
It is sometimes helpful to study birds by the “Question and Answer” method. The following questions are written to suggest others of a similar nature.

What is a Bird? A bird is an animal that has feathers. No other animal has feathers.


Some of the brightest spots in childhood are connected with a vague realization of the beauty and mystery of the world.


Requisitioning the service has been simplified to the nth degree. All that a principal needs to do to obtain the collections is to indicate by numerals the sequence in which he wants them delivered.

What are Feathers Used For? Feathers help to keep the bird warm. With the aid of feathers the bird flies.

What Other Creature is Able to Fly Without the Aid of Feathers? The bat can fly upon wings of thin skin.

What are the Names of Some Birds that are Noted for Their Ability to Swim, Fly, Creep, and Walk? The Bald Eagle and the Condor are both birds that are very strong fliers. Can you name any others? The ducks are at home in the water. Can you name any other birds that are able to swim with ease? The little Brown Creeper and many other birds are very happy in their ability to creep up and to climb trees. The Chicken and the Partridge are both excellent walkers. Name some other birds that walk.

What Birds Help the Trees to Live by Killing Harmful Insects? The Woodpeckers help the trees in this way. Name some other birds that find food upon the trunks of trees.

What May we Attempt to do to Protect Birds? We may help birds to live by giving them drinking places and bird baths in the Summer, and food tables in the Winter. We can help by not going near birds’ nests and by not harming birds in any manner.


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