This report, which was prepared under National Park Service Contract CX 6000-3-0076, leans heavily on the publications of those many people who have studied various geologic aspects of the Fossil Basin. We would like to cite particularly Doctors Steven Oriel and Joshua Tracy of the United States Geological Survey, whose studies have clarified the stratigraphic relationships of the sediments involved. Dr. D. L. Blackstone, Jr., of the University of Wyoming supplied information from his yet unpublished interpretations of the complicated structure of the Idaho-Wyoming thrust belt. Mr. Tom Bown helped with the structural part of the report and critically reviewed other parts. The drafting, except for Figs. 3 and 9, was done by Mr. Evan Groutage. Mrs. Elaine Hertzfeldt, secretary for the Department of Geology, aided greatly in preparing this manuscript. Paul O. McGrew Michael Casilliano DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR · MARCH 3 1849; NATIONAL PARK SERVICE