Artist: Julius Adam (ad´´am). Birthplace: Unknown. Dates: Unknown. Questions to arouse interest. How many of you like little kittens? How many have a kitty at home? What are these little kittens doing? Where do you think they are? What makes you think they are all well fed and cared for? What is the color of their fur? How many of them look happy? How many have a ribbon around the neck? What do you suppose these little kittens have been doing? Which one would you choose for your pet? why? Do you think this is a good picture of kittens? Why do you think so? Why do you suppose it is called "Four Little Scamps Are We"? The story of the picture. Once there was a man named Mr. Adam, who had four little kittens just like these. He liked to watch them play, and they loved him because he was so kind to them. He must have found it very hard to make them keep still long enough for him to paint their pictures. Probably he put them in a large glass cage with wire over the top, as so many painters of cats have done. Perhaps these four little kittens have just had a fine romp through the house. What do you suppose they had for breakfast? Probably a saucer full of milk, which is just what little kittens like best. Mr. Adam has finally succeeded in chasing his four roguish little kittens into the cage. They do not mind staying in the cage to please him, for they like to have him talk to them and play with them. They try to look their very best for him, and wonder which one he will take up first. Sometimes he must like to take them up in his arms and pet them. Which one would you like to take in your arms? These four pretty kittens must be very happy, for they look as if they were well cared for. That first little kitten at the left-hand side of the picture seems happy. We suspect she is purring. That is the way she lets us know she is happy, just as children sing when they are happy. I am sure she would like to lie in your lap and let you pet her. She holds Four Little Scamps Are We How very wise the second little kitten looks! Perhaps she is proud of her white collar and cuffs. I am sure she keeps them nice and clean. Such a baby she is, to be so thoughtful! But she likes to play, too, no doubt. What do you suppose she is thinking about? Maybe she is thinking of a nice, soft red ball in a basket in the sewing room, and after her picture is painted perhaps she means to get that ball and surprise the other kittens. Then they will all roll over and over on the floor with it. Or maybe the The third little kitty is almost all white. She looks as if she saw a bird. We hope she is not such a naughty kitty as to try to catch our pretty birds. I am sure Mr. Adam will not want her to do that, and will teach her better. But, do you know, I believe it is a fly she sees, and I hope she will catch that. She surely does look as if she were planning some mischief as she crouches there ready for anything. The last little kitten seems to say, "Oh, look at my pretty ribbon! I am the only one of us that wears a ribbon! Is it not fine?" No wonder he holds his head so high! His fur is striped, and he looks like a little tiger kitten. With such bright eyes and such sharp ears it is no wonder cats hear and see the little mice that go about so quietly. Do you know why a cat has whiskers? They say that the whiskers are always as wide as the widest part of the cat's body, so that when she wants to go through a hole in the fence, or through any narrow place, she can tell whether the opening is large enough. If her whiskers just touch, she can go through all right; but if they are pushed back, then it is of no use for her to try, for there will not be room enough to pass. What soft little cushions they have on their feet! No wonder they can go about so quietly. When they like you, they keep their claws hidden in those cushions, and so they do not scratch when they play with you. Did you ever watch a cat sharpen her claws? She usually sharpens them on the trunk of a tree, but sometimes she likes to sharpen them on the carpet or rug. Your mamma does not like that. Even little kittens have very sharp teeth and claws, and if you tease them, or they are afraid, they bite and scratch. These little kittens look as if they had never been teased or felt cross, and we would not be a bit afraid to pet them. Questions to help the pupil understand the picture. Where do you suppose Mr. Adam put these kittens when he wanted to paint them? Why put them in a glass cage? Why have wire over the top? Why do the kittens like to stay in the cage? Which of the kittens has a ribbon around the neck? How does he seem to feel? What does the next kitten seem to be about to do? What color is she? What is the next To the Teacher: Allow the children to talk freely of their kittens at home. Have them draw a kitten with charcoal on manila paper. Even if the results are not much in themselves, their powers of observation will be quickened, as is always shown when the same drawing is attempted a few days later. The story of the artist. We know that Mr. Adam must have been very fond of cats, because he has painted so many pictures of them; but that is all we really do know of him. One authority gives the first letter of his name as S., the dates of his birth and death as 1801 and 1867, and his birthplace, Italy. Another authority gives the same dates but the initial letter J. and the birthplace, France. The paintings are signed T. or J. Adam, but no record has been kept of the artist's life. Questions about the artist. Who painted this picture? Why do you think he must have liked cats? |