(The numerals refer to pages.) I. SUBJECTS TREATEDAdvertisements, 135. Appeals, 133. Argument, general principle of, 214; the introduction, 215; the reasons, 217; the outline, 220; the plea, 221; other forms of, 221. Autobiography, 140. Biography, 142. Clause, defined, 4; dependent or subordinate, 4; independent or principal, 5. Condensation, 67; method in, 71. Description, observation necessary in, 155; general scientific description, 158; specific scientific, 162; use of technical terms in, 163; literary description, 164; of people, 169; longer description, 172; description of conditions, 174; by contrast, 176; of events, 177; picture making of scenes of action, 179; description of travel, 182; descriptions of an hour, 185. Diary, value of, 106; contents of, 107; imaginary diaries, 109; class diaries, 109. Expansion, 78; purpose of, 79. Exposition, general principles of, 199; explanation of a material process, 201; of games, 204; of abstract ideas, 208; by example and comparison, 208; by repetition, 210; by contrast, 211; by a figure of speech, 211. Figures of speech, 59. History, 144. Invitations, formal, 122. Letters, various kinds of, 112; friendly, 113; of social intercourse, 119; formal invitations, 122; telegrams, 123; business letters, 125. Metaphor, 59. Narration, essentials of a good narrative, 137; autobiography, 140; biography, 142; history, 144; plain reporting of facts, 150; conversation, 152; travel, 182; historical stories, 188; fictitious stories, 191; the beginning of a narrative, 193; the ending, 196; the body, 197. Notices, 130. Oral composition, 102. Outlines, 92, 98, 220. Paragraph, defined and described, 29; beginning of or topic sentence, 30; unity in, 35; body of, 37; too many paragraphs, 41; end of paragraph or summary sentence, 42; arrangement in a whole composition, 96. Paraphrase, 80, 84. Petitions, 134. Phrase, defined, 4. Pronunciation, 104. Punctuation, 246. Quotations, how punctuated, 44, 259. Secretarial work, 225. Sentence, distinguished from phrase and clause, 4; simple, complex, and compound, 7; variety in the use of sentences, 14, 19; periodic, 17; loose, 18; bad, 21, 22, 23, 25; "comma" sentence, 22; with and without unity, 23; formless, 25. Simile, 59. Slang, 63. Spelling, 62. Synonyms, 53. Telegrams, 123. Travel, 182. Unity, in sentences, 23; in paragraphs, 35; in whole compositions, 97. Versification, 234. Vocabulary, size and character of English, 50; increasing one's vocabulary, 50. Whole composition, 88; outline of, 92, 98, 220; arrangement of paragraphs in, 96; essentials of, 97; how to plan a, 98. Words, 49; vocabulary, 50; synonyms, 53; choice of words, 55; accuracy in the use of, 58; errors in the use of, 62. II. ILLUSTRATIVE EXTRACTSAddison, Joseph, The Spectator, 209, 212. Ames, Azel, How the Pilgrims Came to Plymouth, 144. Baldwin, James, A Story of the Golden Age, 30. Bryant, William C., To the Fringed Gentian, 158. Buckley, Arabella, Fairyland of Science, 70. Burroughs, John, Locusts and Wild Honey, 156; Squirrels and Other Fur-bearing Animals, 192. Cooper, James Fenimore, The Pilot, 71. Dickens, Charles, A Child's History of England, 69, 75, 177, 188; David Copperfield, 167, 169, 186. Franklin, Benjamin, Autobiography, 43. Garland, Hamlin, Main-traveled Roads, 174. Gregory, Lady, Through Portugal, 182. Hardy, Thomas, Far from the Madding Crowd, 179. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Mosses from an Old Manse, 83. Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown's Schooldays, 63. Irving, Washington, Rip Van Winkle, 43; Astoria, 81, 82; Life of Columbus, 83; Stratford-on-Avon (The Sketch-Book), 88. Kane, Elisha E., Arctic Explorations, 70. Leavitt, R. G., Outlines of Botany, 158. Lockyer, J. N., Astronomy, 92. Long, William J., Ways of Wood Folk, 31. Longfellow, Henry W., The Courtship of Miles Standish, 82; The Bridge of Cloud, 83; Walter Von der Vogelweid, 85. Lowell, James R., The Vision of Sir Launfal, 84. Main, E., Cities and Sights of Spain, 204. Merriam, Florence A., Birds through an Opera Glass, 160, 162. Motley, J. L., Correspondence, 170. Nicolay, Helen, The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln, 32. Parkman, Francis, The Conspiracy of Pontiac, 180. Prescott, William H., The Conquest of Mexico, 82. Sheridan, Richard B., The Rivals, 58. Thoreau, Henry D., Excursions, 165. Whittier, John G., The Barefoot Boy, 84. Yonge, Charlotte M., A Book of Golden Deeds, 93. Printed in the United States of America. 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THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York BOSTONCHICAGOATLANTASAN FRANCISCO FOOTNOTES:Transcriber's note:Italics have replaced underlined words. Small capital text has been replaced with all capitals. Minor typographical and punctuation errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed. Mismatched quotes are not fixed if it's not sufficiently clear where the missing quote should be placed. The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. |