Part One. | ON THE RIVIERA. | | | PAGE | Genoa | 3 | MartedÌ Grasso (Shrove Tuesday) | 9 | La Fioraja (The Flower Girl) | 20 | La Festa delle Palme | 28 | Holy Week and Easter Feasts (I Sepolcri) | 39 | La Fantesca (The Servant Wench) | 46 | Il Negoziante (The Shopman) | 57 | La Pettinatrice (The Hairdresser) | 67 | Fisher-Folk | 77 | Santa Margherita | 87 | The Lace Weaver | 97 | Il Manente (The Husbandman) | 106 | La Donna di Casa (The Country Housekeeper) | 116 | Bathing Time | 125 | | | Part Two. | IN THE APENNINES. | | PAGE | The Mountains | 137 | At the Chestnut Harvest | 156 | Under the Cherry Trees (The Bridal) | 165 | The Parish Priest | 175 | The Priest’s Serving Maid | 185 | Il Signor Cappellano | 191 | Sweeping the Church | 200 | The Village Sempstress | 208 | The Village Damsel | 217 | The Village Swain | 231 | The Love-letter | 240 | La Cresima (The Confirmation Day) | 252 | In Villeggiatura (Town Folk in the Country) | 263 | | Conclusion. | | Il Corpus Domini (The Procession) | 275 |