Phantasmagoria, in Seven Cantos:—
I. The Trystyng 1
II. Hys Fyve Rules 10
III. Scarmoges 18
IV. Hys Nouryture 26
V. Byckerment 34
VI. Dyscomfyture 44
VII. Sad Souvenaunce 53
Echoes 58
A Sea Dirge 59
Ye Carpette Knyghte 64
Hiawatha’s Photographing 66
Melancholetta 78
A Valentine 84
The Three Voices:
The First Voice 87
The Second Voice 98
The Third Voice 109
TÈma Con VariaziÓni 118
A Game of Fives 120
Poeta fit, non nascitur 123
The Hunting of the Snark, an Agony in Eight Fits:—
I. The Landing 134
II. The Bellman’s Speech 142
III. The Baker’s Tale 148
IV. The Hunting 153
V. The Beaver’s Lesson 159
VI. The Barrister’s Dream 167
VII. The Banker’s Fate 173
VIII. The Vanishing 177
Size and Tears 181
Atalanta in Camden Town 186
The Lang Coortin’ 190
Four Riddles 202
Fame’s Penny-Trumpet 211


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