A's Aristides, or Gladstone the Good; B is Lord B., whom I'd crush if I could. C are Conservatives, full of mad pranks; D are the Dunces who fill up their ranks. E stands for Ewelme, of some notoriety; F for the Fuss made in Oxford society. G stands for Gladstone, a hewer of wood; H is my Hatchet of merciless mood. I is the Irish Church which I cut down: J are the Jobs which I kill with a frown, K are the Knocks which I give and I take: L are the Liberals whom I forsake. M are the Ministry whom I revile; N are the Noodles my speeches beguile. O is the Office I mean to refuse: P is the Premier—I long for his shoes. Q are the Qualms of my conscience refined; R is the Rhetoric nothing can bind, S is Herr Schliemann who loves much to walk about T ancient Troy, which I love much to talk about. U is the Union of Church and State; V are my former Views, now out of date. W is William, the People's 'True Bill,' X is the Exit from power of that 'Will.' Y is Young England, who soon will unite Z in fresh Zeal for the 'People's Delight.' (1879)