
Adige, the, 132
Aerschot, Anne, Duchess of, death of her husband, 329;
birth of a son, 333;
her letters to Mary, Queen of Hungary, 368, 523;
at Joinville, 464;
at Lorraine, 484;
retires to Diest, 485;
her death, 487
Aerschot, Duke of, 79, 142;
receives the Ambassadors, 184;
his defeat at Sittard, 280;
third marriage, 323;
death, 329
Aerschot, Philip of, 484
Agincourt, Battle of, 257
Agrippa, Cornelius, 50, 58
Aigues-Mortes, 172
Aix-la-Chapelle, 27, 43, 135
Aix, siege of, 118
Alberi, E., "Le Relazioni degli Ambasciatori," 528
Albret, Jeanne d', 235.
See Navarre, Princess of
AlenÇon, Duke of, 507
AlenÇon, Margaret, Duchess of, Queen of Navarre, 10
Alessandria, 509
Algiers, expedition to, 267
Alsace, 353, 374
Alsace, Gerard d', 256
Alsener Sound, 65
Altmeyer, J., "Isabelle d'Autriche," 13 note, 15 note, 33 note, 40 note, 43 note, et seq., 528;
"Relations Commerciales du Danemark et les Pays-Bas," 34 note, 37 note, 38 note, et seq., 528
Alva, Duchess of, in London, 391
Alva, Duke of, Commander-in-Chief, 383;
in London, 391;
war with Pope Paul IV., 409;
appointed Captain-General of the Netherlands, 486
Alzei, 402
Amager, island of, 19
Amboise, 463
Amigone, Mario, 96
AndrÉ, St., Marshal, taken prisoner at St. Quentin, 417;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428
AngoulÊme, Duke of, 114
Anjou, Henry, Duke of, 489;
succeeds to the throne, 490
Anjou, Margaret of, 257
Annebaut, Admiral l', 291
Anne of Cleves, her appearance, 225;
her marriage pronounced null and void, 236
Annonville, 268
Antwerp, 27, 39, 201;
riots at, 485
Apennines, the, 116
Aragon, Don Carlos of, Duke of Terranuova, Viceroy of Milan, 499
Aragon, Ferdinand of, 10
Aremberg, Count d', 331, 479;
killed in battle, 487
Aremberg, Jacques d', at Frankfurt, 470
Aremberg, Margaret, Countess of, 382, 479, 480;
at Nancy, 485
Arena, 117
Aretino, Pietro, 96;
his portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Milan, 96;
his tribute to the Duke, 110;
"Lettere," 529
Armstrong, Ed., "Cambridge Modern History," 507 note, 529
Arras, Antoine Perrenot, Bishop of, at Augsburg, 319;
his portrait, 322;
Imperial Chancellor, 342;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428;
of CÂteau-CambrÉsis, 436;
on the rivalry between Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, and the Duchess of Parma, 459
Arras, Bishop of, proclaims Charles V. Archduke of Austria and Prince of Castille, 3
Arundel, Fitzalan, Earl of, 158 note
Arundel, Thomas Howard, Earl of, 158 note
Arundel, Lord, 415;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428, 432
Ascham, Roger, 321;
"Works," 319 note, 529;
his journey up the Rhine, 339;
description of royal personages, 344, 346
Ashmole, E., "The Order of the Garter," 392 note, 529
Asti, 116
Aubespine, Sebastien de l', at the Conference of Cercamp, 428;
at Ghent, 457;
"NÉgociations au RÈgne de FranÇois II.," 457 note, 531
Audley, Chancellor, 162
Augsburg, 60;
Diet of, 318, 337;
prorogued, 323, 346;
festivities at, 338
Aumale, Count, 253;
at Joinville, 270;
failure of his negotiations of marriage, 270;
wounded, 307;
his wish to marry Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 312;
marriage with Anna d'Este, 326;
created a Duke Governor of Savoy, 333;
his capture, 379
Austria, Don John of, 488;
appointed Governor of the Netherlands, 492;
at Luxembourg, 492;
his letter to Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 493;
victory of Gembloux, 494;
death, 495
Austria, Elizabeth of, at Nancy, 490
Austria, Philip, Archduke of, his death, 1;
funeral, 2
Avenati, P., "Entrata Solemne di Cristina di Spagna," 92 note, 529
Avignano, Count, 396
Avignon, 118
Axe, Torben, 24
Ayamonte, Marquis of, 497
Badoer, Venetian Ambassador, 396, 406
Bar, 239, 284, 476
Bar, Duke and Duchess of, 252.
See Lorraine
Barack, K., "Zimmerische Chronik," 529
Barbarossa, his flight, 106
Barcelona, contract signed at, 74, 104
Bari, duchy of, 453
Barlow, John, Dean of Westbury, 205
Barres, Guillaume des, 48
Bassompierre, 360, 377;
at Denoeuvre, 373
Baumgarten, H., "Geschichte Karl V.," 23 note, 529
Bavaria, Maximilian, Duke of, his marriage, 512
Bavaria, William, Duke of, his marriage with RenÉe of Lorraine, 488
Bavon's Abbey, St., demolition of, 230
Bayonne, 220
Beard, Mr., 205
Beaumont, Castle of, 242, 246
Beaumont, Dame Anne de, 6
Bellay, M. du, "MÉmoires," 250 note, 530
Belloni, NiccolÒ, 129, 141, 347;
his letters to Gadio, 348-350;
sent to Brussels, 375;
his disappearance, 375
Beltrami, L., "Il Castello di Milano," 529
Bergh, L. van, "Correspondance de M. d'Autriche," 21 note, 529
Berghen, Madame de, 142, 154, 198
Berghen, Marquis of, 185, 252
Berlin, 39, 40
Bianca, Empress, 7, 72
Binche, destruction of the Palace of, 390
Bisignano, Prince of, 66
Blamont, 370
Blois, 462
Bohemia, Anna of, her death, 320
Bohemia, King and Queen of, at Brussels, 405
Bois-le-Duc, 212
Boleyn, Anne, 144, 150
Bologna, 73, 74
Bonner, Bishop, 182, 213
Bonvalot, FranÇois, Abbot of Luxeuil, 299;
his letter on the Regency of Lorraine, 300;
present at the funeral of Antoine, Duke of Lorraine, 305
Bomy, truce at, 137
Borromeo, Carlo, Archbishop of Milan, 500
Bottigella, Councillor Pier Francesco, 78;
his instructions on the reception of Christina, Duchess of Milan, 84
BouillÉ, R. de, "Histoire des Ducs de Guise," 222 note, 529
Bouillon, Godfrey of, 256
Boullay, Édmond du, 253
Boulogne, siege of, 292
Bourbon, Antoinette de, 147, 258.
See Guise
Bourbon, RenÉe de, her marriage, 11, 258
Boussu, Grand Equerry, in London, 391
Bradford, W., "Itinerary of Charles V.," 244 note, 529
Bragadin, Lorenzo, Venetian Envoy, 113
Brandenburg, Albert, Marquis of, 285, 318;
his career, 320;
appearance, 321;
admiration for Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 321;
declines to take part in the tournament at Brussels, 332;
his departure, 332;
secret intrigues with France, 354, 357;
his plundering, 377;
offers a refuge to Christina, 377;
captures Aumale, 379;
meeting with Charles V., 379;
his courtship of Christina, 383;
routed at the Battle of Sievershausen, 384;
death, 385
Brandenburg, Elizabeth of, embraces the Lutheran faith, 41;
her flight with her brother, 56
Brandenburg, Joachim, Marquis of, 39, 41;
at the marriage of King Christian II., 13
BrantÔme, P. de, his sketch of Christina of Denmark, vii;
"Œuvres ComplÈtes," 529
Breda, Castle of, 174
Brederode, Count, 183, 252
BrÉgilles, M. de, 55
Brenner Pass, 133, 372
Brian, Ambassador, 281
Brittany, Anne of, 3; her death, 11
Brousse, Jean de la, 314, 372
Browne, Sir Anthony, 182
Bruges, 30, 236
Brunswick, Dorothea, Duchess of, at the Court of Spain, 502;
return to GÖttingen, 503;
death of her husband, 503;
joins her mother at Tortona, 505;
her second marriage, 511;
death, 511
Brunswick, Eric, Duke of, 480;
his marriage with Dorothea of Lorraine, 490;
summoned to Spain, 502;
return to GÖttingen, 503;
his death, 503
Brunswick, Henry, Duke of, 39, 40
Brusquet, the jester, 404
Brussels, 8, 104, secret treaty with King Henry VIII., 280;
success at DÜren, 280;
lays siege to LandrÉcy, 280;
declines proposals of peace, 281, 282, 285;
his treaty with Christian III., 283;
visit to the convent, 285;

at St. Dizier, 286;
his wish for peace, 291;
signs a treaty, 292;
at Brussels, 293, 324, 381;
campaign against the League of Schmalkalde, 317;
victory of MÜhlberg, 318;
his portrait, 322;
at Augsburg, 337;
difficulties in obtaining the recognition of his son Philip as his successor, 341-347;
appearance, 344, 378;
intrigues against, 354, 357;
takes refuge at Innsbruck, 355;
at Villach, 372;
enters Strasburg, 377;
meeting with Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, 379;
raises the siege of Metz, 380;
on the union of Queen Mary with his son, 387;
his intention to abdicate, 398;
abdication, 400-402;
resigns the kingdoms of Spain and Sicily, 403;
departure for Ghent, 406;
embarks at Flushing, 406;
his retreat at St. Yuste, 417;
death, 430;
funeral, 433-435;
letters from Christina, 525
Charles VI., Emperor, 513
Charles VIII. of France, 3
Charles IX. of France, proclaimed King, 464;
his coronation, 467
Charles the Bold of Burgundy, 9;
defeated at Nancy, 257;
removal of his bones to Bruges, 336
ChÂtelhÉrault, 250
Cheyney, Sir Thomas, Ambassador, 308
Chimay, Charles, Prince of, 242;
his affection for Louise de Guise, 242;
marriage, 244
Chimay, Louise, Princess of, her letter on her happy marriage, 247;
death, 278
Christian II., King of Denmark, his proposals of marriage, 12;
coronation, 12;
marriage by proxy, 13;
reception of Queen Isabella, 15;
wedding, 15;
characteristics, 17, 18;
appearance, 18, 29;
relations with Dyveke, 18;
treatment of his wife, 19, 20, 24, 39;
misconduct, 20;
elected Knight of the Golden Fleece, 25;
crowned in the Cathedral of Upsala, 25;
sympathy with the Lutheran faith, 26, 40, 45;
his title of Nero of the North, 26;
reforms, 26;
journey through Germany, 27;
portraits, 28, 29, 41;
meeting with Charles V., 28;
at Ghent, 29;
interview with Cardinal Wolsey, 30;
appeals for help, 33, 45;
deposed, vi, 33, 39;
his flight, 34;
at Malines, 36;
arrival in England, 37;
meeting with Henry VIII., 37;
infatuation for Sigebritt, 38, 39;
raises a force in Germany, 39;
intimacy with Luther, 41;
at Lierre, 44;
extravagance, 44;
death of his wife, 46;
intention to invade Denmark, 49;
plunderings and ravages, 49, 56;
picture of his children, 53;
his public recantation, 57;
return to Malines, 57;
invasion of Holland, 62;
sails to Norway, 63;
his reception, 64;
disbands his forces, 64;
imprisonment, 65;
removed to Kallundborg Castle, 327;
his death, 449
Christian III., King of Denmark, his succession disputed, 103;
secret treaty with France, 275;
his treaty with Charles V., 283
Christina of Denmark, her birth, 32;
life at Malines, 50-53;
portraits, v, 54, 96, 155, 157, 158 note, 509, 514;
present at the festivities at Brussels, 66;
proposal of marriage from the Duke of Milan, 74;
love of riding, 75, 141;
character, vi, 75, 97;
appearance, v, 80, 86, 98, 149, 466;
wedding, 81, 94;
letters to her husband, 83, 100, 516;
dowry, 83;
her journey to Milan, 83-90;
at Cussago, 88;
first sight of her husband, 89;
state entry into Milan, 90-93;
popularity, 98, 141, 264, 408, 415, 450;
lessons in Italian, 99;
death of her husband, 101, 107;
offers of marriage, 113-115, 207, 383;
meeting with her uncle Charles V., 117, 377;
petitions to Cardinal Caracciolo, 119, 120;
reception at Pavia, 122;
attack of fever, 127, 210;
departure from Pavia, 129;
journey to Brussels, 129-135;
meeting with her sister Dorothea, 134;
at Heidelberg, 134, 378;
her life at Brussels, 141, 294, 327, 382;
at the Castle of Breda, 174;
return to Brussels, 183, 448;
her interview with Wriothesley, 191-194;
negotiations of marriage with Henry VIII. broken off, 204;
her suitors, 207, 312, 321, 383, 387;
reception of her sister Dorothea, 212;
affection for Prince RenÉ of Orange, 218, 232, 238;
at Valenciennes, 224;
her betrothal to Francis, Duke of Lorraine, 244;
marriage, 245, 251;
journey to Pont-À-Mousson, 253;
reception at Nancy, 254;
on the love of her husband, 264;
at Fontainebleau, 265;
her letters to Granvelle on the cession of Stenay, 266, 271;
reception at Joinville, 268;
her reason for rejecting Henry VIII., 274;
at Esclaron, 276, 461;
birth of a son, 279;
at Spires, 282;
her efforts for peace, 282;
birth of a daughter, 283;
return to Nancy, 294, 322, 482;
death of her husband, 297;
appointed Regent of Lorraine, 298, 302;
birth of a second daughter, 302;
her friendship with the Princess of Orange, 303;
letter to Abbot Bonvalot, 308;
reception of Francis I., 312;
refusal to
marry, 312;
at Augsburg, 318, 337-339;
measures for the defence of Nancy, 323;
departure from Brussels, 332;
at the funeral of the Duke of Guise, 335;
her retinue, 340;
entertainment of Frederic and Dorothea, 352;
fear of the invasion of Lorraine by the French, 356, 359;
at Joinville, 356;
her interview with Henry II., 361;
reception of him at Nancy, 363;
deprived of the Regency, 364;
appeal to Henry II., 365, 371;
distress at parting with her son, 366, 370;
appeal to Queen Mary, 367;
retires to Blamont, 370;
her illness, 371, 476, 477, 485, 488, 497, 509;
at Denoeuvre, 372;
ordered to leave, 374;
takes refuge in Alsace, 374;
at Hoh-KÖnigsberg, 377;
visits to England, 394, 413-416;
present at the abdication of Charles V., 401;
at Ghent, 406, 416, 457;
meeting with her son, 421-423, 435, 440;
affection for William, Prince of Orange, 425;
presides at the Conference of Cercamp, 426-432;
refusal to attend the wedding of her son, 436;
presides at the Conference of CÂteau-CambrÉsis, 437-447;
death of her father, 449;
her sorrow at not being appointed Regent of the Netherlands, 452;
request for the duchy of Bari, 453;
refuses the Castle of Lecce, 455;
relations with the Duchess of Parma, 459;
return to Lorraine, 460;
meeting with King Francis II. and Queen Mary of Scots, 461;
acts as Regent of Lorraine, 463;
reception of Mary, Queen of Scots, 465;
at Reims, 466;
at Frankfurt, 470;
agreement with the Bishop of Toul, 472;
rebuilds the salt-works of Les RosiÈres, 472;
birth of a grandson, 473;
interview with Cardinal Granvelle, 474;
her wish to recover Denmark, 469, 106;
meeting with her sister Christina at Heidelberg, 134;
at Toledo, 211;
visit to her aunt Eleanor, 211;
at the Hague, 212;
her appeal on behalf of her father, 231;
at the funeral of the Duke of Lorraine, 310;
her visit to Nancy, 351-353;
death of her husband, 402;
at JÜlich, 416;
Neuburg, 417, 468;
death, 469;
inscription on her monument, 469
Doulans, M. de, 374
Dover, 413
Dreux, Battle of, 471
Drondtheim, Archbishop of, 14, 19, 64
Drouin, Simon, 511
DÜren, surrender of, 280
DÜrer, Albert, extract from his Journal, 27;
his portraits of King Christian II. of Denmark, 28, 29
Edward VI., King, his birth, 145;
his death, 386
Effingham, Lord Howard of, at the Conference of CÂteau-CambrÉsis, 437;
on the marriage of Queen Elizabeth, 440
Egmont, Anne of, 400
Egmont, Count Lamoral d', his wedding, 283;
christening of his daughter, 393;
his victory at Gravelines, 424;
at Frankfurt, 470;
result of his mission to Philip of Spain, 481;
arrested, 486;
execution, 487
Egmont, Floris d', at Brussels, 201
Egmont, Margaret of, her marriage, 324;
death, 390.
See Vaudemont

Egmont, Mary Christina, her christening, 393
Egmont, Philippa of, 257
Elbe, the, 39
Elboeuf, Marquis of, at Mon Soulas, 440
Eleanor, Archduchess, of Austria, 4;
attack of smallpox, 5;
education, 6;
offers of marriage, 12;
her affection for Frederic, Count Palatine, 21;
Queen of Portugal, 24;
of France, 137;
at CompiÈgne, 177;
meeting with her sister Mary, 178;
her appearance, 178, 339;
reception of her brother Charles V., 221;
at Brussels, 293, 325;
her death, 430
Elizabeth, Princess, of France, her christening, 308;
proposals of marriage, 392, 412, 446;
marriage with Philip of Spain, 456
Elizabeth, Queen of England, her accession, 432;
invitation to Christina, 457
Ely, Bishop of, at the Conference of Cercamp, 428, 432;
of CÂteau-CambrÉsis, 436
Emanuel, King of Portugal, 9;
death of his second wife, 22;
third marriage, 24;
death, 102
England, war declared with France, 417
Épernay, 291
Erasmus of Rotterdam, 28
Eric, King of Sweden, his negotiations with Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 478;
proposal of marriage with RenÉe of Lorraine, 482;
his unstable character, 483;
deposed, 483
Esclaron, 275, 476
Esslingen, 339
Este, Anna d', her marriage with Count Aumale, 326;
appearance, 326
Este, Duchess Beatrice d', 7;
her death, 72;
country-house of Cussago, 89
Este, Francesco d', 289
Étampes, Madame d', 179, 245, 293
Exeter, Lord, imprisoned in the Tower, 136;
his execution, 186
Farnese, Cardinal, 225, 228, 235
Farnese, Cecilia, 115
Farnese, Ottavio, 354, 410
Farnese, Vittoria, 225;
her marriage, 270
Faye, Hugues de la, his decoration of the Palace of Nancy, 272
Ferdinand, King, his marriage, 11;
at Nuremberg, 40;
his treatment of his sister Isabella, 40;
King of the Romans, at Ghent, 230;
departure from, 235;
at Augsburg, 318, 337;
death of his wife, 319;
love of music, 320;
his portrait, 322;
refusal to accept Philip of Spain as coadjutor, 341-345;
his character, 344;
death, 478
FÈre, La, 183
Feria, Count, 425, 431
Ferrara, Alfonso d' Este, Duke of, 95;
at the wedding of the Duke of Milan, 95;
his death, 95;
will, 95
Ferrari, Gian Battista, 153;
his impressions of England, 170;
of Henry VIII., 171
Fiennes, Madame de, 79
Florence, 508
Florence, Alexander, Duke of, 115
Flushing, 406
Foix, Germaine de, 28
Fontaine, M. de, 374
Fontainebleau, 221, 265, 279
FÖrstemann, C., "Neues Urkundenbuch," 41 note, 530
France, war declared with England, 417;
outbreak of civil war, 471, 487
Francis I., King of France, on Henry VIII.'s proposed marriage, 147;
his reconciliation with Charles V., 172;
meeting with Queen Mary of Hungary, 177;
treaty with Charles V., 195;
reception of Frederic,
Count Palatine, and Dorothea, 211;
reception of Charles V., 221-223;
on the death of Cromwell, 237;
treatment of the Duke of Lorraine, 265;
demands the cession of Stenay, 266;
his secret treaty with Christian III., 275;
at Esclaron, 275;
campaign against Charles V., 277;
disbands his forces, 277;
terms of peace, 292;
death of his son, 304;
at Joinville, 311, 313;
at Bar, 311;
his death, 315
Francis II., King of France, his protest against the treaty, 292;
marriage with Mary, Queen of Scots, 420;
accession, 457;
coronation, 460;
at Lorraine, 461;
at Blois, 462;
death, 464
Frankfurt, 470
Frederic II., Elector Palatine, his affection for Eleanor of Austria, 21;
banished from Court, 23;
his negotiations of marriage, 102-104;
marriage, 105;
at Toledo, 211;
his visit to the King of France, 211;
illness, 211;
at the Hague, 212;
visit to England, 213-217;
reception at Windsor, 215;
return to Brussels, 217;
his designs against Denmark, 230;
efforts to raise a loan, 241;
his claim to Denmark, 274;
succeeds to the Palatinate, 282;
joins the League of Schmalkalde, 317;
his loyalty to Charles V., 317;
love of travel, 351;
journey to Nancy, 351-353;
his influence in Germany, 378;
welcome to Christina, 379;
his death, 402;
burial, 403
Frederic, King of Denmark, recognition of his title, 42;
death, 72
Frederic III., King of Denmark, his unpopularity, 468;
negotiations of marriage with RenÉe of Lorraine, 475
Frederic of Zimmern, Elector Palatine, 469
French, the, threaten to invade Milan, 116
Friedberg, Castle of, 488
Friedewald, treaty at, 354
Friedmann, P., "Les DÉpÊches de Michieli," 398 note, 530
Frizzi, A., "MÉmorie per la Storia di Ferrara," 530
Gachard, L., "Relation des Troubles de Gand," 220 note, 228 note, 530;
"Retraite et Mort de Charles V.," 62 note, 331 note, 530;
"Voyages de Charles V.," 283 note, 319 note, 530;
"Voyages des Souverains des Pays-Bas," 1, 117 note, 246 note, 530
Gadio, Innocenzo, 347;
letter from Contessa Trivulzio, 526
Gaillard, M., Director of the Brussels Archives, vii
Gallerati, Count Tommaso, 75
Gambara, Cesare, Bishop of Tortona, 500
Gardner, E., "A King of Court Poets," 95 note, 530
Garonne, the, 250
Gaye, G., "Carteggio Inedito di Artisti dei Secoli XV.," 530
Gemappes, Castle of, 43
Gembloux, victory of, 494
Genoa, 119
Ghent, 29, 78, 406, 416, 457;
revolt at, 219;
royal procession into, 228;
sentence of condemnation, 229;
riots at, 485
Gheynst, Margaret van, 410
Ghilino, Camillo, Ambassador to Milan, 74, 85, 106;
"Annali di Alessandria," 107 note, 498 note, 530;
his illness and death, 107
Gioe, Court-Marshal Magnus, Danish Ambassador, 12;
representative of King Christian II. at his marriage, 13
Giussani, Signor Achille, vii
Glay, E. Le, "Correspondance l'Empereur Maximilian I. et de Marguerite d'Autriche," 5 note, 531
Gomez, Ruy, 338;
in London, 391;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428
Gonzaga, Chiara, 258
Gonzaga, Cardinal Ercole, 91
Gonzaga, Ferrante, 66;
recovers Luxembourg, 284;
at St. Dizier, 286;
in London, 391
Gorzes, Abbey of, 356
GÖttingen, 503
Goulart. S., "MÉmoires de la Ligue," 506 note, 530
Granado, Sir Jacques de, 416
Granvelle, Imperial Chancellor, 114;
letters from Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, on the cession of Stenay, 266, 271;
his portrait, 322;
death, 342
Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot,
created Cardinal, 470;
compelled to retire, 473;
his reception at Nancy, 474;
on the efforts of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, to recover Denmark, 488;
his death, 505;
"Papiers d'État," 114 note, 128 note, 220 note, 277 note, 530
Gravelines, victory at, 424
Gravelines, Captain of, 198
Gravesend, 413
Great Mary, 35
Greenwich, 37, 412
Gregory XIII., Pope, 499
Gresham, Sir Thomas, 395;
present at the abdication of Charles V., 401
Grey, Lady Katherine, 158 note
Groenendal, Abbey of, 287
GrÜmbach, Willem von, 475
Guasco, Maddalena, 509
Guazzo, Giorgio, 75;
"Historie d'Italia," 92 note, 530
Guelders, Charles of Egmont, Duke of;
his proposal of marriage, 10;
conflict with the Regent of the Netherlands, 36;
his illness, 138;
choice of a successor, 138
Guelders, Philippa of. See Philippa, Duchess of Lorraine
Guicciardini, L., "Paesi-Bassi," 141 note, 530
Guise, Anna d' Este, Duchess of, birth of a son, 334
Guise, Antoinette de Bourbon, Duchess of, 147, 258;
her letters to her daughter, 167, 168 note, breaks off his engagement with FrÄulein Kunigunde, 328;
courtship of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 328, 387, 402;
takes leave of Charles V., 402;
his marriage with Christina of Hesse, 479
Holstein, Frederic, Duke of, his hostile attitude to King Christian II. of Denmark, 33;
elected King of Denmark, 33, 39
Hoogstraaten, Commissioner, 184
Horn, Count, arrested, 486
Howard, Lord William, 146, 255;
recalled and sent to the Tower, 273;
created a peer, 437.
See Effingham
Howard, Queen Catherine, her trial and execution, 273
Hubert, his Chronicle of Charles V., 103

Hugo, L., "TraitÉ sur l'Origine de la Maison de Lorraine," 238 note, 531
Huguenot conspiracy, discovery of a, 463
Hungary, Ladislaus, King of, 11
Hungary, Mary, Queen of, 11.
See Mary
Hutton, John, Ambassador, 137;
his opinion of Christina, Duchess of Milan, 149, 153, 161;
his method of ingratiating himself with Mary, Queen of Hungary, 161;
illness and death, 171
Hvidore, 15
Innsbruck, 7, 57, 60, 134, 355
Isabella, Empress, birth of a son, 210;
death, 210
Isabella of Aragon, 94
Isabella of Austria, 4;
her birth, 4;
attack of smallpox, 5;
education, 6;
offers of marriage, 10;
dowry, 12;
marriage ceremony, 13;
journey to Copenhagen, 15;
letter to her aunt, 15;
state entry, 15;
her wedding with King Christian II. of Denmark, 15;
coronation, 16;
illness, 16, 45;
her miserable life, 22;
birth of a son, 24;
birth and death of twin sons, 25;
birth of her daughters, 27, 32;
flight from Denmark, 35;
return to Malines, 36, 39;
arrival in England, 37;
noble qualities, 38;
loyalty to her husband, 40;
embraces the Lutheran faith, 40;
at Lierre, 44;
her straits for money, 44;
death, vi, 46;
burial, 47;
monument, 47;
destruction of her tomb, 485
Isabella of Portugal, her marriage, 48
IsÈre, gorge of the, 86
James V., King of Scotland, 30, 59;
his fickle character, 71, 101;
marriages, 147, 148, 165;
death, 278
Jean de Maurienne, S., 86
John, Prince, of Denmark, 24, 35;
under the care of the Regent, 50;
his education, 50;
life at Malines, 50-53;
portrait, 54;
character, 54;
meeting with his uncle, 59;
journey to Brussels, 66;
at Regensburg, 67;
illness and death, 68
Joinville, 166, 244, 268, 311, 360;
destruction of, averted, 290
Joinville, Henri, Prince of, 421
Juana, Queen, 61;
death of her husband, 2;
her children, 4;
death, 398
JÜlich, 416
Julius II., Pope, 7
Juste, T., "Les Pays-Bas sous Charles V.," 62 note, 66 note, 531;
"Marie de Hongrie," 294 note, 390 note, 531
Jutland, 15;
rising in, 31;
invasion of, 103
Kallundborg Castle, 327, 449
Katherine, Queen of England, 37;
her death, 145
Katherine, Queen of Portugal, birth of a son, 66
Kaulek. J., "Correspondance Politique de M. de Castillon," 147 note, 531
Kildare, Lady, 413
KÖstlin, J., "Leben Luthers," 41 note, 531
Kunigunde, von Brandenburg, FrÄulein, 328
Ladislaus, King of Hungary, 11
Lalaing, Count, 184, 241, 411;
at Augsburg, 338
Landau, 377
LandrÉcy, siege of, 280
Lanz, K., "Correspondenz Karls V.," 42 note, 531
Lavisse, E., "Histoire de France," 531
Laxou, 254
Lecce, Castle of, 455
Leghorn, 508
Leigh, John, 459
Lennox, Lady, 413
Lenoncourt, M. de, 508
Leo X., Pope, 72
Leonardo, his picture the "Cenacolo," 272
Lepage, H., "Le Palais Ducal de Nancy," 260 note, 261 note, 273 note, 295 note, 323 note, 472 note, 491 note, 531;
"Lettres de Charles III.," 508 note, 531
Leva, G. de, "Storia Documentata di Carlo V.," 113 note, 531
Leyden, Lucas van, 28
Leyva, Antonio de, 89, 90, 94, 109;
appointed Governor-General of Milan, 112;
his death, 118
LiÉge, Bishop of, 154
Lierre, 44
Ligier-Richier, fils, Jean, 510
Ligier-Richier, Jean, his effigy of RenÉ, Prince of Orange, 288;
of Queen Philippa, 316
Ligny, 277
Lille, 79; military operations at, 137
Linz, 12
Lisle, Lady, 214, 217
Lisle, Lord, Deputy Governor of Calais, 204, 214
Litta, P., "Famiglie Celebri," 531
Llan Hawaden, 205, 206
Loches, 221
Lodge, E., "Illustrations," 328 note, 384 note, 531
Lomboni, Don Antonio, 96
Longueval, De, 304
Longueville, Duke of, 253, 268, 307;
at Esclaron, 275;
his death, 356
Longueville, Mary, Duchess of, 146;
offers of marriage, 147;
marriage with James V., King of Scotland, 148, 165
Longwy, Castle of, 279
Loreto, pilgrimage to the shrine of, 497
Lorraine, surrender of, 512;
a province of France, 513
Lorraine, Anne de, her appearance, 167;
marriage with Prince RenÉ of Orange, 239.
See Orange and Aerschot
Lorraine, Antoine, Duke of, 179;
his marriage, 11, 258;
character of his administration, 261;
death of his wife, 262;
at Fontainebleau, 265;
yields the fortress of Stenay, 266;
his mediation for peace between Charles V. and King Francis, 281, 284;
illness and death, 284;
funeral, 305
Lorraine, Antoinette de, Duchess of Cleves, 512
Lorraine, Cardinal of, 239, 423;
at the Conference for peace at Cercamp, 426
Lorraine, Catherine of, takes the veil, 512;
founds a Capucin convent, 512;
appointed Abbess of Remiremont, 512
Lorraine, Charles III., Duke of, his birth, 279;
appearance, 352, 364;
reception of Henry II., 363;
parting with his mother, 366, 370;
at Joinville, 370;
his proposed marriage with Princess Claude, 410;
portrait, 420;
meeting with his mother, 421-423, 435, 440;
his feats of horsemanship, 422;
return to CompiÈgne, 423;
lavish generosity, 435;
his wedding, 435;
meeting with Philip of Spain, 441;
at Brussels, 449;
at Amboise, 463;
at the coronation of Charles IX., 467;
state entry into Nancy, 471;
enlarges the ducal palace, 472;
his sons and daughters, 489;
death of his wife, 490;
love of learning, 491;
marriage of his daughter Christina, 508;
death, 511
Lorraine, Christina, Duchess of. See Christina
Lorraine, Christine de, 489;
at the French Court, 490, 507;
her marriage with the Grand-Duke Ferdinand of Tuscany, 507, 508;
festivities at Florence, 508;
her portrait, 509
Lorraine, Claude, Duchess of, at Mon Soulas, 442;
birth of a son, 473;
attack of smallpox, 473;
her sons and daughters, 489;
death, 490;
portrait, 509
Lorraine, Dorothea of, her birth, 302;
appearance, 352;
marriage with Duke Eric of Brunswick, 490;
death of her husband, 503;
her second marriage, 511;
death, 511.
See Brunswick
Lorraine, Elizabeth of, her marriage, 512
Lorraine, Francis I., Duke of, vi, 179;
his betrothal to Christina, Duchess of Milan, 244;
marriage, 245, 251;
assumes the title of Duke of Bar, 249;
receives the Order of St. Michel, 265, 271;
his grief at the cession of Stenay, 266, 271;
illness, 284, 291, 294, 296;
succeeds to the dukedom, 284;
his efforts for peace, 291;
love of music, 294;
his entry into Nancy, 296;
death, 297;
funeral, 309
Lorraine, Francis III., Duke of, his marriage with Maria Theresa, 512;
surrenders Lorraine, 512
Lorraine, Henry, Duke of, his birth, 473;
christening, 476
Lorraine, John of, 257
< ge_22" class="pginternal">22
Mary, Princess, of England, 6;
her marriage, 11
Mary, Queen of England, her proposed marriage with the Infant Don Louis of Portugal, 162;
her accession, 386;
proposed union with Philip of Spain, 387;
her wedding, 388;
supposed birth of a son, 395;
ill-temper at the absence of her husband, 409;
illness, 431;
death, 432;
letter from Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 526
Mary, Dowager-Queen of Scotland, letters from her mother, 167, 168 note, 518, 519, 520, 522;

death of her children, 269;
birth of a daughter, 278;
death of her husband, 278;
of her father, 335;
of her son, 356;
letter from the Princess de Chimay, 521
Mary, Queen of Scots, her arrival in France, 333;
marriage with Francis II. of France, 420;
at Lorraine, 461;
at Blois, 462;
death of her husband, 464;
at Joinville, 464;
at Nancy, 465;
her appearance, 465;
portrait, 465;
offers of marriage, 465;
attack of fever, 466;
her marriage with Darnley, 485;
compelled to abdicate, 487;
death on the scaffold, 504
Masone, Sir John, Ambassador, 393
Mauris, St., Ambassador, 296, 300
Maximilian I., Emperor, 3;
his grandchildren, 5;
at Brussels, 8;
war against Venice, 9;
his letter on the misconduct of King Christian II., 20;
his death, 24
Maximilian, King of Bohemia, at Augsburg, 318, 320, 338;
his character, 344;
rivalry with Philip of Spain, 345;
at Brussels, 405;
crowned King of the Romans, 470
Mayenne, Louise, Marchioness of, 310
Mazzenta, Guido, 97
Medemblik, 63
Medici, Alessandro de', Duke of Florence, murdered, 410
Medici, Catherine de', 74, 178, 464;
her reception of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 467;
jealousy of her influence, 473;
death, 508
Medici, Don Pietro de', 508
Melanchthon, 152
Mendoza, Don Diego, 159
Mendoza, Don Luis de, 486, 488
Merriman, R. B., "Life and Letters of Thomas Cromwell," 531
Messina, 112
Metz, 252, 285, 371;
siege of, 380
Metz, Anton de, 25, 27, 33
Metz, M. de, 298.
See Vaudemont
Mewtas, Sir Peter, 147
Michieli, Ambassador, 396
Middelburg, 23
Mignet, L., "Retraite de Charles V.," 388 note, 531;
"RivalitÉ de Francis I. et Charles V.," 23 note, 531
Mikkelsen, Hans, Burgomaster of MalmoË, 41, 46
Milan, 497;
taken by the French, 72;
threatened French invasion, 116;
defence of, by a Spanish garrison, 120
Milan, Christina, Duchess of. See Christina
Milan, Francesco Sforza, Duke of, his career, 72;
deprived of his State, 72;
return, 73;
sufferings caused by a wound, 73;
proposal of marriage with Christina of Denmark, 74;
wedding by proxy, 81;
surprise visit to his bride, 89;
reception of her, 93;
marriage, 94;
portraits, 96;
treatment of his wife, 97;
illness, 100, 107;
death, vi, 101, 107;
funeral rites, 108-110;
will, 111;
inscription on his tomb, 511;
letter from his wife, 516
Milan, Lodovico Sforza, Duke of, 7;
his character, 17;
imprisonment, 72
Milan, Maximilian Sforza, Duke of, at Malines, 7, 72;
enters Milan, 9
Missaglia, Alessandro, 90
Moeller, E., "ElÉonore d'Autriche," 22 note, 531
Mohacz, Battle of, 59
Molembais, M. de, 78
Mon Soulas, 440
MonboË, Hans, 45
Mons, 176, 294, 441
Mont, Christopher, Envoy to Frankfort, 209
Montague, Lord, imprisoned in the Tower, 186;
his execution, 186
Montbardon, M. de, 357, 370
Montecastello, villa at, 503
Montemerlo, NiccolÒ, 498;
"Nuove Historie di Tortona," 498 note, 531
MontmÉlian, fortress of, 86, 115
Montmorency, Anne de, Constable of France, 180;
his home at Chantilly, 181;
taken prisoner at St. Quentin, 417, 419;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428;
taken prisoner at the Battle of Dreux, 471;
killed at the Battle of St. Denis, 487
Montmorency, Floris de, 331;
at Augsburg, 338
Montmorency, Jean de. See CourriÈres
Montpensier, Duchess of, her christening, 356
Montpensier, Gilbert de, 179, 258
Montreuil, Madame de, 174
Monzone, Imperial Council at, 126
Morillon, Provost, 485
Mornay, Charles de, 478
Morosyne, Sir Richard, Ambassador, 339, 346;
on Charles V.'s reserve, 378;
on the Marquis of Brandenburg's courtship of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 384
Moselle, the, 351
MÜhlberg, victory of, 318
Muscovy, Czar of, Envoy from, in England, 413-415
Namur, 245, 252
Nancy, 254, 294, 296;
Battle of, 257;
measures for the defence of, 323;
entered by the French, 362, 512;
festivities at, 465
Nassau, Henry, Count of, 66, 142;
his third wife, 174;
sudden death, 175
Nassau, RenÉ of, Prince of Orange, 67
Nassau, William of, 287
Nassau-Dillenburg, William of, 238
Nassau-le-Grand, 285
Navarre, Antoine, King of, mortally wounded, 471
Navarre, Henri d'Albret of, 10;
his marriage, 10
Navarre, Henry, King of, his proposal of marriage with Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 383
Navarre, Isabel of, 102
Navarre, Jeanne d'Albret, Princess of, proposal of marriage with the Duke of Cleves, 235, 244;
her resistance to the marriage, 249;
wedding, 250;
annulment of her marriage, 280;
marriage with the Duke of VendÔme, 326
Navarre, Margaret, Queen of, 10
Neckar, the, 339
Negriolo, Girolamo, 90
Netherlands, choice of a Regent, 451;
discontent of the people at the appointment of the Duchess of Parma, 458, 459
Netherlands, Margaret, Regent of 4.
See Margaret
Neuburg, 417, 468
Neumarkt, 103, 105
Nevill, Sir Edward, his execution, 186
Nice, 119
Nicole, Madame, 300, 342
Nimeguen, 138
Noailles, Ambassador, 396
NomÉny, 358; castle at, 351
Norfolk, Duchess of, 273
Norfolk, Henry Howard, sixth Duke of, 158 note
Norway, reception of King Christian II. in, 64
Nott, G., "Life of Wyatt," 169 note, 204 note, 531
Novara, 83, 87
Nubilonio, "Cronaca di Vigevano," 93 note, 531
Nuremberg, 40
Ochsenthal, vale of the, 352
Odensee, Palace of, 32
Oglio, 130
Oise, the, 178, 183
Oldenburg, Christopher of, his invasion of Jutland, 103
Olisleger, Chancellor, 249
Oppenheimer, Henry, viii
Orange, Anne, Princess of, 263;
death of her husband, 28 7;
at Nancy, 303;
her friendship with Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 303;
her character, 303;
at the funeral of the Duke of Lorraine, 310;
her letter to the Queen of Scotland, 311;
marriage with the Duke of Aerschot, 323.
See Aerschot
Orange, RenÉ, Prince of, at Brussels, 142, 201;
at the Castle of Breda, 174;
his affection for Christina, Duchess of Milan, 218, 232, 238;
popularity, 238;
marriage with Anne of Lorraine, 239;
at St. Dizier, 286;
his death, 286;
will, 288;
tomb, 288;
lines on, 289
Orange, William, Prince of, 322;
in London, 391;
present at the abdication of Charles V., 400;
death of his wife, 425;
his appearance, 425;
affection for Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 425;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428;
at the funeral of Charles V., 434;
at the Conference of CÂteau-CambrÉsis, 437;
his proposed marriage with RenÉe of Lorraine, 455;
debts, 455;
his treatment of Christina, 458;
marriage with Anna of Saxony, 460;
at Frankfurt, 470;
retires to Germany, 486;
ban against, 503;
assassination, 504
Orleans, Charles, Duke of, his character, 178;
at Brussels, 293;
death, 304
Orleans, Gaston, Duke of, 512
Orleans, Henry, Duke of, 74, 113
Orleans, Margaret of, 512
Orley, Bernhard van, his portrait of Christina, Duchess of Milan, 155, 158 note
Osiander, the Lutheran doctor, 41
Oslo, 64
Oxe, Peder, exiled from Denmark, 457, 468;
his return to Copenhagen, 483
Paget, Ambassador, at Fontainebleau, 267
Paleologa, Francisca, Princess of Macedonia, her attachment to the Duchess of Milan, 99.
See Macedonia
Paleologa, Margherita, 73;
Duchess of Mantua, 74
Palermo, 219
Quentin, St., victory of, 417
Quievrain, Castle of, 329
Rabutin, FranÇois de, 361;
at Nancy, 364;
"Collections de MÉmoires," 361 note, 532
Rambouillet, 315
Ratti, N., "La Famiglia Sforza,"

313 note, 532
Ravold, J. B., "Histoire de Lorraine," 253 note, 532
Regensburg, 65, 67, 245;
Diet of, 305
Reiffenberg, F. de, "Histoire de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or," 20 note, 403, 532
Reims, 360, 460, 466
Reims, Charles, Archbishop of, 247 note, 253;
his consecration, 295
Remiremont, 297
Renard, Simon, 407
Renty, Battle of, 390
Reumont, A. von, "Geschichte Toscana," 508 note, 532
Rhine, the, 351
Ribier, G., "Lettres et MÉmoires d'État," 405 note, 532
Richardot, AbbÉ, his oration at the funeral of Charles V., 434
Richmond, 159
Richmond, Duke of, 71
Ripalta, 497
Rivoli, 87
Rocca di Sparaviera, 505, 509
Roddi, F., "Annali di Ferrara," 95 note
Rombaut, S., Church of, 1, 2
RosiÈres, Les, salt-works at, 472
Roskild, Dean of, 34
Rossem, Martin van, 277
Rostain, M. de, 374
Rotterdam, 212
Rouen, Siege of, 471
Ruble, A. de, "Le Mariage de Jeanne d'Albret," 222 note, 249 note, 326 note, 334 note, 362 note, 420 note, 532;
"TraitÉ de CÂteau-CambrÉsis," 429 note, 439 note
Rucellai, Orazio, 507
Rudolf II., Emperor, 512
Saint-Hilaire, M. de, 349
Salis, Friar Jehan de, 50
Salm, Count Jean de, 298, 357
Sandrart, J., "Deutsche Akademie," 274 note
Sangiuliani, Count Antonio Cavagna, vii, 347 note
Sanuto, Marino, 73;
"Diarii," 63 note, 67 note, 532
Saragossa, 104
Savorgnano, Mario, 63, 66
Savoy, Beatrix of Portugal, Duchess of, 87;
takes refuge at Vercelli, 116;
flight to Milan, 116;
meeting with Charles V., 117;
at Nice, 119;
death, 119
Savoy, Charles III., Duke of, 85;
forced to evacuate Turin, 116
Savoy, Charles Emanuel, Duke of, 507
Savoy, Emanuel Philibert, Duke of, 391;
at Whitehall, 392;
his negotiations of marriage with Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 396-398;
appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Low Countries, 399;
present at the abdication of Charles V., 400;
negotiations of marriage with Princess Elizabeth, 412;
his victory of St. Quentin, 417;
proposed marriage with Marguerite of France, 429, 443;
marriage, 456
Savoy, Margaret, Duchess of, 3
Savoy, Duke Philibert of, his marriage and death, 3
Saxe-Lauenburg, Duke of, at the marriage ceremony of King Christian II., 13
Saxony, 40
Saxony, Anna of, her marriage with William, Prince of Orange, 460
Saxony, Elector John Frederick of, taken prisoner, 318;
his portrait, 322
Saxony, Elector Maurice of, 285;
his siege of Magdeburg, 341;
secret intrigues with France, 354, 357;
killed at the battle of Sievershausen, 384
Scepperus, Cornelius, 42;
Private Secretary to the King of Denmark, 19;
his inscription on the tomb of Queen Isabella of Denmark, 47
SchÄfer, D., "Geschichte von DÄnemark," 38 note, 532
Scharf, Sir George, 54 note, 158 note
Schauwenbourg, Captain, 305
Scheldt, River, 230; frozen over, 411
Schlegel, J. H., "Geschichte der KÖnige v. DÄnemark," 45 note, 532
Schleswig, Bishop of, Danish Ambassador, 12
Schlettstadt, 375
Schmalkalde, League of, campaign against, 317;
dissolved, 318
Schoren, Dr., Chancellor of Brabant, 184
Scotland, Mary, Queen of. See Mary
Selve, Odet de, Ambassador, 314
Serclaes, Mademoiselle Rolande de, 50
Seymour, Jane, Queen of England, 144, 151;
her portrait, 155
Sfondrati, Count Francesco, 78
Sforza, Count Bosio, 115
Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan, at Innsbruck, 7.
See Milan
Sforza, Giovanni Paolo, 90, 109;
his illness and death, 113
Sforza, Lodovico, Duke of Milan. See Milan
Sforza, Maximilian, Duke of Milan, at Malines, 7, 72.
See Milan
Shelley, Sir Richard, 411
Sievershausen, Battle of, 384
Sigismund, King of Poland, 321
Silliers, Baron de, 388;
on the illness of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 477;
his death, 489
Simonet, 125
Sittard, defeat at, 280
Skelton, Mary, 149
Skippon, Philip, 47
SlagbÖk, Archbishop of Lunden, 26;
put to death, 32
Soignies, Forest of, 141, 169, 252
Sonderburg, island fortress of, 65
Soranzo, Ambassador, 411
Southampton, Lord High Admiral, 162, 215
Souvastre, Madame de, 85, 91
Souvastre, M. de, 44, 46
Spain, Charles V. of. See Charles V.
Spain, Infant Don Carlos of, his birth, 313
Spain, Philip II. of. See Philip
Spinelli, 8, 23
Spires, 78, 282
Stabili, Gianbattista, 510
Stampa, Count Massimiliano, 75;
at Ghent, 78;
at Lille, 79;
received by Queen Mary of Hungary, 79;
representative of the Duke of Milan at his marriage, 81;
his house at Cussago, 88;
entertains the Duchess of Milan, 88;
at the funeral of the Duke of Milan, 109;
retains his post of Castellan of Milan, 112;
his gifts from Charles V., 120;
gives up the keys, 122
Stanislas, ex-King of Poland, at Nancy, 513
Stenay, fortress of, ceded to the French, 266;
restitution, 293;
evacuated by the French, 304
Stockholm, siege of, 31;
surrender of, 33
Strasburg, 371, 373, 377
Stroppiana, Count, Ambassador, 342, 344, 359;
on Henry II.'s treatment of Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 371;
at Windsor, 391;
at the Conference of Cercamp, 428
Suffolk, Mary, Duchess of, 37
Suffolk, Duke of, 162, 215
Surrey, Lord, 280, 281
Susa, towers of, 87
Sweden, outbreak of war with Denmark, 475, 478
Sweden, Eric, King of. See Eric
Swynaerde, 45
Tarbes, Bishop of, 168
Tassigny, Sieur de, 357
Taverna, Count, 74, 109
Tencajoli, Signor O. F., vii
ThÉrouenne, 137; fort of, razed, 385
Thionville, 252;
capture of, 424
Thomas, H. L., "Spiegel des Humors grosser Potentaten," 22 note, 532
Throckmorton, Ambassador, 461
Tiepolo, the Venetian, 445;
on the marriage of Philip of Spain with Princess Elizabeth, 446;
on the appointment of the Duchess of Parma to the Regency of the Netherlands, 452
Tiloye, La, 136
Titian, his portraits, 96, 322;
at Augsburg, 322
Toledo, treaty at, 195
Tongres, 340
Tortona, 111, 128, 497
Toul, 362
Toul, Bishop of, his agreement with Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 472
Tournay, Bishop of, 81
Trent, 72, 78, 133
Treves, 435
Triboulet the jester, 223
Trivulzio, Contessa Dejanira, 99, 130;
on the loss of Belloni, 376;
her letter to Messer Innocenzio Gadio, 526
Trivulzio, Count Gaspare, 99;
his reception of Christina, Duchess of Milan, 130
Troyes, Louis, Bishop of, 247 note, 253
Tuke, Sir Brian, 168 note
Tunis, capture of, 106
Turin, evacuation of, 116
Tuscany, Grand-Duke Ferdinand of, his marriage with Christina of Lorraine, 507, 508
Tytler, P. F., "England under Edward VI.," 380 note, 532
Ulmann, H., "Kaiser Maximilian," 11 note, 532
Upsala, Cathedral of, 25
Urbino, Duke of, 270
VaissiÈre, P. de, "Vie de Charles de Marillac," 344 note, 532
Valenciennes, 176, 224
Valladolid, 125
Valois, Madeleine de, her proposed marriage with James V. of Scotland, 115;
her marriage, 147;
death, 147
Varembon, Marc de Rye, Marquis of, his marriage with the Duchess of Brunswick, 511
Vaucelles, Abbey of, truce signed at, 403
Vaudemont, Louise, Countess of, 489;
christening of her daughter, 351
Vaudemont, Nicholas, Count de, Bishop of Metz, 253, 294, 295;
his birth, 263;
appointed joint Regent of Lorraine, 302;
at the funeral of the Duke of Lorraine, 309;
his marriage, 324;
at Blois, 350;
loyalty to Christina, Duchess of Lorraine, 358, 374, 390;
appointed sole Regent, 364;
his second marriage, 390;
retires from public life, 463;
christening of his daughter, 482
Vaudemont and Joinville, Ferry, Count of, 257
Vaughan, Stephen, Ambassador, 175;
his interview with Queen Mary of Hungary, 1


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