
Should the author's humble labours continue to amuse his countrymen, he will very soon lay before them "The Tramontane Order; or the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe;"—an order of Knighthood in the Old Dominion, which first planted the British standard beyond the Blue Mountains.

[1] This term originated in Virginia.

[2] This is an abstract of the speech really delivered by Bacon.

[3] Historical.

[4] The little rivulet skirting the south eastern end of Richmond is called "Bloody Run" to this day.

[5] On one of these the present capital of Virginia stands.

[6] These were made of stones ground into the shape of our axe, with a groove round the centre for a handle made of withe.

[7] The bayonet was just then coming into use, but was inserted into a round piece of wood, which was thrust into the muzzle of the musket.

[8] Burke says 600.

[9] Historical.

[10] Historical.

[11] See Burke.

[12] See statutes 13 and 14th Charles the 2d.

[13] See Sanguinary executions of Bacon's followers—without the legal forms of trial, in the Histories of the times.

[14] The ivy capped ruins of the old church are all that remain to this day of the ancient city. We trust that no irreverent hands will ever be laid upon that venerable pile; but that it may be suffered to stand in its own melancholy grandeur, as long as its materials may cling together.

[15] Our authority for assuming that one of the Regicides secluded himself for a time near Jamestown, may be found in Stiles' Judges, Chapter VI.


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