

Life is not so short but there is always time enough for courtesy.——Emerson.


My dear ————,

I received to-day the sad word that ———— had passed away. I know that your heart is sorely grieved, and I hasten to send to you this little word of assurance of our love and sympathy. Trusting that you will write as soon as you have the heart, for I am anxious to hear from you, I am,

With warmest regards,

My dear ————,

We were exceedingly sorry to learn of your bereavement. There are many whom we have “loved and lost awhile.” But God will take us into their goodly company some glad day. We unite in sending our sincere sympathy.

With warm regards,

My dear ————,

We were so grieved to read in the paper of your great loss. Would that we were not so far away from you, or else we would surely try to comfort you with our presence.

Mrs. ———— and I send our best love and sympathy.

Faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

We were very sorry to read of your bereavement in the loss of your ————. Our prayer is that you may find great consolation in the thought that some day, in God’s own good time, you shall see ———— again.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I was saddened to hear of your recent loss. I need not tell you how often I think of you. With a prayer for every blessing upon you and your family,

Sincerely your friend,

My dear ————,

I regret exceedingly to hear of your sorrow. Do not try to explain to yourself so trying an hour, but bring into requisition all the faith and courage you can muster, and with confidence face the seeming dismal days.

Lean hard upon your good friends,

One of whom is

My dear ————,

We have heard with deep feelings of regret of the death, of your ————, and we offer you our most sincere sympathy in your great loss.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Please accept condolences and sincere sympathy for the loss of my friend ————.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

Mrs. ———— shares with me the great sorrow which so many feel on account of the death of your ————.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I am deeply grieved by the news of your bereavement, and beg you to accept the expression of my profound and heartfelt sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I am greatly grieved to hear of the death of ———— for whom I had the utmost regard. Please accept my deepest sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you in your bereavement.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

We send our love and our tenderest sympathy.


My dear ————,

We are greatly afflicted by the melancholy intelligence which has reached us that ———— is no more with us. He carried the riches of God within himself, and was a royal-hearted man. He was greatly beloved by all of us. With a prayer for every blessing on yourself,

Affectionately your friend,

My dear ————,

Permit me to express on behalf of ———— and myself our deepest sympathy. May you find very great comfort in the thought that there is a time coming when there shall be no more death, neither sorrow.

Faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

I know not how to express my sorrow at the word which I have just received. Your ———— was such a sweet uncomplaining spirit. We shall miss ———— when next we come to ————.

I should be glad if I could suggest anything to lighten the burden, and make your path a little more smooth and easy.

Sincerely your friend,

My dear ————,

I know that your heart must be sorely grieved at the loss of your splendid ————. ———— knew the secret of beautiful living. We can console ourselves with the assurance that we shall some day see our loved ones in the brighter happier world above.

Sincerely your friend,

My dear Friend,

It is with great regret that we learn of the sad occurrence at your home. Please accept our united and sincere condolences.

With deepest sympathy,

My dear ————,

Words are inadequate to express my feelings at this hour. Exceeding great sympathy,

My dear ————,

We were exceedingly sorry to read of the death of your good ————. I wish I could suggest something to make your paths a little more smooth and easy. Perhaps the words “He knoweth” will be of comfort.

We unite in sending our affectionate regards to all.

Most sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Let me send a little word of encouragement and sympathy in this dark hour of your life. And perhaps the best word is that which says: “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” Mrs. ———— and I offer you our most sincere sympathy. Let us have the comfort of hearing from you soon.

Faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

No words can quite express my sympathy in this time of deep sorrow. As long as I shall remember anything I shall remember ———— virtues and ———— kindnesses.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

I can imagine your heart must be sorely grieved in your recent loss. We beg you to accept our love and sympathy.

Sincerely your friend,

My dear ————,

May every consolation and blessing be granted to you in your deep sorrow. Kindly accept my heartfelt sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

May I share with you the deep sorrow you are called upon to bear at the loss of your ————. So many beautiful traits made up ———— character. Be greatly comforted by the assurance which He gives to us that we shall see our Lord again, for He says: “Because I live, ye shall live also.”

Most sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I hope I need not tell you how anxious I have been since I first heard of your great loss. You have my earnest prayers that the Almighty may support you.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

I was grieved to hear of your recent sorrow. Please accept for yourself my assurance of deep sympathy.

Faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

How I regretted to hear of your late bereavement. Trusting that the dark cloud of sorrow will also have for you a bright side of hope, I am,

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

I took a nice little fancy to you in our dealings at ————, and hence, when I read this morning of the death of your ————, I was truly sorry. On the day that I talked last with him, I was much impressed with his vigor both of body and of mind. I would be glad to have had such a ————.

May you be greatly comforted by the affection and esteem in which ———— was held by ———— many friends.

With sincere regards,

My dear ————,

It was with the deepest regret that we learned of your loss. What a comfort it must be to you that you were able to be with him during his illness. Please accept my most sincere sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I have just received the sad news of your ———— death. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy in your bereavement.

Most sincerely,

My dear ————,

I sympathize keenly with you in the loss of your ————. May the Father of mercies give you the rich consolation of his grace. Do not fear for he knows what is in your heart.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

Such a sad circumstance has come to you. I would that I might express my sympathy to you in person. In your hour of trial may God comfort you greatly.

Yours sincerely,

My dear ————,

We extend our heartfelt sympathy in your hour of trial.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Yours is indeed a deep sorrow. We were so shocked to learn of it to-day. We are sometimes called to sow in tears, but the promise is that we shall reap in joy. May every consolation and blessing be granted you is our prayer. Please accept our assurance of deep sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

There are times when one cannot express himself in words. Kindly accept my sincerest sympathy.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

How can I express my sympathy for you in the loss of your dear mother. When one loses her mother she feels she has lost her best friend, and can only wait for time to heal the heartache. With assurance of love,

Very sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Our hearts sorrow with you. Your ———— was such an excellent ————. ———— had so many admiring friends. All the gentle virtues came into full bloom in ————.

We send our united and sincere condolences,

Most faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

I am sincerely sorry to hear of your loss. You, who have so often comforted others, are now to be comforted. And what better word can I send to you than that which Paul writes in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians: “Blessed be God, even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.”

We offer our sincere sympathy in your great sorrow.

Most faithfully yours,

(For Member of an Organization)

Resolved, That ———— records its profound respect for ———— and its sense of great loss through his death.

He set an example of service and self-sacrifice which is inspiring.

The ———— extend to ———— and to the members of his family their deepest sympathy and join with them in mourning the loss not only as a splendid member of our ———— but as a most excellent citizen.

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to his family.

(On Death of Soldier)

My dear ————,

May I express to you my sincere condolence in your hour of sorrow. I have just learned that your son gave his life, though not in battle, still in his and our Country’s cause. We are all proud of him, and I sincerely hope that you will find much comfort in the knowledge of the affection in which he is held.

With sincerest sympathy,

(When Interment is at Home)

My dear ————,

We have just been informed that your son’s body has been lovingly laid to rest at home. If ever we were proud of our soldier boys it is now. Every day their sacrifices are more precious to us as we dwell upon their likeness to the greatest of all sacrifices which God made for us through his Son.

May the God of all comfort, comfort you and yours is our prayer.

Sincerely yours,

(Interment of Soldier)

My dear ————,

I am thinking of you to-day in all your sorrow, yet knowing that you are comforted. Comforted by the assurance that your son died as a true soldier, giving his all at its best for you and for his country; comforted by the fact that you have him near you again, where you can go occasionally in sweet reverence and recall precious memories. Above all you must be comforted by the Redeemer’s resurrection promise that you shall see your dear son again.

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.

Your Friend,


My dear ————,

I am very grateful for your kind expression of sympathy. My heart is filled with gratitude when I think of my good friends.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Permit me to thank you in behalf of ———— for your courteous message of sympathy.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I thank you kindly for your consoling letter. Though I have waited some time to reply, its messages were none the less deeply appreciated.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

Your kind letter was a great solace to me in my recent loss. One does not realize how much comfort is derived from such beautiful expressions of sympathy.


My dear ————,

I am grateful to you for your kind expression of sympathy. Surely it has been an hour of great trial to me, but I have been sustained in it all by the grace of God, and loving-hearted friends.


My dear ————,

Just this short note to tell you how much your sympathy was appreciated in our late bereavement.


My dear ————,

I want to thank you very much for your sympathetic letter received in our great bereavement.


My dear ————,

Your sympathy was so much appreciated in our late bereavement.

Very truly yours,

My dear ————,

I want to thank you for your expression of sympathy in our bereavement.



(On Graduation)

My dear ————,

How happy I am to hear that you have so successfully terminated your High School course. You surely deserve the best the world can offer for you have earned it by hard conscientious study. Please accept my congratulations.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

It was with the greatest pleasure I learned that you were to graduate this year. How much it must mean to you to finally hold in your hand the diploma for which you have labored so faithfully for four years. May I extend my hearty congratulations.

Yours sincerely,

My dear ————,

It is a great pleasure to me to know that you have finished your High School course. I have admired the way you have held to it to the finish. I hope I shall have opportunity also to write to you at the time of your graduation from college.

Sincerely yours,

(On Birthday)

My dear ————,

Congratulations on this the anniversary of your birth. I can wish you no better fortune than that your future years may be as happy and as useful as your past.

Wishing you continued health and prosperity,

I am, Sincerely yours,

(On Wedding Day Anniversary)

My dear ————,

May all your future be as bright as this your wedding day, with joys and blessings deep and many, with sorrows light and few.

Ever yours,

(On Birth of Child)

My dear ————,

Congratulations upon the birth of your son. With such intelligent and religious guidance as his parents will give him, I feel sure that he will grow up to noble manhood, and be a joy and a great blessing to all.

Very sincerely yours,


My dear ————,

I have just heard of your success in ————.

I have always had a great admiration for you and your work, and I am sending this little note to assure you of my regard, and to wish you still further successes.

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

It is with much pleasure that I learned to-day of your complete recovery from your recent illness.

I trust you will soon be able to take active part in the various societies in which you are interested. We would be glad to greet you soon again at ————

Sincerely yours,


My dear ————,

Please accept the enclosed tickets to ————. The program seems attractive and I trust you will enjoy it.

Yours sincerely,

My dear ————,

As a token of my high regard I am enclosing a ————. With best wishes for many happy returns of the day, I am,

Sincerely your friend,


My dear ————,

The bearer, ————, is a personal friend of mine. He is to spend a few days in ———— and I am anxious that he shall have some reliable information. Hence I am sending him to you. Any favors that you may show to him I will consider as to myself.

Sincerely your friend,

My dear ————,

This will introduce ————, a friend of mine who has just moved to your city. He has a position with the ————. Perhaps you can assist him with some information. I will consider it a favor, and I am sure he will be doubly grateful.

Yours respectfully,

My dear ————,

This letter will introduce ————, who is to spend his vacation in your neighborhood. If you can give him information concerning some of the places of interest I shall esteem it a great favor.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

The bearer, ————, is a young acquaintance of mine who has determined to live in your city. He has good habits. If you will guide him concerning a place to board, and possibilities of work I will esteem it a great favor.

Sincerely yours,


(To Party)

My dear ————,

I have the pleasure of entertaining ————, of ————, on ———— at 8 o’clock. Trusting to see you and ———— at that time.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

On Tuesday next I am having a little party, too small almost to come under that head, and wish particularly to have you come. I will arrange an escort “to and fro” so if you have any preference let me know.

Cordially yours,

My dear ————,

I am giving a party on ———— evening and this is just a little note to say that you are invited “in particular.”

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

I am giving an informal party on ———— evening at ———— o’clock, to introduce my ————. Hoping you will be able to come, I am,

Most cordially yours,

My dear ————,

On ———— next I am giving a small party for my ————, ————, of ————, and should like very much to have you meet her. Hoping to see you then, I am,

Very sincerely yours,



The bearer, ————, is a young man of my acquaintance whose family I have known for some time. They are splendid people. This young man is ambitious and thoroughly trustworthy. I hope you can find a place for him.

Sincerely yours,

To Whom it may Concern, ————

This is to certify that the bearer, ————, is an acquaintance of mine, a man whom I esteem to be thoroughly reliable.

Dear Sir:

This is to certify that ———— has been in my employ for ————. He is a most willing and able worker, honest, steady and faithful. It was with regret that we were obliged to let him go from our employ. I feel very safe in highly recommending him to you.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Sir:

This is to recommend to you ————. I have been acquainted with ———— for ———— and have found ———— a true friend, and always worthy of a trust. ———— is a ———— of good family connections, a splendid conversationalist and will prove, I am sure, just the person to fill the position you have open.

Very respectfully,

Dear Sir:

The bearer, ————, is a young man of excellent habits, of fine family, and is highly respected in our community. I would recommend him.

Very respectfully,

To Whom it may Concern:

The bearer, ————, is an acquaintance of mine for ———— years. He is a young man of splendid habits. I would recommend him for any position suitable to his ability.

To Whom it may Concern:

I have known the bearer, ————, for ————. He is of fine family and has been one of our most respected young men.

I would heartily recommend him.


————, Secretary.

My dear ————,

I regret that I shall be compelled to resign my position as ———— on account of ————. With sincere thanks to all for many kindnesses, and with best wishes to the ————, I am,

Yours respectfully,

————, Secretary.

My dear ————,

Please present herewith, my resignation to become effective ————.

Yours respectfully,


(For a favor)

My dear ————,

Please allow me to send my most thankful acknowledgments for the favor you have conferred upon me. I trust I may be able some time to do a service for you.

Sincerely yours,

(For a favor shown to another)

My dear ————,

You have exceedingly obliged me by so kindly entertaining and looking after my friend, ————, during her stay in your ————. I trust I may be able to find some way to fully repay you.

Truly yours,

My dear ————,

It was so splendid of you to assist my friend, ————. I would like to reciprocate, and trust that if you have occasion to need my services at any time, in behalf of any of your friends, you will not hesitate to call upon me.

Very sincerely,

(For gifts)

My dear ————,

No words can quite express my gratitude to you for the beautiful gift. I feel deeply indebted to you, and take this first opportunity to thank you.


My dear ————,

I am deeply indebted to you for your favor received to-day. It is a great pleasure to be remembered thus by one’s friends. I thank you gratefully for it.


My dear ————,

How very good and kind you are to send me such a nice present. I will not write more but will wait until a better opportunity enables me to express my thanks.


My dear ————,

Accept my hearty thanks for your dainty gift. It is greatly appreciated, and will ever be a reminder of your kindness and generosity.

Sincerely yours,


(For Another, for a Gift of Flowers)

My dear ————,

I am deeply indebted to you for your remembrance to my ————. She wants me to write and thank you for the beautiful flowers which you so kindly sent to her. She is much improved to-day. Please accept our warmest thanks.


(For Birthday Gift)

My dear ————,

How fine it was of you to remember me on my birthday. Your gift will be to me a constant reminder of your kindness.

As ever,

My dear ————,

Please accept my warmest thanks for your kind thought of me on my birthday. Your gift has proven a source of great pleasure.

Cordially yours,

(For Christmas Gift)

My dear ————,

I will not attempt to express the satisfaction I felt when I received your splendid gift at Christmas time.


My dear ————,

Few things could have pleased me more than your very lovely Christmas gift. I am most grateful to you for it.


My dear ————,

I want to thank you very much for the fine Christmas gift. It is splendid to be remembered by one’s friends, for it is an expression of kindly regard, which, I assure you, is mutual.

Sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Your gift received to-day meets with my deep appreciation, and I hasten to thank you, and to wish you the season’s joys.

Yours sincerely,

My dear ————,

Your Christmas gift received this morning. Its fitness and beauty speak your personality, and for that reason, as well as its usefulness, I shall treasure it most highly.

Gratefully yours,

(Thanks for Hospitality)

My dear ————,

Since returning home I have had in mind so often my splendid visit at your home. What a pleasure it was to meet your fine family. I trust you will be able to make us a visit in the near future.

Cordially yours,

My dear ————,

I know not how to express my grateful thanks for your generous hospitality. My visit was most delightful in every respect, and I feel deeply indebted to you.


My dear ————,

I must express again my thanks for your hospitality. You so kindly entertained me and my hope is that I may reciprocate soon.


My dear ————,

I am sending this short note as a silent messenger of my thanks to you. I had a most delightful visit at your home.

Cordially yours,

My dear ————,

May I ask you to accept for yourself and the members of your family my heartfelt gratitude for the many courtesies shown to us while we were your guests.

We brought home very pleasant memories of your hospitality and thoughtful attentions and await with pleasure a return visit from yourself and family. With kindest regards,

Very sincerely yours,

My dear ————,

Having arrived safely home, I hasten to send these lines to thank you very greatly for the many courtesies extended to me during my stay as your guest.

In every way I feel that you and your family left nothing undone to make my stay agreeable, comfortable, and interesting.

I am particularly pleased that I had the privilege of visiting ————, a treat that I had long wished for, and which you made possible.

Gratefully yours,

(Thanks for Recommendation)

My dear ————,

Because of your influence and kindly interest, I have secured the position with ———— and hasten to thank you for the excellent recommendation which you gave me and to assure you that I shall give diligence to my new work.

Respectfully yours,


My dear ————,

I regret exceedingly that I failed to meet you as we had appointed. When I see you I will explain why I could not come. In the meantime consider me as ever,

Your Friend,

My dear ————,

Please pardon my not appearing at our proposed meeting, for I was unavoidably detained. I trust I shall not be put in such a plight again. I cannot quite explain, but send my sincere apologies.

Faithfully yours,

My dear ————,

I was exceedingly sorry to learn when I returned that you had called. Surely you will come again for I did not like to miss you.

Sincerely yours,



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