A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Z
Adonis, Death of, 76.
Æneas, 74.
Æschylus, 74.
Agesander or Alexander of Antioch, 14, 17, 20, 21, 51.
Alcamenes, 154, 157-159.
Alcard, 44.
Alcuin Bible, 133-135.
Amazon, Etymology of, 63.
Anchises, 68;
and Aphrodite, 74, 75.
Antiochus Euergetes, 150.
Antiochus Soter, 17.
Aphrodite, and Ares, 155-157;
as a universal principle, 65, 73;
Birth of, 62, 69;
Cypris, 65;
Etymology of the name, 62, 64;
Euploia, 162;
Pandemos, 67;
Sosandra, 154, 156;
Urania, 67, 74;
Worship of, 55, 68-75.
Apple, emblem of mother-goddess, 98;
emblem of Venus, 25;
held in hand, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 25, 30, 33, 44, 45, 47;
Melos means, 1, 25;
of empire, 39-40.
Archaic Venus, 154-155.
Ares, Aphrodite and, 155-157.
Artemis, 149.
Astarte, 69, 107;
A later, 105;
and the Dove, 100;
in Cyprus, 106, 110;
Sargent’s, 108, 110;
Worship of, 55.
Asurbanipal, 79, 80.
Athene, 69, 77, 79;
Worship of, 56.
Athens, 54, 56, 67.
Babylon, Trinity in, 98.
Bacchus, 14.
Bain, F. W., 128.
Bajot, 5n.
Bardos, 168, 169.
Battle on the beach, 43, 46-47, 49.
Bell, T., 31.
Bellona, 77.
Beltis, 73, 145, 151.
Benten, 110, 113.
Bethel, 148-150.
Birth, of Aphrodite, 62, 69, 70;
of Syrian goddess, 71.
Boghaz-KÖi, 103-105.
Bottonis, Antonio, 2, 45.
Bottonis, Yorgos, a Greek peasant, 2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 44.
Bottonis, Yorgos, Jr., 45.
Brassempouy, Venus of, 146.
Brest, Louis, 3, 46.
Buddha, Kwan-Yon as the, 112, 115.
CÆsar, 74, 75.
Capua, 55.
Carolsfeld, Schnorr von, 140-141.
Carus, The Bride of Christ, 107;
Soul of Man, 126.
Castro in Melos, 2, 12, 45, 46.
Century Magazine, 2, 6.
Charm of statue, 26, 27.
“Chevrette,” 3, 5.
Christian Trinity, 98-99.
Christianity, 56, 74, 144.
Chthonian Venus, 75, 83, 85.
Clarac, Count de, 13, 15, 50;
Report of, 48.
Cnidian Venus, 160-163, 172.
Cnidos, 73, 163.
Condition of statue, 9-10, 24, 43, 45, 48, 49.
Conybeare, F. C., 56.
Conze, 21.
Corinth, Hierodules in, 74.
Coronet, 24.
Creation, Greek legend of, 62;
Maori legend of, 63n.
Creuzer, 36.
Crouching Venus, 163, 164, 166.
Cyprian Aphrodite, 154.
Cyprus, 76, 107;
Astarte in, 106, 110.
Date of statue, 20, 52.
David, 15.
Debay, Auguste, 15;
Drawing of, 16, 21.
Del Mar, Alexander, 37, 39-40.
Del Mar, Francisca Paloma, 37, 38.
Demeter, 69.
Descent into Hades, 76, 83-95.
Description of statue, 6-8, 22-25, 41, 42, 45, 51, 52.
Diana of Ephesus, 149, 152-153.
DionÆa, 67.
Dione, 65.
Discovery of statue, 2, 5-6, 44.
Dodona, 67.
DorÉ, Gustave, 139, 141.
Dove, 98, 102;
Astarte and the, 100;
Venus sending out the, 36, 37.
Egypt, Trinity in, 98.
Eleusinian mysteries, 83.
Ephesus, Diana of, 149, 152-153.
Epithets of Aphrodite, 65, 67.
Eros, 27, 28, 65, 77n, 83;
in the underworld, 84;
Statue of, 28.
“Estafette,” 3, 4, 43, 46, 47.
Eve, Adam and, in art, 132-141;
Apple of, 127, 138;
Creation of, 125, 127, 135, 138, 140.
Fanaticism, 27, 60.
Farnell, Lewis Richard, 83.
Ferry, Jules, 52;
Report of, 45-47.
Figulus, Nigidius, 71.
Fish, 103;
Isis with the, 102;
Kwan-Yon with the, 110-111;
of the Euphrates, 71;
on Friday, 117.
Foam-born, 62, 69.
Fragments, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12n, 13, 43, 47, 53.
Freer, Charles L., 114.
Freya, 117-120.
FurtwÄngler, 167;
Restoration by, 33.
“Galaxidion,” 46
a>, 48.
Gauttier, 5n.
Gerhard, 154.
Ghiberti, 135-138.
Gilchrist, Edward, 86n.
Glyptothek, 165.
Greek, legend of creation, 62;
philology, 63;
religion, 27.
Guerber, H. A., 117, 119.
Hades, Descent into, 76, 83-95.
Halo, 39-40.
Hasse and Henke, 32, 33.
Hawk, Human-headed, 98.
Heine, Heinrich, 27.
Helios, 40.
HephÆstos, 68.
Hera (Juno), 24;
Worship of, 56.
Heracles, 14, 127;
Etymology of, 63.
Hermae, 6, 7, 8, 13.
Hermes, 14;
(psychopompos), 83.
Hesiod, 62.
Hesperides, Apple of the, 127.
Hierapolis, 102.
Hirt, 77.
History of the statue, 52-60.
Holy Ghost, 98.
Homer, 65.
Homeric hymns, 171-176.
Hypatia, 60.
Idols, Beginning of, 150.
Iduna, Apples of, 127.
India, Trinity in, 98.
Inscription, on plinth, 15, 17;
Votive, 8, 13-14, 50.
Isis, and Horus, 99;
and the fish, 102, 103;
Worship of, 55.
Istar, 71, 79, 80, 81, 107;
and Tammuz, 86;
Carrying in procession the symbol of, 97;
on coin of Tarsus, 150;
Worship of, 55.
Istar’s Descent to Hell, 85-95.
Jeremias, Dr. Alfred, 85.
Jesus, 84.
Jowett, 122-126.
Kalamis, 116.
Rabbit, 103.