| PAGE | The Admirable Assertiveness of Jilted Jack | 3 | The Blatant Brutality of Little Bow Peep | 9 | The Commendable Castigation of Old Mother Hubbard | 15 | The Discouraging Discovery of Little Jack Horner | 21 | The Embarrassing Episode of Little Miss Muffet | 27 | The Fearful Finale of the Irascible Mouse | 33 | The Gastronomic Guile of Simple Simon | 39 | The Harmonious Heedlessness of Little Boy Blue | 47 | The Inexcusable Improbity of Tom, the Piper's Son | 53 | The Judicious Judgment of Quite Contrary Mary | 59 | The Linguistic Languor of Charles Augustus Sprague | 65 | The Mysterious Misapprehension Concerning a Man in Our Town | 71 | The Opportune Overthrow of Humpty Dumpty | 77 | The Preposterous Performance of an Old Lady of Banbury | 83 | The Quixotic Quest of Three Blind Mice | 89 | The Remarkable Regimen of the Sprat Family | 95 | The Singular Sangfroid of Baby Bunting | 101 | The Touching Tenderness of King Karl the First | 107 | The Unusual Ubiquity of the Inquisitive Gander | 113 |