Transcriber's Note: - The original spelling, hyphenation, and punctuation have been retained, with the exception of apparent typographical errors which have been corrected.
- Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained.
- Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant form was found in this text; otherwise they were not changed.
- Footnotes were moved to the end of the text and numbered in one continuous sequence.
- Other notes and corrections:
- p. 3: sparceness changed to sparseness. (The sparseness of its population.)
- p. 10: Boquet changed to Bouquet. (Previous to Bouquet’s second campaign.)
- p. 19: Missing footnote 56 tag added by the transcriber.
- p. 20: Sinnot and Sinnot: Variants unchanged.
- p. 21: sefuse changed to refuse. (St. Ange continued to refuse.)
- p. 33: delinquenents unchanged. (A determination to delinquenents to punishment.)
- p. 42: Missing footnote 118 tag added by the transcriber.
- p. 44: effect changed to affect. (Not only did it affect English traders.)
- p. 46: Missing footnote 133 tag added by the transcriber.
- p. 55: Missing footnote 164 tag added by the transcriber.
- p. 77: The wealth of colony changed to The wealth of the colony.
- Variants unchanged: Ilinois and Illinois.
- p. 38, footnote 109, page 58, footnote 170, and p. 76, footnote 229: Incomplete references, page numbers missing.