IN TWO ACTS CHARACTERS Mistress Delight Goodspeede. | Roger | } | Her children. | Myles | } | Nathan | } | Patience | } | Prudence | } | Eaglefeather, son of an Indian chief. | Elder Jonathan Hopkins | } | Colonists | Deacon William Porter | } | Goodman John Turner | } | Dominie Peter Cobb | } | Gilbert Appleton, a hunter | } | Mistress Submit Wells | } | Mistress Praisever Porter | } | Desire Porter | } | | } | and | Reuben Turner | } | Children | Gershom Porter | } | Jared Perkins | } | Jane Porter | } | Priscilla Wells | } | The action takes place in a small New England village, not far from Boston, in the early days of the colonies. Prudence Prudence Eaglefeather Eaglefeather