II. | The McCormick Home | 13 | III. | The Invention of the Reaper | 26 | IV. | Sixteen Years of Pioneering | 48 | V. | The Building of the Reaper Business | 68 | VI. | The Struggle To Protect Patents | 91 | VII. | The Evolution of the Reaper | 105 | VIII. | The Conquest of Europe | 123 | IX. | McCormick as a Manufacturer | 139 | X. | Cyrus H. McCormick As a Man | 154 | XI. | The Reaper and the Nation | 188 | XII. | The Reaper and the World | 203 | XIII. | Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread | 234 | | Index | 249 |