Dedication 5
This Book 9
I A Foretaste of Things to Come 11
II What Caused Death Valley 19
III Aaron and Rosie Winters 25
IV John Searles and His Lake of Ooze 30
V But Where Was God? 35
VI Death Valley Geology 39
VII Indians of the Area 43
VIII Desert Gold. Too Many Fractions 48
IX Romance Strikes the Parson 53
X Greenwater—Last of the Boom Towns 60
XI The Amargosa Country 64
XII A Hovel That Ought To Be a Shrine 82
XIII Sex in Death Valley Country 87
XIV Shoshone Country. Resting Springs 92
XV The Story of Charles Brown 102
XVI Long Man, Short Man 109
XVII Shorty Frank Harris 113
XVIII A Million Dollar Poker Game 125
XIX Death Valley Scotty 130
XX Odd But Interesting Characters 136
XXI Roads. Cracker Box Signs 144
XXII Lost Mines. The Breyfogle and Others 154
XXIII Panamint City. Genial Crooks 164
XXIV Indian George. Legend of the Panamint 171
XXV Ballarat. Ghost Town 175
Index 189

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