Anarchists, The Physiognomy of the. By Cesare Lombroso 336 Anarchist's Reply to Professor Lombroso, A Convicted. By Michael Architecture of Theories, The. By Charles S. Peirce 161 Criminal Anthropology, Illustrative Studies in. (1) "La BÊte Ethics, The Criterion of——an Objective Reality. Editor 552 Evolution, The Factors of. By Joseph Le Conte 321 Evolution, The Right of. By Moncure D. Conway 506 Feelings and the Elements of Feelings. Editor 401 Five Souls with but a Single Thought. By Carus Sterne 245 HÖffding on the Relation of the Mind to the Body. By W. M. Salter 118 Immortality. By George M. Gould 372 Infusoria, The Immortality of. By Alfred Binet 21 Innovation and Inertia in the World of Psychology. By Cesare Magic Mirror, The. By Max Dessoir 87 Mind, The Origin of. By Paul Carus 69 Mind, The Question of Duality of. By R. Meade Bache 362 Philosophy in American Colleges and Universities 148-156 Psycho-Physics, Some Questions of. A Discussion. (1) Sensations Psychology of Conception. By J. Sully 481 Sensations, The Analysis of the. By Ernst Mach 48 Sensations and the Elements of Reality. By Ernst Mach 393 Sex, On the Material Relations of—in Human Society. By E. D. Cope 38 Squaring of the Circle, The. By Hermann Schubert 197 Thought and Language, On. F. Max MÜller 572 Truth, The Criterion of. Editor 229 Wallace on Physiological Selection, A. R. George J. Romanes 1 Welfare, The Principle of. By Harald HÖffding 525 LITERARY CORRESPONDENCE.France. By Lucien ArrÉat 124, 278, 421, 590 German Philosophy in the XIX Century. By F. Jodl 263 The Modern Literature of Italy since 1870. By C. Lombroso 428 The Science of Pedagogy in Germany. Chr. Ufer 597 BOOK REVIEWS.Abbott, Francis Ellingwood. The Way Out of Agnosticism 129 Bois-Reymond, Paul Du. Ueber die Grundlagen der Erkenntnis in den exacten Wissenschaften 608 Booth, General. In Darkest England and the Way Out 451 Bray, Charles. The Philosophy of Necessity 136 Brinton, Daniel G. Races and Peoples 131 BÜchner, Ludwig. Fremdes und Eigenes aus dem geistigen Leben der Gegenwart 303 Carneri, B. Der Moderne Mensch 607 Carus, Paul. The Soul of Man 620 Clarke, James Freeman. Deacon Herbert's Bible Class 305 Coit, Stanton. Die ethische Bewegung in der Religion 301 Cox, Charles F. Protoplasm and Life 297 Dewey, John. Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics 600 Dillmann, C. Die Mathematik die FackeltrÄgerin einer neuen Zeit 617 Edinger, Ludwig. Twelve Lectures on the Structure of the Central Everett, Charles Carroll. The Science of Thought 287 Forel, August. Der Hypnotismus 605 Fullerton, George Stuart. On Sameness and Identity 291 Geddes, Patrick, and J. Arthur Thomson. The Evolution of Sex 439 Haeckel, Ernst. Plankton-Studien 455 Harris, William T. Introduction to the Study of Philosophy 438 HÖffding, Harald. Ethik 139 James, William. The Principles of Psychology 284 Jastrow, Joseph. The Time-Relations of Mental Phenomena 290 Jodl, Friedrich. Geschichte der Ethik in der neueren Philosophie 137 Krause, Ernst. Tuisko-Land der arischen StÄmme und Kroman, K. Kurzgefasste Logik und Psychologie 142 Lehmann, Alfred. Die Hypnose und die damit verwandten normalen Loeb, Jacques. Der Heliotropismus der Thiere 300 Loeb, Jacques. Untersuchungen zur physiologischen Morphologie der Thiere 300 Lombroso, Cesare. Der geniale Mensch 146 Mackenzie, John S. An Introduction to Social Philosophy 601 Mantegazza, Paolo. Physiognomy and Expression 447 Moll, Albert. Hypnotism 604 Morgan, C. Lloyd. Animal Life and Intelligence 443 Naden, Constance C. W. Induction and Deduction 292 Natorp, Paul. Einleitung in die Psychologie nach kritischer Peet, Stephen D. Emblematic Mounds and Animal Effigies 295 Post, Albert Hermann. Ueber die Aufgaben einer allgemeinen Royer, Madame ClÉmence. Nouveaux aperÇus sur la Phylogenie Savage, M. J. Life 296 Schopenhauer, Arthur. Le Monde comme VolontÉ et comme Sterrett, J. Macbride. Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Religion 133 Sterne, Carus. Die allgemeine Weltanschauung 456 Taylor, Isaac. The Origin of the Aryans 435 Ufer, Christian. GeistesstÖrungen in der Schule 619 Wolff, Joh. Das Bewusstsein und sein Object 147 PERIODICALS 157-160; 307-320; 459-480; 621-640 |