PAGE "The Admiral, making a desperate attempt to get a view of his legs through his spy-glass" Frontispiece Head-piece to Chapter I 11 The Admiral 12 The Highlander 12 Sir Walter Rosettes 15 "The Admiral, making a desperate attempt to get a view of his legs through his spy-glass" 18 "The Admiral sat up and gazed about with a complacent smile" 20 "'They're entirely different from mine, anyhow,' said the Stork" 23 "It seemed like listening to an enormous cuckoo-clock" 25 "'Dear Me!' she exclaimed, 'here comes all the furniture!'" 30 "The Admiral exclaimed: 'There she is! I can see her quite plainly!'" 33 "The sideboard slowly floated along through this strange forest" 40 Dorothy makes a call in the tree-top country 42 The extraordinary Post-Captain 47 (1) and 47 (2) "He did a little fifing on the edges of the note" 48 "Sir Peter caught the pirate, and he took him by the neck" 50 "He was walking about with his hands in his waistcoat-pockets" 55 "There were plants loaded down with little pinafores, and shrubs with small shoes growing all over them" 56 "'Why, the place where I am,' said Dorothy" 62 "Dorothy started off at once, as fast as she could run" 63 "'It is a shelf!' she exclaimed" 65 "The Highlander, with his usual bad luck, had put on his sunbonnet backward" 68 "'You know your size does come in dozens, assorted,' continued the Jack" 75 "He sailed away under the bridge" 80 "She found it rather trying to her nerves, at first, to meet with rabbits as big as horses" 85 "—To be chattered at by squirrels a head taller than she herself was" 85 "Pushing the leaves gently aside, she cautiously peeped out" 90 The Mouse laments 93 "And found the Caravan sitting in a row on a little bench at the door" 96 "He dropped his little book, with an appearance of great agitation, and hurried away" 99 "A door at the back of the shop opened and they all rushed out" 101 Tail-piece to Chapter VIII 103 The Caravan discipline the Camel 109 "'There isn't any more,' said the Highlander, rather confusedly" 115 "An elephant and a sheep seized her by the hands, and the next moment she was dancing in the ring" 123 The animals crossing over 127 "By this time they were running so fast that she could hardly keep up with them" 135 "It slowly changed to a bird-cage with a robin sitting in it" 138 Tail-piece to Chapter XII 140 |