| | PAGE | PREFACE. | By the Earl of Carnarvon | v | INTRODUCTION. | By the Earl of Carnarvon | 1 | Chapter I | The Mortuary Chapel and Sepulchre of Teta-ky. By Howard Carter | 12 | II | The Paintings and Inscriptions of the Vaulted Chamber of Teta-ky. By George Legrain | 14 | III | The Funerary Statuettes From Tomb of Teta-ky. By Percy E. Newberry | 19 | IV | Excavations in the Valley of DÊr El Bahari. By Howard Carter | 22 | V | Work Done in the BirÂbi. The Seventeenth Dynasty Tomb No. 9. By Howard Carter | 34 | VI | The Carnarvon Tablets I and II. by F. Ll. Griffith | 36 | VII | The ‘Valley’-temple of Queen HatshepsÛt. By Howard Carter | 38 | VIII | Ptolemaic Vaulted Graves. By Howard Carter | 42 | IX | Demotic Papyri and Ostraca. By Wilhelm Spiegelberg | 46 | X | Colonnade and Foundation Deposit of Rameses IV. By Howard Carter | 48 | XI | Other Antiquities Discovered. By Howard Carter | 49 | XII | The Late Middle Kingdom and Intermediate Period Necropolis. By Howard Carter | 51 | XIII | Hieratic Texts from Tomb No. 37. By George MÖller | 89 | XIV | The Vegetable Remains. By Percy E. Newberry | 94 | INDEX: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, |   |