785-h-19.htm.html#Page_91" class="pginternal">91 English Concession at Tientsin, 17 English Legation at Pekin, 78 English officers, friendship with the Americans, 21; linguists in China, 19; supposed ungraciousness of manners, 81; plain campaigning dress, 27 Examinations, Chinese system of, 273 Examination Hall in Canton, 273 Examiners, Chinese, at Canton, 274 Executions at Tientsin, 28; in Canton, 271 Extortion of mandarins, 291 Fair, Lieut., R.N., Flag?Lieutenant to Admiral Seymour, 24 Family love of the Chinese, 281 Fans, 106 Fan?tan in Samchun, 225; in Macao, 253 Fares from Hong Kong to Canton and Macao, 235 Favrier, Archbishop, defends the Peitan gallantly, 95; captures a Chinese gun, 96; introduction to him, 99 Ferreira Amaral, Governor of Macao, refuses to pay tribute to the Chinese, 232 Fighting races of India, 56 Fireworks, Chinese, 219 Flags of Chinese troops in Samchun, 215, 227 Floating population of Canton, 260; of Hong Kong, 185 Flora, Governor’s summer residence, 240 Flowery Forest Monastery, 269 Forbidden City, 73, 86 French Army, 42; intimacy between French and German soldiers in Tientsin, 40; Infanterie Coloniale, 42; infantry, 43; officers, 43; method of maintaining discipline, 43; training and organisation, 44; Zouaves and Chasseurs d’Afrique, 43 French colonial party, suspected designs on Macao, 233; on Canton, 275 French post?office in Canton, 276 Frontier Field Force, 208 Frontier of the Kowloon Hinterland, 196 Fusiliers, Royal Welch, attack on a patrol, 23; in the Hinterland, 198; Hong Kong garrison, 200 Garrison of Hong Kong, 199; of Macao, 241 Gascoigne, Major?General Sir W., 199 Gaselee, General Sir A., K.C.B., 204 German Army, 34; adherence to close formations and antiquated tactics, 19 Lantau, Island of, 183 Legation Street, Pekin, 70, 80 Legations, Pekin, 78; defence of, 78; visit to English Legation, 79; guard, 79; new defensive wall, 107 Li Hung Chang, 128, 204 Ling?chi, torture of, 271 Liscum, Colonel, U.S. Army, his death, 53 Liu?kung?tao, Island of, 3 Losses of Allies at Tientsin, 296, 297 Lo?u, 216 Macao, 231; its past history, 231; its present decay, 232; danger to Hong Kong, 233; passage to, 236; description, 237–40; public gardens, 240; government, 241; society, 243; affair with police, 245; gambling houses, 253; sights, 254 Madrassis, decay of, 56 Madras Sappers and Miners, 56 Madras Light Infantry, 3rd, 200, 204, 208 Mandarins at Samchun, 222; corruption of Chinese, 228; extortion, 291 Manchuria, Russian soldiers in, 45 Map of Kowloon Hinterland, 216 Marble junk, 127 Marble bridge at Summer Palace, 127 Marco Polo, 269 Melville, Lieut., 22nd Bombay Infantry, 208 Mikado, 292 Military Club, Macao, 241 Military College, Tientsin, 295 Moji, 253 Monte Carlo of the East, 232 Moon, Temple of, 70 Mosquitoes, 141 Mount Austen Hotel, 182 Mounted Infantry in Tientsin, 26; usefulness in Hong Kong, 200 Mud of Pekin, 82 Mutiny in Macao, 242 Mutiny, impossibility of another Indian, 62 Nagoya, electric cars in, 293 Naval Dockyard at Wei?hai?wei, 4; at Hong Kong,