A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Amargosa River, 96
- American Potash and Chemical Co., 33
- Archilette Spring, 95
- Augerreberry, Pete, 58
- B
- Ballarat, 175
- Ballarat Mines, production figures, 176
- Beatty, Monte, 53, 77
- Benson, Myra, 68, 133-134-135
- Benson, Jack, 133-134-135
- Bennett, Bellerin’ Teck, 23
- Bennett, Charles, freighter, 31
- Bennett’s Well, 21
- Black Mountain, story of, 20, 60-61
- Bodie, toughest of the Gold Towns, 74
- Borax, discovery of, 26
- Bradbury Well, 76
- Bowers, Sandy, gets a fortune for a board bill, 74
- Brannan, Sam, Mormon leader, 95
- Brandt, “Arkansas” Ben, 71, 83, 138
- Breyfogle, Jacob; stories of, 154
- Brown, Charles, Deputy Sheriff at Greenwater; store at Shoshone; road builder, supervisor, superintendent of Lila C. Mine at Dale; elected to senate; Chap. XV, 102
- Brown (nee Fairbanks) Stella, 69, 71, 104-105, 107, 116, 135
- Brougher Wils, at Tonopah, 49
- Bruce, Jimmy, private graveyard, 168
- Bullfrog Mine, discovered, 53-54-55
- Butler, James, discoverer of Tonopah silver, 48-49-50, 59
- Bulette, Julia, famed madam of Virginia City, 74
- C
- Cahill, Washington, Borax Co. official, 35-36
- Calico Mountains, 15
- Calico, stories of, 15, 16
- Carrillo, Jose Antonio, 97
- Carson, Kit, guide and scout in Shoshone country, 20, 93-94-95
- Casey, John “Cranky,” noted desert character, 136, 137-138
- Cave Spring, 134
- Cazaurang, Jean, wealthy miser, death of, 100-101
- China Ranch, stories of, 80, 94
- Clark, W. A., 60
- Clark, “Patsy,” 60
- Coleman, W. T., 27-28, 30
- Comstock, “Pancake,” famous lode named for; buys a woman; suicide, 48, 74
- Corcoran, “Wild Bill,” famous prospector; death of, 58, 177
- Counterfeit gold piece, 179-180
- Cross, Ed, partner and co-discoverer of Bullfrog Mine, 53
- D
- Dayton, James, superintendent Furnace Creek Ranch, death of, 35-36, 122
- Dante’s View, 151
- Davis, Buford, buys Noonday Mine; death of, 158
- Death Valley, cause of; history of, geology, temperatures; first settlers, 19
- Decker, Judge, convivial Ballarat Justice of Peace, murdered, 62
- Delameter, John, early freighter, 156
- Diamond Tooth Lil, glamorous madam, 62-63
- Dooley, William, bad man, 181-182-183
- Driscoll, Dan, partner of Shorty Harris, 91, 120
- Dublin Gulch, 69
- Dumont, Eleanor, (Madame Moustache), charmer of the Forty Niners, 74
- E
- Eichbaum, Bob, toll road, 21
- Egbert, Adrian, at Cave Spring, 134
- Epsom City, salts deposit; mono rail, 184
- F
- Fairbanks, Ralph Jacobus, at Ash Meadows; at Greenwater; at Shoshone, stories of; death; Ch. XVI, 104-105, 108, 110-111
- Fairbanks, Celestia Abigail, 105
- Fennimore, James, “Old Virginny”; named Virginia City; swapped Ophir Mine for blind pony, 74
- Flake, Sam, old timer, poker student, death, 68, 78
- Fremont, John C., 93
- French, Dr. Darwin, seeks Lost Gunsight, names Darwin Falls and town of, 21
- Funston, General Frederick, identifies and names Death Valley flora, 24
- G
- Gayhart, W. C., assayer, part owner of Tonopah Discovery Mine, 49-50
- George, “Rocky Mountain,” 76
- Godey, Alex, Fremont scout, fights Indians at Resting Springs, 94
- Goldfield, named, 50
- Goodwin, Ray, park official, 147, 149
- Gorsline, Joe, Ballarat Judge, 177-178
- Gower, Harry, Borax Co. official, mgr. Furnace Creek Ranch, 41
- Grandpa Springs, hole-in for old time prospectors, 50
- Grantham, Louise, girl prospector, 139
- Gray, Fred, Ballarat prospector, 116
- Gray, W. B., 77
- Greenwater, copper strike, stories of, 60, 63
- Gunsight Mine, 21-22, 157-158
- H
- “Happy Bandits” (Small and McDonald), 164-165, 167-168
- Harris, Frank “Shorty,” Ch. XVII, 113
- Harrisburg, scene of gold strike, 57, 114
- Harmon, Pete, misses millions, 117
- Hellgate Pass, 64
- Heider, Billy, flees alimony, 180
- Heinze, August, Copper King, 60
- Henderson, W. T., names Telescope Peak, kills Joaquin Murietta, famous bandit, and pickles head; sees victim’s ghost, 164-165
- Hilton, Frank, finds body of James Dayton, 36
- Hoagland George, burial of, 72-73
- Holmes, Helen, story of thriller, “Perils of Pauline,” 127
- Hungry Hattie, Ballarat character, 119
- Huhn, Ernest (Siberian Red), diligent prospector, 68
- Hungry Bill, Panamint chief, 87
- Hunt, Capt. Jefferson, Mormon guide; prominent in California culture, 21
- I
- Ickes, Harold, visits Shoshone, 149-150
- Indians of the desert, conflicting opinions of, Ch. VII, 43
- Indian George Hansen, owner of Indian Ranch, discovered silver at Panamint City, 154, 155, 171-172-173
- Ishmael, George, 152
- J
- Johnnie Mine, 90
- Johnson, Albert, owner and builder of Scotty’s Castle, 133
- Johnson, Bob, tamps friend’s grave, 72-73
- Johnson, Toppy, supt. of desert mine of W. R. Hearst, 183
- Jones, Herman, discovered Red Wing Mine, road builder, 72, 142
- Jones, J. P., Nev. silver king at Panamint city, 23, 166, 170
- Johnny-Behind-the-Gun, 178-179
- K
- Kellogg, Lois, owner of Manse Ranch, 101
- Kempfer, Don, mining engineer, official of Sierra Talc. Co., 158
- L
- Lee, Philander, owner of Resting Springs Ranch, 97
- Lee, Cub, built first house at Shoshone, slays wife and son, 98
- Lee, John D., established Lee’s Ferry; executed for massacre of emigrants at Mountain Meadows, 90
- Lee, “Shoemaker,” 98
- Legend of Swamper Ike, 173-174
- Le Moyne, Jean, recipe for coffee, story of mine, death, 176-177
- Lone Willow, murders at, 186
- Longstreet, Jack, Ash Meadows bad man, 90
- Lost Mines, all of Ch. XXII, 154-163
- M
- Main, Eddie, 69, 78
- McDermot, Archie, Strong Man, 185
- McGarn, “Whitey Bill,” 70, 78, 138
- Manly, William Lewis, 23, 157, 161
- Manse Ranch, 155
- Metbury Spring, first name of Shoshone, 72
- Myers, Al, discoverer of Gold Field, 50
- Modine, Dan, deputy sheriff, early owner of China Ranch, 63, 68, 84
- Montgomery, Bob, owner of Montgomery Shoshone Mine, buys Skidoo discovery claim on sight, 54-56
- Murray, Billy, saves John S. Cook Bank and Goldfield from “run,” 51
- Murietta, Joaquin, 95
- Myrick, Shady, exports gem stones, 186
- N
- Nadeau, Remi, genius of transportation, 169
- Nagle, Dave, 166
- Naylor, George, sheriff, treasurer, supervisor of Inyo Co., 102
- Nels, Dobe Charlie, at Bodie; at Shoshone, 74-75
- Noble, Levi, geologist, 39-40-41
- O
- Oakes, Sir Harry; in Alaska; at Greenwater; at Shoshone; makes strike in Canada; builds palace at Niagara Falls; knighted by King George V; slain by son-in-law, it is said—a renegade French count, in Bahamas, 105, 111-112
- Oddie, Tasker, mining tycoon, 49-50, 60
- Owens Valley, rape of, 147-148
- P
- Pacific Coast Borax Co., organized, 28-29
- Pahrump Ranch, 23
- Panamint City, 166-167-168
- Panamint Tom, story of, 23, 109
- Perry, J. W. S., supt. Borax Co., designer of 20 mule team wagons, 31
- Pietsch, Henry, shot Ballarat judge, 62
- Plato, Joe, on the Comstock Lode, 76
- Post Office Spring, early army post, 175
- R
- Radcliffe Mine, 175
- Raines, E. P., genial crook, 165-166
- Randsburg, gold discovered at, 181
- Rasor, Clarence, Borax Co. official, 151
- Resting Springs, named by Mormons, 96
- Rich, Charles, Mormon pioneer, 96
- Rickard, sports promoter, 51
- “Rocky Mountain” George, prospector, 76, 77
- Rogers, John, Bennett-Arcane party, 21
- Rosie, squaw, love life of, 88
- Ryan, Joe, desert philosopher, 70-71, 73, 82
- Rhyolite, discovery of gold, 54-55
- S
- Saratoga Springs, 93
- Schwab, Charles M., at Rhyolite; at Greenwater, 55, 60
- Scott, Bob, discoverer of Confidence Mine, 91
- Scott, Mary, squaw, 90
- Scott, Walter, “Death Valley Scotty,” 69, Ch. XIX, 130
- Scrugham, James, Governor and U.S. Senator of Nevada, 77
- Searles, John, 32-33, 159
- Sherlock, Michael, “Sparkplug,” 180
- Skidoo, gold strike, 55-56
- Slim, Death Valley, bad man, 102-103
- Slim, Jackass, Ch. II, 20; Ch. XI, 64-65
- Slocum, Dr. Samuel, 181-186
- Smith, Francis M. (“Borax Smith”), 29-33, 38
- Smith, “Dad,” Old Man of the Mountains; came with Kit Carson, 184
- Smith, Pegleg, 97-98-99
- Snake House, 78
- Sorrells, Maury, 138
- Stewart, Wm. R., Nevada Senator, mines at Panamint City, 23, 170
- Stiles, Ed, first driver of 20 mule team, 31, 35, 37
- Stump Springs, 23
- Stovepipe Wells, 21
- T
- Teck, Bellowin’, 23
- Tecopa Cap, Indian Chief, 78, 79
- Tecopa Hot Spring, 79
- Tecopa, John, discoverer of Johnnie Mine, 90
- Telescope Peak, 22, 93, 139
- Temperature in Death Valley, 41, 42
- Tonopah, discovery of silver, 50, 51
- Towne’s Pass, named, 21
- Trona,