
[The veil of clouds comes down, and when it rises we see Yasodhara's bedroom again.]

Siddhattha (B) enters. Yasodhara (Y) sleeps with the babe in her arms.

B. Here lie the rarest treasures of this life,
My noble wife, my dear boy Rahula.

Siddhattha approaches the bed.

Your sleep is sweet in your sweet innocence,
And I will not disturb your blissful rest.
I will go out in search for saving Truth
And shall not come again unless 't be found
Farewell my wife and Rahula my son.
Must I be gone? Is this, in sooth, my duty?

He goes toward the door. There he stops.

Perchance on their account I ought to stay.
But no! my father can take care of them.
It is my tender heart that makes me weak.
This is the greatest sacrifice I bring.


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