This story was brought back from the trenches by a Knights of Columbus secretary: A colored soldier, hearing the report of a 14-inch naval gun exclaimed: “There! Mistah Kaiser! You all count your men now and see how many is missing.” THE SHREWESBURY POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS STORIES FROM THE TRENCHES By Carleton B. Case (Now first printed in book form.) The jolly tales the soldiers tell are here collected in one neat volume, that all who love good stories and all who are interested in the lively doings of our boys in khaki may read and be entertained. Not only the Yankee lads, but also our Canadian, British and French brothers in arms have stories to tell you in this book; and while they are all “stories” they also are all true to fact, which increases your interest in them many fold. This is the first book of its kind ever issued, and should be in every American home. (Just out.) WARTIME AND PATRIOTIC SELECTIONS For Recitation and Reading Just issued. The only book of its kind; containing the best of the new verse written during the present war that is suitable for declamation and public reading, in school, college, church, patriotic and Red Cross meetings, and all similar occasions; together with the very choicest of the old favorites. Humor, pathos, lively action, narrative, the grand and the sublime, all have representation in its pages; the whole constituting a bookful of the newest and choicest works of the best American, Canadian and British poets, writers and orators, such as was never before gathered in one volume. SHREWESBURY PUBLISHING CO. 5525 South Boulevard, CHICAGO ANECDOTES OF THE GREAT WAR Gathered from European Sources (Just off the press.) The funny things which the combatants say and do in the present great conflict in Europe and Asia, the recruits’ blunders, the stay-at-homes’ excuses, the bulls of the Irish fighters, the jokes on the officers and on the lads in the trenches,—these and many other amusing anecdotes of the war are to be found in this book in great detail. It is the only collection of its kind, and is gathered direct from the press of the European nations engaged in the war, especially for this work. Contains nothing to offend any nationality, but everything to amuse and entertain the reader. SHREWESBURY PUBLISHING CO. 5525 South Boulevard, CHICAGO FORD SMILES
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The very latest works of their kind. Uniform in style. Procurable where you bought this book, or will be sent postpaid by the publishers on receipt of price. SHREWESBURY PUBLISHING CO. 5525 South Boulevard, CHICAGO ![]() Transcriber’s Notes: Page 42, “kidnaped” changed to “kidnapped” (were kidnapped by) Page 134, “told” changed to “hold” (hold ’em back) |