Preface 5
I. The Natural Food of Man 9
II. The Argument from Comparative Anatomy 20
III. The Argument from Physiology 46
IV. The Argument from Chemistry 57
V. The Argument from Hygiene 96
VI. The Argument from Experience: Nations and Individuals 136
VII. Miscellaneous Arguments 156
VIII. Dairy Products 167
IX. Vegetables 176
X. Cereals, Grains, etc. 181
XI. Condiments and Spices 187
XII. The Fruitarian Diet 202
XIII. Food Combinations 239
XIV. Hygienic Food and Hygienic Cookery 249
XV. The Question of Quantity 265
XVI. General Conclusions 274
Appendix 279
Index 281
Selections from Atwater and Bryant’s Tables

The Natural Food of Man


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