Agni | God of Fire. | Aiyo | Alas! "Ai" runs together almost like "eye." The word is repeated rapidly, Eye-eye Y? Eye-eye Y?! | Amm? | Mother! (vocative case). "A" is pronounced like "u" in "up." The word is also used by all women in speaking to each other, and by girls in speaking to women. | Amm?l | Lady or woman. "A" is pronounced like "u" in "up." | Anna | One penny. | Areca Nut | Nut "eaten" by the Indians with betel leaf or lime. | Betel | Leaf of a creeper. | Bandy | A bullock cart. | Brahma | The first person in the Hindu Triad, regarded as the Creator. | Brahman | The highest of the Hindu Castes. | BramoSamÂj | A sect of Hindu reformers who honour Christ as a man, but reject Him as a Saviour. | Chee! | Exclamation of derision, disgust, or remonstrance. | Compound | A piece of ground surrounding a house. | Coolie | A paid labourer. "Coolie" is the Tamil word for pay. | Curry | A preparation of meat or vegetables made by grinding various condiments and mixing them together. | Fakeer | Religious beggar. | Guru | A religious teacher. | Iyer | Title given to Brahmans and Gurus. | Paddy | Rice in the husk. Paddy fields = rice fields. | Pariah | A depressed class. | P?jah | Worship. "?" is pronounced like "oo." | Rupee | Value 1s. 4d. | Saivite | A worshipper of Siva. | Salaam | A salutation meaning "peace," used in greeting and farewell, and often in the sense of "thank you." The right hand is raised to the forehead as one says salaam. | Seeley | Tamil woman's dress of silk, muslin, or cotton. | Shanar | A Caste of Palmyra-palm climbers. | Siva | The third person in the Hindu Triad. The Destroyer. | Tom-Tom | An Indian drum. | Vaishnavite | A worshipper of Vishnu. | Vellalar | A Caste of landowners and cultivators. | Vishnu | The second person in the Hindu Triad. The Preserver. |