THE SPELL OF CHRISTMAS SCENE I MINTY-MALVINY'S SANTA CLAUS (2) Transcriber's Notes Obvious printer errors have been corrected without note. Click on the [Listen] link to hear or download the music (MP3 format). Click on the [Music This book was published in 1915 and is a product of its time; it contains ethnic and racial stereotypes that modern readers may find offensive. Marie Tells the Story CHRISTMAS CANDLESPlays for Boys and Girls BY ELSIE HOBART CARTER colophon NEW YORK Copyright, 1915, Published November, 1915 Printed, November, 1922 PRINTED IN THE U S A BY To the memory of Thanks are due to The Century Company; Mr. Tudor Jenks; Miss K.A. Prichard; Mrs. Mary Wilkins Freeman; the Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company; Colonel Thomas E. Davis; Miss Gertrude Hall; Harper & Brothers; the John Church Company; and the Universalist Publishing House, for permission to use copyrighted material, as particularly acknowledged throughout the book. |