STORMING THE MOLE. Drawn by Charles De Lacy from details supplied by the Author
Drawn by Charles De Lacy from details supplied by the Author
The Riverside Press Cambridge
The Riverside Press
In appreciating the military reasons which directed the operations connected with the blocking of Zeebrugge, it is desirable to recall to mind the general naval situation at the beginning of 1918.
Briefly stated, the German High Seas Fleet was contained within the waters of the Heligoland Bight by the British Grand Fleet, whilst German submarines were engaged on vast operations, having for their object the stoppage of the trade of Great Britain, and interference with our lines of communication.
In the face of such an attack, the aim of Great Britain was either to destroy the enemy submarines, or, failing destruction, to prevent their egress from their bases. Convoy operations, patrol operations, and mining operations in all seas were carried out to achieve the former aim, and accomplished great results.
But enemy submarines continued to be built almost as rapidly as they were destroyed. It was essential, therefore, to take what measures were possible to render useless their bases and interfere with their freedom of exit, and it was with this military object that plans for the blocking of Zeebrugge were initiated.
Emphasis has been laid on the military reason which underlay this operation, because an erroneous impression has existed in some quarters that the Zeebrugge operations were more in the nature of an offensive designed to lower the morale of the enemy and enhance that of the British Navy, which, as a whole, had little opportunity of coming to grips with the enemy.
Whilst these moral results undoubtedly were felt after the operation, they were not the military reasons, reasons alone which justified so complex and difficult an undertaking, reasons which were never lost sight of during the planning and carrying out of the operations.
The plan was surely laid; simple in general design, details were worked out with foresight and exactitude. The factors of surprise, mystification, and diversion were utilised to the utmost. The resources of science were given full scope. Training to carry out the plan proceeded with energy and understanding, co-ordination and co-operation being apparent throughout. It was carried out with determination.
In Captain Carpenter's book we are let into the full secret, and are led step by step through the various phases referred to above, which were to be crowned by the glorious achievement of St. George's Day, 1918. His pages bring out once again the moral and military virtues of the British Navy, Officers and Men. They demonstrate that the spirit which existed in our Naval Wars of past centuries, wars which laid the foundation of the Empire, remains undiminished in the naval personnel of to-day.
It is for us to ensure that these glorious traditions are understood by all, and in being understood are handed on to those who come after us. This book, in placing on record the matchless qualities displayed by all concerned in the blocking of Zeebrugge, I welcome for this purpose.
Admiral of the Fleet
19th July, 1921
C'est dans un sentiment de solidaritÉ que s'est rÉalisÉe l'union des AlliÉs, en 1914, quand la cause de la Civilisation s'est trouvÉe menacÉe.
A tous les moments critiques de la guerre, l'union s'est ainsi resserrÉe devant le danger, et lorsqu'il s'est agi de fermer un des repaires d'oÙ les sousmarins ennemis menaÇaient les communications vitales des AlliÉs, dans une manoeuvre splendide, avec un esprit commun de sacrifice absolu, le port de Zeebrugge a ÉtÉ attaquÉ et definitivement fermÉ.
Le Commandant du Vindictive a tenu À rappeler les dÉtails de l'opÉration dans laquelle il a jouÉ un rÔle si brillant, et son livre constituera un prÉcieux enseignement et donnera aux gÉnÉrations futures un exemple splendide.[1]
Few incidents of the Great War had a greater influence in inspiring enthusiasm in the fighting forces and increasing their morale than the successful attack upon Zeebrugge; and it will long remain as an example of what can be accomplished by the thorough co-ordination of the elements of a sound plan with the various limiting conditions of place, time, state of sea and air, and the material equipment suitable and available.
The reader of this volume will at once be struck by the painstaking care with which it was necessary that each detail be worked out, and each unit assigned its particular task to be executed at a specified time and place. Also that the amount of detail was necessarily so great, and their dependence one upon another so vital to ultimate success, that the whole may be compared to a complicated mechanism so designed to meet peculiar conditions that the failure of any part—any unit or group—or a material change in any of the conditions, would have deranged essential elements of the plan and might have jeopardised the success of the expedition.
But the principal lesson to be learned from the attack is not so much the thoroughness of the preparation and training and the efficiency of the weapons, essential as they of course were, as it is the influence of the spirit and the initiative and loyalty of the personnel that carried it out. These elements supplied the "steam," the flexibility, and the lubrication that ensured the harmonious working of the whole mechanism of which they were the soul. The basic principle was the splendid morale of the personnel inspired by the high character of its leaders.
Apart from the great interest of this narrative to the laymen, as a military exploit of the most brilliant character, and an inspiring story of heroism in war, it will always prove of great value to those military men of both branches of the service who realise the tremendous influence of the morale of their forces—the confidence in the ability of the leader which encourages initiative and inspires the highest type of loyalty.
(Burgomaster of Bruges)
Ainsi que tous mes concitoyens j'ai appris avec une grande satisfaction que la fameuse attaque de Zeebrugge par le Vindictive allait faire le sujet d'un livre publiÉ prochainement par Capitaine Alfred F. B. Carpenter, un des hÉros qui ont pris une part glorieuse À cet exploit.
Cette entreprise de la Marine de Guerre Anglaise a ÉtÉ assurÉment une des faits de guerre les plus extraordinaires des temps anciens et modernes. Elle a ÉtÉ accompliÉe avec une Énergie et une audace qui a dÉjouÉ toutes les prÉvisions des Allemands.
Ainsi en dÉpit de toutes les difficultÉs, de tous les dangers, et de pertes cruelles, l'assaut prodigieux du mole a jetÉ l'Épouvante parmi les ennemis et en mÊme temps le Vindictive et les bateaux qui le suivaient ont embouteillÉ dans leur repaire les abominables U.B.
La cannonade entendue À Bruges nous avait dÉjÀ donnÉ l'Éveil et bientÔt les rumeurs que les Allemands n'avaient pu intercepter et la consternation qu'ils tentaient vainement de dissimuler nous ont appris que l'Angleterre avait frappÉ un grand coup. Un tel ÉvÉnement releva tous nos courages.
Nous espÉrons qu'À Zeebrugge, sur le territoire de Bruges, un magnifique monument immortalisera ce fait inoui, mais c'est avec le plus grand intÉrÊt que nous connaÎtrons par le livre de Capitaine Carpenter toutes les circonstances de cette histoire hÉroÏque et les noms des hommes qui ont donnÉ une nouvelle gloire À la Marine Anglaise.[2]
Bourgemestre de Bruges
As a result of having delivered many lectures, under official auspices and in compliance with private invitations, on "The Blocking of Zeebrugge," the author has received several requests to record the story in more permanent form. Underlying these requests there appears to be a feeling that first-hand accounts of enterprises in the Great War should be of some value towards preserving that spirit which rallied all classes of individuals in the British Empire, in the Allied Countries, and in the United States of America, to the common cause of upholding civilisation in the face of danger. That opinion, indeed, has been openly stated to the author in Great Britain, by leading members of the educational profession and of the Church, by naval and military officers and others. Opinions of a similar type also have been received from the United States, where, during a recent series of visits to many of the larger cities, the author personally experienced that solid friendship for Great Britain which is sometimes hidden beneath surface irritations of a political nature.
Misunderstandings must occasionally arise between communities and between the members of any single community; they readily take root and develop into serious argument where the existence of a common cause is forgotten. For that reason the author feels that the above-mentioned opinions are not without foundation. Whilst attempting to show that co-operation between the several units of a fighting force and confidence between superiors and subordinates are important factors towards success in war, he has made this humble endeavour to induce the belief that co-operation and confidence in other walks of life are no less necessary.
There is danger of this blocking enterprise being allotted a false position in the contemporary histories of the late war owing to the somewhat prevalent custom of describing war operations with little reference to the various considerations, factors, and events which gave them birth.
The man-in-the-street is sometimes carried away by enthusiasm or despondency, as the case may be, when unexpected events occur during hostilities; he is apt to give little thought to the "why" and "wherefore" of the occurrences. That fact has been exemplified clearly enough with respect to this particular event, for, on all sides, one heard the public verdict, given in the colloquial vulgarism of the period, that the affair was a fine "stunt." The word "stunt," as unmusical to the ear as it was offensive to those concerned in the operations, has been defined as "a voluntary act, spectacular, usually unnecessary, sometimes involving risk, and designed to attract attention." However, the man-in-the-street meant well, and, after all, could justifiably plead that his lack of education on naval matters was to blame. The author has therefore addressed this book to the man-in-the-street, and has endeavoured to "put him wise," as our cousins across the water are in the habit of remarking.
The official despatches dealing with the blocking operations on the Flanders coast were published early in 1919, and, as far as despatches can go, gave a splendid account of the enterprise forming the subject of this book. But despatches are strictly limited in length and necessarily deal more with cold-blooded statements of fact than with psychological aspects. When one reads despatches of the great leaders of the past concerning the operations in their campaigns one cannot fail to notice the almost complete absence of any reference to the moral factor in war. Yet Napoleon himself declared, "The moral is to the physical as three is to one." Material results can easily be gauged under peace conditions, whereas moral effect on human nature in war is only discoverable from one's own war experiences, which are necessarily limited, and from the experiences of others as set forth in the historical records of past wars. It was partly for that reason, presumably, that Napoleon studied the campaigns of CÆsar and Hannibal although their instruments of war were long since out of date.
The usual reasons for the omission of the moral factors from despatches are twofold. Firstly, the leader from whom the despatch emanates may consider it inadvisable to publish his preconceived ideas as to the eventual effect of the operations on the morale of the enemy; this concealment is especially necessary if the despatch is published before the declaration of peace. Secondly, the writer of the despatch is often unaware, at the time of writing, of the effect already obtained against the enemy's morale; such effects may not be discoverable for many months after the operations have been concluded. Under certain circumstances it may also be temporarily inadvisable to present to the enemy, through the medium of despatches, information concerning psychological effects on one's own personnel. These omissions, therefore, must not be taken to infer that the moral factors were ignored. It is clear, then, that post-war accounts of operations may be far from superfluous whether considered from the point of view of the man-in-the-street or that of the student of war.
Without some conception of the strategical situation arising from the German occupation of the Flanders coast it would be difficult to grasp the true nature of the enterprise described herein. An examination of the strategical outlook alone, however, would be insufficient. The geographical and hydrographical, and even the meteorological, situations largely influenced the choice of tactical methods to be pursued for the attainment of the object in view. It is therefore important to consider the situation from these various standpoints in some detail.
The book has been divided into two parts. Part I deals with the Situation, the Object, the General Plan for the attainment of the Object, the Preparatory Work involved, and the various occurrences up to the eve of the Attack. Part II describes the events which occurred during the operation itself, and includes some consideration of both the material and moral results of the enterprise and the lessons to be drawn therefrom.
For the illustrations the author is much indebted to the Admiralty, Air Ministry, Imperial War Museum, and Press, to whom he makes this grateful acknowledgment.
With regard to the personal side of the story, it may be as well to point out that many of the officers and men concerned were mentioned in the official despatch; that fact lessens one of the difficulties attached to the author's task. A compromise between the purely impersonal attitude and the very natural desire to render full justice to each individual, regardless of the reader's patience, has been aimed at.
The author trusts that the reader will be tolerant of omission and repetition, and will forgive the rather obvious shortcomings of a literary nature which, alas, appear all too frequently in the book.
8th March, 1921
Introduction by Admiral Earl Beatty
Appreciation by Marshal Foch
Appreciation by Rear-Admiral Sims, U.S.N.
Appreciation by Count Visart
Author's Preface
I. The Strategical Situation. The German Bases in Flanders. The Conception of the Plan
II. The Local Situation. The Local Defences
III. The Outlying Obstacles. Considerations of Salvage
IV. Past Experience. Smoke Screens. The Chances of Success
V. Planning The Operation. Matters Affecting the Plan. Attacks on the Mole
VI. The Vessels Involved: Their Duties. The Rescue Work
VII. Matters affecting the Passage. The Supporting Forces. The German Sea-Forces. The Preparatory Work
VIII. The Personnel. Secrecy. Training. Some Personalities
IX. The Waiting Period. The Volunteering Spirit
X. Meteorological and Tidal Conditions. Visibility
XI. The Orders and Instructions. The Time Factor
XII. The First Attempt. The Return to Harbour
XIII. The Second Attempt and Return. Preparing for the Third Attempt. Rewriting the Orders. German Optimism
I. The Start. The Oversea Passage
II. The Approach
III. The Commencement of the Attack
IV. The Fight on the Mole. H.M.S. Iris
V. The Attack on the Railway Viaduct
VI. The Smoke Screening. Subsidiary Attacks
VII. The Work of the Blockships
VIII. The Retirement
IX. The Material Results
X. The Moral Effect
XI. Some Remarks on the Enterprise
Appendix. A List of Vessels and Craft in the Operations
Storming the Mole . . . . . . . . . _Frontispiece_
Drawn by Charles De Lacy from details supplied by the author
Captain Alfred F. B. Carpenter
A Portion of the German Battery on the Lighthouse Extension of the Mole
View of the Canal Entrance with its Curved Piers
Aerial Photograph of the Canal Entrance
The Northeastern End of the Mole
The Blockships fitting out for the Enterprise
H.M.S. Vindictive before Fitting Out
A Portion of the Broad Part of the Mole
The Outer Wall, Showing the Parapet Pathway Sixteen Feet Above The Floor of the Mole
H.M.S. Vindictive's Specially Constructed Gang-Ways
One of the Monitors
H.M. Ships Iris (right) and Daffodil
Lieut.-Col. Bertram N. Elliot
Lieut.-Commander Arthur L. Harrison
Wing-Commander Frank A. Brock
Captain Henry C. Halahan
Vice-Admiral Sir Roger J. B. Keyes (missing from book)
Diagrammatic Sketch of the Attack
Drawn By Charles De Lacy From Details Supplied By The Author
H.M.S. Vindictive's Bridge and Flame-Thrower Hut (right)
The Fight on the Mole
Drawn by Charles De Lacy from details supplied by the author
Lieut. George N. Bradford
Lieut. Claude E. K. Hawkings
Lieut. Richard D. Sandford
Commander Valentine F. Gibbs
The Railway Viaduct
Aerial Photograph taken through the Clouds a Few Hours after the Enterprise
The Three Blockships shortly after the Attack
Intrepid and Iphigenia
The Western Side of the Blocked Channel
The Eastern Side of the Blocked Channel
H.M.S. Vindictive at Dover after the Attack
H.M.S. Vindictive on her Return to Dover
Chart showing the Relative Positions of Dover, Zeebrugge, Heligoland, and the Exits from the North Sea
The Canal System of Belgium
The Port of Zeebrugge
Chart of Dover to Zeebrugge
Plan of Canal Entrance Channel
Sectional Sketch of Sunken Blockships
Section of the Mole through No. 3 Shed
Specimen Diagram for ascertaining Available Period