
All sorts of stories come from across the water relative to misunderstandings between Yanks and the ladies over there, and not the least amusing is one told at the Washington Press Club by one of the correspondents.

Seems the doughboy had taken an English girl to a baseball game, and, after it was over, was eager to make sure that she had understood and appreciated the great American game.

“Now, if there’s anything you didn’t understand tell me and I’ll explain,” he pleaded in her fair ear.

“Well,” she answered, “really, don’t you know, I didn’t understand a bit of it, and some of it sounded awfully silly.”

“What was so awfully silly?” demanded the doughboy. “Tell me and I’ll explain.”

“Well,” replied the girl, dubiously, “why do they call the seats the stands?”

And, at last reports, the soldier was still trying to tell her.



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