Larger versions of the figures can be viewed by clicking on each figure in a web browser. An image of the title page is included, followed by a digital version in simplified format. Additional Transcriber’s Notes are at the end. Compliments of POMO INDIAN IN DANCING COSTUME MADE FROM THE FEATHERS OF THE EAGLE For forty-six miles The San Francisco and North Pacific Railway, the Picturesque Route of California, skirts the Russian River. A few of the many lovely views en-route are shown in this little brochure. This beautiful country was once occupied by the Pomo Indians, a brave and flourishing tribe, of whom but very few families remain. Many of the local features are hallowed by the Indian folk-lore. The legend of Dah-nol-yo—Squaw Rock, so charmingly written by Mrs. H. M. Carpenter, of Ukiah, is presented to the reader. DAH-NOL-YO—Squaw Rock. |