
Agni God of Fire.
Aiyo Alas! "Ai" runs together almost like "eye." The word is repeated rapidly, Eye-eye Y? Eye-eye Y?!
Amm? Mother! (vocative case). "A" is pronounced like "u" in "up." The word is also used by all women in speaking to each other, and by girls in speaking to women.
Amm?l Lady or woman. "A" is pronounced like "u" in "up."
Anna One penny.
Areca Nut Nut "eaten" by the Indians with betel leaf or lime.
Betel Leaf of a creeper.
Bandy A bullock cart.
Brahma The first person in the Hindu Triad, regarded as the Creator.
Brahman The highest of the Hindu Castes.
BramoSamÂj A sect of Hindu reformers who honour Christ as a man, but reject Him as a Saviour.
Chee! Exclamation of derision, disgust, or remonstrance.
Compound A piece of ground surrounding a house.
Coolie A paid labourer. "Coolie" is the Tamil word for pay.
Curry A preparation of meat or vegetables made by grinding various condiments and mixing them together.
Fakeer Religious beggar.
Guru A religious teacher.
Iyer Title given to Brahmans and Gurus.
Paddy Rice in the husk. Paddy fields = rice fields.
Pariah A depressed class.
P?jah Worship. "?" is pronounced like "oo."
Rupee Value 1s. 4d.
Saivite A worshipper of Siva.
Salaam A salutation meaning "peace," used in greeting and farewell, and often in the sense of "thank you." The right hand is raised to the forehead as one says salaam.
Seeley Tamil woman's dress of silk, muslin, or cotton.
Shanar A Caste of Palmyra-palm climbers.
Siva The third person in the Hindu Triad. The Destroyer.
Tom-Tom An Indian drum.
Vaishnavite A worshipper of Vishnu.
Vellalar A Caste of landowners and cultivators.
Vishnu The second person in the Hindu Triad. The Preserver.


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