

Amargosa River, 96
American Potash and Chemical Co., 33
Archilette Spring, 95
Augerreberry, Pete, 58
Ballarat, 175
Ballarat Mines, production figures, 176
Beatty, Monte, 53, 77
Benson, Myra, 68, 133-134-135
Benson, Jack, 133-134-135
Bennett, Bellerin’ Teck, 23
Bennett, Charles, freighter, 31
Bennett’s Well, 21
Black Mountain, story of, 20, 60-61
Bodie, toughest of the Gold Towns, 74
Borax, discovery of, 26
Bradbury Well, 76
Bowers, Sandy, gets a fortune for a board bill, 74
Brannan, Sam, Mormon leader, 95
Brandt, “Arkansas” Ben, 71, 83, 138
Breyfogle, Jacob; stories of, 154
Brown, Charles, Deputy Sheriff at Greenwater; store at Shoshone; road builder, supervisor, superintendent of Lila C. Mine at Dale; elected to senate; Chap. XV, 102
Brown (nee Fairbanks) Stella, 69, 71, 104-105, 107, 116, 135
Brougher Wils, at Tonopah, 49
Bruce, Jimmy, private graveyard, 168
Bullfrog Mine, discovered, 53-54-55
Butler, James, discoverer of Tonopah silver, 48-49-50, 59
Bulette, Julia, famed madam of Virginia City, 74
Cahill, Washington, Borax Co. official, 35-36
Calico Mountains, 15
Calico, stories of, 15, 16
Carrillo, Jose Antonio, 97
Carson, Kit, guide and scout in Shoshone country, 20, 93-94-95
Casey, John “Cranky,” noted desert character, 136, 137-138
Cave Spring, 134
Cazaurang, Jean, wealthy miser, death of, 100-101
China Ranch, stories of, 80, 94
Clark, W. A., 60
Clark, “Patsy,” 60
Coleman, W. T., 27-28, 30
Comstock, “Pancake,” famous lode named for; buys a woman; suicide, 48, 74
Corcoran, “Wild Bill,” famous prospector; death of, 58, 177
Counterfeit gold piece, 179-180
Cross, Ed, partner and co-discoverer of Bullfrog Mine, 53
Dayton, James, superintendent Furnace Creek Ranch, death of, 35-36, 122
Dante’s View, 151
Davis, Buford, buys Noonday Mine; death of, 158
Death Valley, cause of; history of, geology, temperatures; first settlers, 19
Decker, Judge, convivial Ballarat Justice of Peace, murdered, 62
Delameter, John, early freighter, 156
Diamond Tooth Lil, glamorous madam, 62-63
Dooley, William, bad man, 181-182-183
Driscoll, Dan, partner of Shorty Harris, 91, 120
Dublin Gulch, 69
Dumont, Eleanor, (Madame Moustache), charmer of the Forty Niners, 74
Eichbaum, Bob, toll road, 21
Egbert, Adrian, at Cave Spring, 134
Epsom City, salts deposit; mono rail, 184
Fairbanks, Ralph Jacobus, at Ash Meadows; at Greenwater; at Shoshone, stories of; death; Ch. XVI, 104-105, 108, 110-111
Fairbanks, Celestia Abigail, 105
Fennimore, James, “Old Virginny”; named Virginia City; swapped Ophir Mine for blind pony, 74
Flake, Sam, old timer, poker student, death, 68, 78
Fremont, John C., 93
French, Dr. Darwin, seeks Lost Gunsight, names Darwin Falls and town of, 21
Funston, General Frederick, identifies and names Death Valley flora, 24
Gayhart, W. C., assayer, part owner of Tonopah Discovery Mine, 49-50
George, “Rocky Mountain,” 76
Godey, Alex, Fremont scout, fights Indians at Resting Springs, 94
Goldfield, named, 50
Goodwin, Ray, park official, 147, 149
Gorsline, Joe, Ballarat Judge, 177-178
Gower, Harry, Borax Co. official, mgr. Furnace Creek Ranch, 41
Grandpa Springs, hole-in for old time prospectors, 50
Grantham, Louise, girl prospector, 139
Gray, Fred, Ballarat prospector, 116
Gray, W. B., 77
Greenwater, copper strike, stories of, 60, 63
Gunsight Mine, 21-22, 157-158
“Happy Bandits” (Small and McDonald), 164-165, 167-168
Harris, Frank “Shorty,” Ch. XVII, 113
Harrisburg, scene of gold strike, 57, 114
Harmon, Pete, misses millions, 117
Hellgate Pass, 64
Heider, Billy, flees alimony, 180
Heinze, August, Copper King, 60
Henderson, W. T., names Telescope Peak, kills Joaquin Murietta, famous bandit, and pickles head; sees victim’s ghost, 164-165
Hilton, Frank, finds body of James Dayton, 36
Hoagland George, burial of, 72-73
Holmes, Helen, story of thriller, “Perils of Pauline,” 127
Hungry Hattie, Ballarat character, 119
Huhn, Ernest (Siberian Red), diligent prospector, 68
Hungry Bill, Panamint chief, 87
Hunt, Capt. Jefferson, Mormon guide; prominent in California culture, 21
Ickes, Harold, visits Shoshone, 149-150
Indians of the desert, conflicting opinions of, Ch. VII, 43
Indian George Hansen, owner of Indian Ranch, discovered silver at Panamint City, 154, 155, 171-172-173
Ishmael, George, 152
Johnnie Mine, 90
Johnson, Albert, owner and builder of Scotty’s Castle, 133
Johnson, Bob, tamps friend’s grave, 72-73
Johnson, Toppy, supt. of desert mine of W. R. Hearst, 183
Jones, Herman, discovered Red Wing Mine, road builder, 72, 142
Jones, J. P., Nev. silver king at Panamint city, 23, 166, 170
Johnny-Behind-the-Gun, 178-179
Kellogg, Lois, owner of Manse Ranch, 101
Kempfer, Don, mining engineer, official of Sierra Talc. Co., 158
Lee, Philander, owner of Resting Springs Ranch, 97
Lee, Cub, built first house at Shoshone, slays wife and son, 98
Lee, John D., established Lee’s Ferry; executed for massacre of emigrants at Mountain Meadows, 90
Lee, “Shoemaker,” 98
Legend of Swamper Ike, 173-174
Le Moyne, Jean, recipe for coffee, story of mine, death, 176-177
Lone Willow, murders at, 186
Longstreet, Jack, Ash Meadows bad man, 90
Lost Mines, all of Ch. XXII, 154-163
Main, Eddie, 69, 78
McDermot, Archie, Strong Man, 185
McGarn, “Whitey Bill,” 70, 78, 138
Manly, William Lewis, 23, 157, 161
Manse Ranch, 155
Metbury Spring, first name of Shoshone, 72
Myers, Al, discoverer of Gold Field, 50
Modine, Dan, deputy sheriff, early owner of China Ranch, 63, 68, 84
Montgomery, Bob, owner of Montgomery Shoshone Mine, buys Skidoo discovery claim on sight, 54-56
Murray, Billy, saves John S. Cook Bank and Goldfield from “run,” 51
Murietta, Joaquin, 95
Myrick, Shady, exports gem stones, 186
Nadeau, Remi, genius of transportation, 169
Nagle, Dave, 166
Naylor, George, sheriff, treasurer, supervisor of Inyo Co., 102
Nels, Dobe Charlie, at Bodie; at Shoshone, 74-75
Noble, Levi, geologist, 39-40-41
Oakes, Sir Harry; in Alaska; at Greenwater; at Shoshone; makes strike in Canada; builds palace at Niagara Falls; knighted by King George V; slain by son-in-law, it is said—a renegade French count, in Bahamas, 105, 111-112
Oddie, Tasker, mining tycoon, 49-50, 60
Owens Valley, rape of, 147-148
Pacific Coast Borax Co., organized, 28-29
Pahrump Ranch, 23
Panamint City, 166-167-168
Panamint Tom, story of, 23, 109
Perry, J. W. S., supt. Borax Co., designer of 20 mule team wagons, 31
Pietsch, Henry, shot Ballarat judge, 62
Plato, Joe, on the Comstock Lode, 76
Post Office Spring, early army post, 175
Radcliffe Mine, 175
Raines, E. P., genial crook, 165-166
Randsburg, gold discovered at, 181
Rasor, Clarence, Borax Co. official, 151
Resting Springs, named by Mormons, 96
Rich, Charles, Mormon pioneer, 96
Rickard, sports promoter, 51
“Rocky Mountain” George, prospector, 76, 77
Rogers, John, Bennett-Arcane party, 21
Rosie, squaw, love life of, 88
Ryan, Joe, desert philosopher, 70-71, 73, 82
Rhyolite, discovery of gold, 54-55
Saratoga Springs, 93
Schwab, Charles M., at Rhyolite; at Greenwater, 55, 60
Scott, Bob, discoverer of Confidence Mine, 91
Scott, Mary, squaw, 90
Scott, Walter, “Death Valley Scotty,” 69, Ch. XIX, 130
Scrugham, James, Governor and U.S. Senator of Nevada, 77
Searles, John, 32-33, 159
Sherlock, Michael, “Sparkplug,” 180
Skidoo, gold strike, 55-56
Slim, Death Valley, bad man, 102-103
Slim, Jackass, Ch. II, 20; Ch. XI, 64-65
Slocum, Dr. Samuel, 181-186
Smith, Francis M. (“Borax Smith”), 29-33, 38
Smith, “Dad,” Old Man of the Mountains; came with Kit Carson, 184
Smith, Pegleg, 97-98-99
Snake House, 78
Sorrells, Maury, 138
Stewart, Wm. R., Nevada Senator, mines at Panamint City, 23, 170
Stiles, Ed, first driver of 20 mule team, 31, 35, 37
Stump Springs, 23
Stovepipe Wells, 21
Teck, Bellowin’, 23
Tecopa Cap, Indian Chief, 78, 79
Tecopa Hot Spring, 79
Tecopa, John, discoverer of Johnnie Mine, 90
Telescope Peak, 22, 93, 139
Temperature in Death Valley, 41, 42
Tonopah, discovery of silver, 50, 51
Towne’s Pass, named, 21

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