An Old Brahman | Frontispiece | Bandy crossing a Pool | Facing page 5 | A Young Tamil Girl | 11 | A Potter at his Wheel | 24 | A Devotee of Siva | 26 | The Red Lake Village | 28 | Death Scene | 51 | Wailing | 53 | Three Ceremonial Mourners | 54 | Ceremonial Bathing | 56 | An Ancient Pariah | 58 | Vellala Widow | 66 | Typical Old Widow | 73 | Hindu Schoolmaster and Boys | 87 | Shanar Mother and Child | 91 | Cooking in a Shanar House | 98 | Fairly Typical Vellalar | 105 | Christian Widow | 112 | Brahman Girl | 118 | Three Types of Brahmanhood— | Keen | 132 | Thoughtful | 134 | Dull | 138 | An Old Woman and Baby | 143 | Brahman Widow | 145 | Brahman Street | 147 | Shepherd-Caste House | 151 | Vellala Child | 161 | "Ugly Duckling" | 178 | Designs in Chalk | 194 | Handmarks on the Door | 202 | A "Holy Brahman" | 221 | Woman and Water-Vessel | 262 |