Art supervisors in the public schools assign picture-study work in each grade, recommending the study of certain pictures by well-known masters. As Supervisor of Drawing I found that the children enjoyed this work but that the teachers felt incompetent to conduct the lessons as they lacked time to look up the subject and to gather adequate material. Recourse to a great many books was necessary and often while much information could usually be found about the artist, very little was available about his pictures. Hence I began collecting information about the pictures and preparing the lessons for the teachers just as I would give them myself to pupils of their grade. My plan does not include many pictures during the year, as this is to be only a part of the art work and is not intended to take the place of drawing. The lessons in this grade are planned for the usual drawing period of from twenty to thirty minutes, and have been given in that time successfully. Flora L. Carpenter FEEDING HER BIRDS STORIES |