
Some day, late in April, the House Wren will appear to add to the growing bird population. Not until the middle of August or the end of September will he depart. He is the most common of our Wrens.

Food: Ninety-eight percent of the food of this small bird is made up of insects.

Actions: These little birds are very restless. They seem never to be still. From dawn to dark they are bobbing, hopping, and bowing about with tireless energy. The stiff tail, constantly jerked, is usually in an upright perky position, and is a true mark of the Wren’s personality.

Song: The House Wren is more noted for the quantity of his song than for the quality. Although parts of his singing are soft and musical, there are other times when scolding, grating notes mar the performance. Constantly singing, the Wren goes about his work. Even when flying or perching with a worm in his beak, he will sing away as though the thoughts of mere food were far indeed from his mind. The true song is a spontaneous and rollicking outburst, and is sung with real abandon that fairly makes the small feathered body tremble with the force of its effort.

Nest: The nest of the House Wren is made within some cavity, either natural or man-made. If no hollow tree is about, an eave spout will do, provided that an English Sparrow has not found it first. Wrens have even been known to build their nests in old shoes! The material used consists of grass and short twigs, feathers and like material. The eggs, sometimes as many as eight in number, are thickly speckled with pinkish brown.

Flight: The flight of the Wren is very erratic. It darts here and there with much speed. Although not a very strong flier, the bird travels in many places that larger birds could never manage.

The House Wren—4¾ inches


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