Seventeen characters: Two, the mother and St. Nicholas, played by adults; seven boys and four girls from six to twelve years; four boys, or three boys and a girl, fourteen to eighteen. Important parts fall to three of the younger children, two boys and one girl, and the Star-Child must be able to sing alone. Setting: 1st. Snow-scene in forest. This play makes use of the old German belief that the Christ-Child returns to earth each Christmas Eve to seek shelter among men. A little waif, lost in the snow, is refused help by the selfishness of happiness, of ill-temper, of poverty, of riches, and is at last received by two little children who take him for the Holy Child indeed.
Ten characters: Mother's part taken by an adult; three girls and two boys from six to fifteen; four very little boys for elves. Setting: Quaint cottage interior. Toinette, pretty, dreamy, and self-absorbed, tries the Elves' Christmas-Eve gift of fern seed, to make her invisible, and learns that
Nine characters: One adult, for Santa Claus; four boys and four girls from six to fifteen years. Chief part by a boy of eight or nine. Setting: One simple interior. Tom, hearing that Santa Claus will bring sticks or ashes to children who are bad, can think of no way to test the disturbing statement, except to be as naughty as he knows how. But Santa Claus explains matters.
Characters: One adult for Santa Claus; five older children, two boys and three girls; two boys and two girls, seven to nine years for the important parts, and a dozen children from four to ten, with no speaking parts. Setting: 1st. A winter street-scene. Dick and Dot, a lonely little brother and sister, decide to share their Christmas with two poor children, while several older friends, hearing the children's wish for a Christmas Party, plan, independently of each other, to arrange for one. The result is a Christmas surprise for everyone.
Twenty-four characters: Santa Claus; three older children for adults, one boy and two girls; three boys and three girls from five to twelve, the important parts being for two boys of ten; four little boys and two little girls, and eight children who can sing, for the tableaux of the Christmas dream. Setting: Simple interior. Santa Claus' Brownie allows Ted to help fill the stockings, with a result that perplexes and disturbs their owners, and teaches Ted that it takes thoughtfulness as well as good will to make people happy. The Brownie's especial gift to Ted is a Christmas Dream.
Twenty characters: Seven boys and four girls, from five to twelve years; the mother, and other adult Colonists, taken by boys and girls from seventeen to twenty. Setting: One interior, a small cabin in the early days of the Colonies. The little Puritan family, hearing from their young mother of happy Christmas in Old England, decide on a celebration of their own. The Colonists, surprising them, are very angry, and inclined to severe punishment, until a little Indian boy, who has been befriended by Mistress Delight and her children, shows that, for the sake of her kindness to him, the settlement has been spared a dreaded Indian raid. The peace and good will of
Twenty-five characters, all but two with speaking parts. Two may double. One adult for the Abbot. Eight older boys, four older girls. Seven boys, five girls, from five to ten years. Setting: 1st. Roadway, outside the Convent walls. It is unknown to many people that the Christmas toys grow from seed in the garden of the Christmas Monks. The play relates the adventures of the Prince, Peter, and Peter's little sister, in this wonderful place.
Fourteen characters: Eight boys and six girls, from six to sixteen years. Also a few voices for the singing of the Waits' carol off stage. Setting: Two scenes—Seventeenth Century interiors. The old belief that at midnight on Christmas Eve the family portraits come to life, step down from their places, and join hands in a stately dance, leads the children to slip out of their beds at an unwonted hour, and so to take a hand in the adventures of their elders, quite beyond their ken.
Twenty-four characters: One adult, or older girl, able to bring intelligence and sympathy to the part of the mysterious Babushka; two men, or older boys; five boys and four girls, from six to fourteen; and village children, five boys, seven girls. One of the men and one boy, the village fiddlers, should be able to play their violins to accompany the carol. Setting: Interior,—a Russian hovel. Tells the story of the strange old woman, who, refusing at the Wise Men's call to follow the Star to the manger of the new-born Christ, has ever since in the winter season wandered over the world, seeking in every nursery, in every cradle, for the Holy Child.
Fourteen characters: Twelve boys, twelve to sixteen; two little boys, six and eight. Setting: One scene, interior of a circus tent. Two little farm boys who have never seen either a circus or a Christmas tree, creep into the tent just as the discontented men are planning rebellion against their leader. The Christmas spirit of friendliness softens not only the men, but the surly ringmaster, and the strict and severe father of the boys.
Seven characters: Three adults, two men, one woman; four children, three girls, and one boy, six to ten years. The important part of the pickaninny taken by a girl of ten. Setting: Modern interior. Minty-Malviny, the little black drudge of an old-time New Orleans boarding-house, falls asleep on the rug of a handsome sitting-room, and waking, takes the owner for Ole Marse Santa Claus himself. Her faith inspires him to play the part.
Six characters: Five women, one little girl of eight or nine, who must be able to carry an important part. Setting: Mrs. Darling's dressing-room. Mrs. Darling, a charming young widow with a quick temper, has dressed a hundred dolls for an Orphan Asylum. On Christmas Eve, Sally, the kitchen-maid, brings a little East-side friend to see the dolls, one of which is accidentally broken, to the consternation of the household. But Mrs. Darling is not the ogress the servants believe her, and Tibbie goes home happy, with her arms full of dollies.