In the following chronological table of the life of Cassiodorus I have, for convenience sake, assumed 480 as the year of his birth, and 575 as that of his death. It is now, I think, sufficiently proved that if these dates are not absolutely correct, they cannot be more than a year or two wrong in one direction or the other. Consular Fasti. As dates were still reckoned by Consulships, at any rate through the greater part of the life of Cassiodorus, I have inserted the Consular Fasti for the period in question. It will be seen that several names of correspondents of Cassiodorus figure in this list. As a general though not universal practice, one of the two Consuls at this time was chosen from out of the Senate of Rome and the other from that of Constantinople. We can almost always tell whether a chronicler belongs to the Eastern or Western Empire by observing whether he puts the Eastern or Western Consul first. Thus, for a.d. 501, Marcellinus Comes, who was an official of the Eastern Empire, gives us 'Pompeius et Avienus, Coss.;' while Cassiodorus, in his 'Chronicon,' assigns the year to 'Avienus et Pompeius.' Pompeius was a nobleman of Constantinople, nephew of the Emperor Anastasius; while Avienus was a Roman Senator I have endeavoured to give the priority always to the Western Consul in the list before us, except in those cases where an Emperor (who was of course an Eastern) condescended to assume the Consular trabea. Indictions. Another mode of reckoning the dates which the reader will continually meet with in the following pages is by Indictions. The Indiction, as is well known, was a cycle of fifteen years, during which, as we have reason to believe, the assessment for the taxes remained undisturbed, a fresh valuation being made all round when the cycle was ended. Traces of this quindecennial period may be found in the third century, but the formal adoption of the Indiction is generally assigned to the Emperor Constantine, and to the year 312 To make such a mode of dating the year at all satisfactory, it would seem to us necessary that the number of the cycle itself, as well as of the year in the cycle, should be given; for instance, that a.d. 313 should be called the first year of the first Indiction, and a.d. 351 the ninth year of the third Indiction. This practice, however, was not adopted till far on into the Middle Ages As the Indiction began on the 1st of September a question arises whether the calendar year is to be named after the number of the Indiction which belongs to its beginning or its end; whether, to go back to the beginning, a.d. 312 or a.d. 313 is to be accounted the first Indiction. The practice of the chroniclers and of most writers on chronology appears to be in favour of the latter method, which is natural, inasmuch as nine months of the Indiction belong to the later date and only three to the earlier. Thus, for instance, Marcellinus Comes calls the year of the Consulship of Belisarius, which was undoubtedly 535, 'Indictio XIII:' the thirteenth Indiction of that cycle having begun Sept. 1, 534, and ended August 31, 535. But it is well that the student should be warned that our greatest English authority, Mr. Fynes Clinton, adopts the other method. In the very useful table of comparative chronology which he gives in his Fasti Romani In order to translate years of Indiction into years of the Christian era it is necessary first to add some On the other hand, when we find a letter written by Cassiodorus as Praetorian Praefect to the Provincials of Istria If anyone objects that such a system of chronology is cumbrous, uncertain, and utterly unscientific, I can only say that I entirely agree with him, and that the system is worthy of the perverted ingenuity which produced the Nones and Ides of the Roman Calendar. In the following tables I have not attempted to mark the years of the Indiction, on account of the confusion caused by the fact that two calendar years require the same number. But I have denoted by the abbreviation 'Ind.' the years in which each cycle of the Indictions began. These years are 492, 507, 522, 537, 552, and 567. |
A.D. | Consuls. | Private Events. | Public Events. | Rulers of Italy. | Popes. | Emperors. |
480 | Basilius Junior. | Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator, born at Scyllacium (?). | Assassination of Nepos, formerly Emperor of the West. | ODOVACAR (from 476). | SIMPLICIUS (from 468). | ZENO (from 474). |
481 | Placidus. | Odovacar avenges the murder of Nepos. Death of Theodoricus Triarii. | ||||
482 | Trocondus and Severinus. | Accession of Clovis. | ||||
483 | Faustus. | Zeno issues the Henoticon. | FELIX II (or III). | |||
484 | Theodoricus and Venantius. | Illus revolts against Zeno. Schism between Eastern and Western Churches. | ||||
485 | Q. Aurelius Memmius Symmachus. | |||||
486 | Decius and Longinus. | |||||
487 | Boethius (Father of the great Boethius). | War between Odovacar and the Rugians. | ||||
488 | Dyanamius and Sifidius. | Theodoric starts for Italy. Death of Illus. | ||||
489 | Anicius Probinus and Eusebius. | Theodoric descends into Italy. Battles of the Isonzo and Verona. | ||||
490 | Flavius Faustus Junior and Longinus (II). | Battle of the Adda. | ||||
491 | Olybrius Junior. | Battle of Ravenna. | ANASTASIUS. | |||
492 (Ind.) | Flavius Anastasius Augustus and Rufus. | GELASIUS. | ||||
493 | Eusebius (II) and Albinus. | Surrender of Ravenna. Death of Odovacar. | THEODORIC. | |||
494 | Turcius Rufus Apronianus Asterius and Praesidius. | |||||
495 | Flavius Viator. | |||||
496 | Paulus. | Clovis defeats the Alamanni. His conversion. | ANASTASIUS. | |||
497 | Flavius Anastasius Aug. (II). | SYMMACHUS (Antipope Laurentius). | ||||
498 | Paulinus and Joannes Scytha. | |||||
499 | Joannes Gibbus. | |||||
500 | Patricius and Hypatius. | Cassiodorus Senior, Patrician, Praefect. His son becomes his Consiliarius. | War between Gundobad and Clovis. Theodoric's visit to Rome. Conspiracy of Odoin. | |||
501 | Rufius Magnus Faustus Avienus and Flavius Pompeius. | About this time Cassiodorus pronounces his panegyric on Theodoric, and is rewarded by being appointed Quaestor. | Synodus Palmaris at Rome. Symmachus confirmed in the Pontificate. | |||
502 | Flavius Avienus Junior and Probus. | |||||
503 | Dexicrates and Volusianus. | |||||
504 | Cethegus. | War of Sirmium. | ||||
505 | Theodorus and Sabinianus. | War between Theodoric and Anastasius (affair of Mundo). Battle of Horrea Margi. | ||||
506 | Messala and Areobinda. | |||||
507 (Ind.) | Flavius Anastasius Aug. (III) and Venantius. | Clovis defeats Alaric II at Campus Vogladensis. | ||||
508 | Venantius and Celer. | Tulum endeavours to raise siege of Arles. Byzantine raid on Apulia. | ||||
509 | Importunus. | Mammo invades Burgundy. | ||||
510 | Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (Author of the 'Consolation'). | Ibbus defeats Franks and Burgundians. | ||||
511 | Felix and Secundinus. | Death of Clovis. | ||||
512 | Paulus and Muschianus. | |||||
513 | Probus and Clementinus. | |||||
514 | Senator, solus Consul (Cassiodorus). | Cassiodorus as Consul restores harmony between clergy and people of Rome. | HORMISDAS. | |||
515 | Florentius and Anthemius. | Cassiodorus receives the Patriciate (?). | Marriage of Eutharic and Amalasuentha. | |||
516 | Petrus. | |||||
517 | Agapitus and Flavius Anastasius (nephew of the Emperor). | |||||
518 | Magnus. | JUSTIN I. | ||||
519 | Justinus Augustus and Eutharicus Cillica. | Composition of the 'Chronicon,' dedicated to Eutharic. | End of schism between Eastern and Western Churches. | |||
520 | Rusticus and Vitalianus. | Composition of the Gothic History (?). | ||||
521 | Valerius and Flavius Justinianus. | |||||
522 (Ind.) | Symmachus and Boethius (sons of the great Boethius). | |||||
523 | Flavius Anicius Maximus. | Franks invade Burgundy. Imprisonment of Boethius. | JOHN I. | |||
524 | Flavius Justinus Aug. (II) and Opilio. | Death of Boethius. | ||||
525 | Anicius Probus Junior and Flavius Theodorus Philoxenus. | Death of Symmachus. Pope John's Mission to Constantinople. | ||||
526 | Olybrius. | Cassiodorus Master of the Offices. | Pope John dies in prison (May 25). Death of Theodoric (Aug. 30). | ATHALARIC. | FELIX III (or IV). | |
527 | Vettius Agorius Basilius Mavortius. | Death of Amalafrida, Queen-dowager of the Vandals. | JUSTINIAN. | |||
528 | Flavius Justinianus Aug. (II). | |||||
529 | Decius Junior. | BONIFACE II. | ||||
530 | Flavius Lampadius and Orestes. | |||||
531 | Post Consulatum Lampadii et Orestis. | |||||
532 | Post Consulatum Lampadii et Orestis Anno II. | Final invasion of Burgundy by the Franks. | ||||
533 | Flavius Justinianus Aug. (III). | Cassiodorus Praetorian Praefect (Sept. 1), which office he holds till he retires from public life. | The Vandal War of Justinian (June, 533--March, 534). | JOHN III. | ||
534 | Flavius Justinianus Aug. (IV) and Flavius Theodorus Paulinus Junior. | Death of Athalaric (Oct. 2). Association of Theodahad with Amalasuentha. | AMALASUENTHA. THEODAHAD. | |||
535 | Flavius Belisarius. | Death of Amalasuentha. The Gothic War begins. | AGAPETUS. | |||
536 | Post Consulatum Fl. Belisarii. | Belisarius takes Naples and enters Rome. | WITIGIS. | SILVERIUS. | ||
537 (Ind.) | Post Consulatum Fl. Belisarii Anno II. | Siege of Rome by Witigis. | VIGILIUS. | |||
538 | Flavius Johannes (John of Cappadocia). | Collection of the 'Variae.' Composition of the 'De AnimÂ.' | Siege of Rome raised. | |||
539 | Flavius Appion. | Cassiodorus about this time lays down his office and retires to his birthplace (Scyllacium), where he founds the Monastery of Vivaria. | Mediolanum taken by the Goths. Belisarius takes Auximum. | |||
540 | Flavius Justinus Junior. | Ravenna surrendered to Belisarius. Captivity of Witigis. | ILDIBAD. | |||
541 | Flavius Basilius Junior. | He writes Commentary on the Psalms as far as Psalm 20. | ERARIC. BADUILA (TOTILA). | |||
542 | Years reckoned Post Consulatum Basilii. | " | Totila twice defeats the Imperial generals, and retrieves the fortune of the Ostrogoths. | |||
543 | " | Composition of the 'Institutiones Divinarum et Humanarum Litterarum.' | ||||
544 | " | Belisarius returns to Italy. | ||||
545 | " | Rome taken by Totila. | ||||
546 | " | Continues and completes his Commentary on the Psalms. | ||||
547 | " | " | Rome re-occupied by Belisarius. | |||
548 | " | " | Death of Empress Theodora. | |||
549 | " | " | Rome again taken by Totila. | |||
550 | " | " | Death of Germanus. | |||
551 | " | Narses Commander of Italian Expedition. | ||||
552 (Ind.) | " | Writes the 'Complexiones in Epistolas Apostolorum,' and compiles the 'Historia Tripartita' (the precise date of these works unknown). | Narses defeats Totila near Tadinum. | TEIAS. | ||
553 | " | " | Teias defeated and slain near Mons Lactarius. The Ostrogoths leave Italy. Invasion of the Alamannic brethren. | NARSES, Governor of Italy under the Emperor. | ||
554 | " | " | ||||
555 | " | " | PELAGIUS. | |||
556 | " | " | ||||
557 | " | " | ||||
558 | " | " | ||||
559 | " | " | Belisarius defeats the Huns under Zabergan. | |||
560 | " | " | JOHN III. | |||
561 | " | |||||
562 | " | Disgrace of Belisarius. Belisarius restored to favour. | ||||
563 | " | |||||
564 | " | |||||
565 | Post Consulatum Basilii XXIV. | JUSTIN II. | ||||
566 | Flavius Justinus Augustus. | Death of Belisarius and of Justinian. | ||||
567 (Ind.) | Years reckoned Post Consulatum Justini. | Narses recalled by Justin. Alleged invitation to the Lombards. | LONGINUS, Exarch. | |||
568 | " | The Lombards under Alboin enter Italy. | ALBOIN, King of the Lombards. | |||
569 | " | Milan taken by the Lombards. | ||||
570 | " | |||||
571 | " | Ticinum taken by the Lombards. | ||||
572 | " | |||||
573 | " | Composition of treatise 'De OrthographiÂ' in 93rd year of Cassiodorus. | Assassination of Alboin. | CLEPH, King of the Lombards. | Death of John III. | |
574 | " | Death of Cleph. | BENEDICT I. | |||
575 | " | Cassiodorus dies in his 95th year (?). |