Position of Louisville—Falls of the Ohio 15
Advent of Captain Bullitt 16
Bullitt’s Interview with the Indians 17
Campbell’s and Conally’s Patents 21
Advent of General Geo. R. Clark 22
Clark’s Expedition to Virginia 23
"Secret orders from Patrick Henry 25
"Arrival at the Falls 28
Account of a social party in 1779 31
Account of life on the Frontier 32
The Hard Winter 43
Act for establishing the town 44
Early surveys of the town 47
Reminiscences of the Ponds 50
Advent of Colonel Geo. Slaughter 53
Incidents of the Indian Wars 54
Division of the State into Counties 58
Building of Fort Nelson 60
Battle of Blue Licks 61
Barge Navigation 62
The Boatwreckers—Colonel Plug 67
The Bargemen—Mike Fink 71
Peace declared 81
First Store in Louisville 83
Tom Paine’s book 84
First Kentucky Convention 85
Clark’s Treaty at Fort McIntosh 86
"Expedition to Vincennes 89
Mississippi Troubles 90
First newspaper in Kentucky 97
Act in relation to the Trustees—Major Quirey 98
Kentucky erected into a State 102
First Paper Mill—Tax list 103
Office of Falls Pilot created—Fire companies established 104
Acts of Assembly—1800 107
Anecdote 109
Jeffersonville—Shippingport 110
First Canal Company chartered 112
First newspaper in Louisville 115
Second tax list 116
Theater 117
Establishment of a Police 118
Courthouse built—Early Steam Navigation 119
Earthquakes, description of, and table 121
Western Courier (newspaper) established 126
List of Steamboats up to 1819 128
First Catholic Church



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