BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ANNOUNCEROn July 1, 1776, the Continental Congress of the American Colonies faced one of the most important crises this country has ever passed through. Upon what happened that night depended the fate of the resolution before Congress which declared that: "These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." This was known as the Lee Resolution, the fate of which was to be decided by one of the most famous rides in history—Caesar Rodney's ride. Let us begin our story on the morning of July 1, 1776, in the Continental Congress at Philadelphia. For nearly three hours the Lee Resolution has been the subject of furious debate. The members are all excited, anxious, overwrought. The debate has become bitter, for some of the members are unalterably opposed to independence. It is about noon when Dr. Franklin rises to address the Chair: FRANKLIN Mr. President— HANCOCK Dr. Franklin. FRANKLIN I have sat uneasily, sir, during the furious debate, hoping that the storm would subside, and the bright sun of reason would shine upon us through the parting clouds. But, sir, I am fearful that the storm is gathering with new fury, and that we may be blown too far from our course to steer safely into harbor. Perhaps, sir, we should end this debate which seems to bid fair to wreck our unity. I move you, sir, that we lay the Lee Resolution on the table. ALL No, no, bring it to a vote! HANCOCK [sound of gavel] Order! Order! Do I hear a second to Dr. Franklin's motion? VOICE Second! HANCOCK You have heard the motion—are there any remarks? RUTLEDGE Mr. President— HANCOCK Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina. RUTLEDGE I believe, sir, with Dr. Franklin, that the debate has lasted too long; but, sir, I am hopeful that with only a little more HANCOCK Does Dr. Franklin accept the amendment? FRANKLIN Mr. President, I have only one desire in this matter, and that is to see this body united and of one mind. If in the peace of a quiet July afternoon and the tranquillity of a night's rest we can find that bond which will unite us and hold us together, I say, yes—I accept Mr. Rutledge's amendment. Let us vote upon the Lee Resolution tomorrow morning. VOICE But the first thing tomorrow morning! FRANKLIN Yes—the first thing tomorrow morning. [murmurs of assent] HANCOCK [sound of gavel] You have heard the motion. Are there any further remarks? ALL Question! Question! Question! HANCOCK Those favoring? ALL Aye—aye—aye— HANCOCK Contrary minded?—Carried! [sound of gavel] RUTLEDGE And now, sir, I move we adjourn until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. VOICE Second! HANCOCK Before putting Mr. Rutledge's motion to adjourn, I wish to caution all the members to the greatest secrecy. Whatever the outcome of our deliberation, we can only cause harm to ourselves and to our country by divulging what has been done here. The motion to adjourn is before the Congress. Those favoring? ALL Aye—aye—aye— HANCOCK Contrary minded?—Carried! [sound of gavel] Congress is adjourned until nine o'clock tomorrow morning. ALL [confusion and noise] It can't be done! FRANKLIN Oh, Mr. Rutledge— RUTLEDGE [off] Yes, Dr. Franklin? FRANKLIN Please—may I speak to you? RUTLEDGE [coming in] Of course, Doctor—what is it? FRANKLIN Sit down here, my boy. RUTLEDGE Thank you. FRANKLIN Do you think you can swing the South Carolina delegation for independence? RUTLEDGE I don't know, Dr. Franklin, but I've invited them to my lodging to dine with me and talk over the question. FRANKLIN Good, good! Often an excellent meal and a taste of fine wine carry more conviction than hours of argument. As I see it now, we must swing South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Delaware into line before tomorrow morning. RUTLEDGE Count on me for South Carolina. FRANKLIN And I'll take care of Pennsylvania. I think I'll try your strategy—I'll invite the delegation to dinner. RUTLEDGE Then that leaves Delaware. FRANKLIN I wonder if McKeen of Delaware, who favors independence— RUTLEDGE Yes, I know. FRANKLIN [going on] —can't swing Dr. Reed in the same way. RUTLEDGE Perhaps. FRANKLIN Oh, there's McKeen now. Call him over here—will you, Rutledge? RUTLEDGE Of course. [calling] Oh, Mr. McKeen! Mr. McKeen! MCKEEN [off] Yes? RUTLEDGE Come over here a moment—will you, please? MCKEEN Why, certainly. [coming in] Well, Dr. Franklin, we had a stormy session this morning. FRANKLIN All that will be forgotten— MCKEEN In victory. FRANKLIN If only we can make our victory complete. MCKEEN True. FRANKLIN What chance is there for Delaware to join us? MCKEEN None, I'm afraid. Dr. Reed and I are the only delegates here—and he is as unalterably opposed to independence as I am in favor of it. The vote of Delaware won't count. FRANKLIN What about getting another favoring delegate here by tomorrow? Could you do that? MCKEEN Well, Doctor, I'm afraid it's out of the question. Caesar Rodney favors the resolution, I know, but he's at home in Dover, Delaware. FRANKLIN Send a postrider for him! MCKEEN It's eighty miles. FRANKLIN Well, that's not impossible. We have until nine o'clock tomorrow morning—it's now—let's see—just a little after twelve—that's nearly twenty-one hours. MCKEEN But Rodney was very ill when he went home last week. FRANKLIN Perhaps he's better by now. Write him a letter—send it by the postrider—urge upon him the enormous importance of his getting here by tomorrow morning. MCKEEN Well, I can try it. FRANKLIN Do, Mr. McKeen, for we must have unanimous action on this question! We must hang together on this, or we'll all hang separately! MCKEEN All right, sir, I'll go to the postrider's at once! Good day. FRANKLIN Good day. And let us pray that Rodney gets here! ANNOUNCERSo McKeen hurried to the postrider's stable. Now the postrider was to the people of Revolutionary days what the telegraph or the telephone is to us today. He carried messages at a very rapid rate, for those days, by changing horses every ten or fifteen miles. As McKeen came up to the post stable, he saw the stableman sitting on a bench, hard at work cleaning a saddle. MCKEEN Good day, sir. URIAH Day to ye. MCKEEN I want a postrider. URIAH Wal', postriders are all out, sir. MCKEEN Oh, too bad! When do you expect one back? URIAH Dunno fer certain. Mebbe three or four hours—mebbe longer. MCKEEN But look here—I can't wait that long—I want one right away! URIAH I'm right sorry, sir, but thar ain't nawthin' I kin do about et. Come back this evenin' and I kin hev a man fer ye, but not before. MCKEEN But, look here, my man URIAH My name's Uriah Clarke—at yer service. MCKEEN All right, Mr. Clarke, I've got to have a postrider to carry a very important message to Dover, Delaware, to get a man back here from Dover by nine o'clock tomorrow morning. URIAH Dover, Delaware, and back? MCKEEN Yes, by nine tomorrow morning! URIAH Why, sir, it's nigh onto eighty mile to Delaware. MCKEEN I know it. URIAH Eighty mile thar and eighty mile back—why, pshaw, sir, we couldn't do thet under a whole day—even ef we hed a rider to send out right now—which we ain't. MCKEEN Twenty-five pounds if you'll do it! URIAH But how kin we? Ain't I jest told ye we ain't got no riders? MCKEEN Why can't you go? URIAH Law, sir, I ain't rode a trip like thet fer years. It 'ud more than likely kill me. MCKEEN Fifty pounds if you'll do it! URIAH No, sir! MCKEEN Name your own sum. URIAH Ye couldn't pay me, sir—not fer thet ride. I know thet road like a book—bad, slow, hard on hoss flesh when ye take it easy. I'd stave up half my hosses—not to mention myself, sir, and I hev a mind fer myself, too. MCKEEN Change riders—change your horses oftener—but make it you must! URIAH Not ef 'twas a matter of life and death, sir. MCKEEN It's more than that! URIAH Eh? What? What ye talkin' about? MCKEEN It's a matter of life and death for a nation—our country! URIAH Is et somethin' to do with Congress, sir? MCKEEN It is. URIAH Wal', sir, I'm a Son of Liberty, and et's my sworn duty to go whar I'm wanted fer liberty, and ef thet's et— MCKEEN It is. URIAH Then I'll go. MCKEEN I'll pay your price. URIAH Thar won't be no price! I'll git yer man to Philadelphia tomorrow mornin' ef I hev to carry him myself. Who's yer man? MCKEEN Caesar Rodney of Dover, Delaware. Here's a letter for him. URIAH Caesar Rodney—I'll fetch him! MCKEEN Good! URIAH [going] Hey, Jim! Throw a saddle on thet bay mare! [orders fade out] ANNOUNCERFor our next scene let us look in at the home of Caesar Rodney in Dover, Delaware. It is nearly eight o'clock on the evening of July 1, 1776. Rodney, pale and drawn, with the languid air of a man but recently out of a sick bed, is sitting in an easy chair. Mrs. Rodney is hovering over him with a protecting anxiety— PRUDENCE You're sure you feel strong enough to sit up, Caesar? RODNEY Yes, yes, Prudence, I'm all right, I tell you. PRUDENCE You're sure you're not in any pain? RODNEY No, no, dear, I'm all right—just weak, that's all. PRUDENCE Now, Caesar, you just mustn't overtax your strength—remember this is only the second day you've been out of bed. RODNEY Yes, dear. PRUDENCE And the physician said you mustn't overdo. RODNEY All right, dear. I wonder what's happening in Philadelphia. PRUDENCE You must get your mind off Congress. You mustn't worry. RODNEY I know, but—what date's today? PRUDENCE July first—why? RODNEY July first. Why, today the Lee Resolution was to come up for final action! Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't there! PRUDENCE What's the Lee Resolution? RODNEY It's the most important motion that's come before the Continental Congress in the two years Congress has been sitting. PRUDENCE What's it about? RODNEY Independence. PRUDENCE You mean to say they're even considering such a thing? RODNEY Of course. It's the only thing left for us. We've got to declare our independence. PRUDENCE Well, I'm mighty glad you weren't there today to vote for it. RODNEY Why? PRUDENCE You'd just have put a rope around your neck. RODNEY My dear, I've done that long ago. [knocking] See who's at the door, dear. PRUDENCE All right. [knocking] Yes, yes, I'm coming. [door opens] URIAH [off] Does Caesar Rodney dwell here? PRUDENCE Yes, what's wanted? URIAH Kin I see him, ma'm? PRUDENCE He's just out of a sick bed and not very strong. URIAH Et's very important, ma'm. RODNEY [calling] Ask him to come in, Prudence. PRUDENCE Well, just a minute—and don't excite him. Right in this way. URIAH Be ye Caesar Rodney? RODNEY Yes. URIAH Here's a letter fer ye. RODNEY A letter—where from? URIAH Philadelphia. I fetched et all the way since noon today. RODNEY Indeed! [sound of tearing paper] PRUDENCE Now, Caesar, do you think you ought to read that? RODNEY Why not? PRUDENCE It might be something exciting—something you oughtn't to read—it might upset you—let me read it first! RODNEY Oh, nonsense! [rattle of paper] PRUDENCE I do wish people could leave a sick man alone—always bothering you! RODNEY Quiet! What's this—what's this? They haven't voted on the Lee Resolution yet! They need me! Prudence, my riding boots! PRUDENCE Your riding boots! Have you gone crazy, Caesar? RODNEY Don't stand and argue! Please get my boots—there isn't a moment to lose! I've got to be in Philadelphia before nine o'clock tomorrow morning! PRUDENCE You can't go! It'll kill you! RODNEY Where's my riding coat? Hurry up—get my boots! PRUDENCE You shan't go—I won't let you! RODNEY I've got to go—I'm needed. If you won't get the boots, I will! PRUDENCE Oh, please, sir, whoever you are— URIAH I'm Uriah Clarke, ma'm—at yer service. PRUDENCE Please, please, don't let him go! He can't stand it—he's too weak. He's been terribly ill—the physician told him he must rest—he could never stand a trip like that! URIAH But, ma'm, he's got to git thar. And I give my word thet I'd hev him thar tomorrow mornin'. PRUDENCE Your word—what's your word to a man's life! URIAH What's a man's life to the life of his country! RODNEY [coming in] All right, I'm ready—let's start! PRUDENCE Caesar! RODNEY Good-bye, Prudence. PRUDENCE If I can't persuade you to give up this mad— RODNEY You can't, my dear— PRUDENCE Good-bye, and God be with you. [door opens] URIAH Here ye be, sir—this is yer hoss. RODNEY You'll have to give me a hand up—I'm a little weak. URIAH All right, sir. [sound of mounting horses] Ready? RODNEY Ready! URIAH Then we're off. [horses' hoofs, Prudence's fading "Good-bye, good-bye!"] ANNOUNCERAnd so out into the July night rode Caesar Rodney and the postrider, bound for Philadelphia eighty miles away—an hour—two hours—past the first remount station—it is nearing eleven o'clock. [sound of horses' hoofs and thunder] RODNEY Is that thunder? URIAH Cal'ate thet's what 'tis. RODNEY I hope it doesn't rain. URIAH 'Twon't help us none ef et does. RODNEY I don't see how we can ever make it if it starts raining. URIAH We got to make et—rain or no rain. I give my word of honor to Mr. McKeen. Git along, boy—tch—tch. RODNEY It's sprinkling. URIAH I felt et. [another peal of thunder closer] [sound of rain and wind] RODNEY I guess it's on us. URIAH Here—draw up yer hoss! RODNEY What for? URIAH Never mind—do what I say! Whoa, boy, whoa! Here, put on my greatcoat! RODNEY Oh, no, no! URIAH Ye need et. Do as I say. Ye been ill, and I ain't a-goin' to hev ye catchin' yer death o' cold—here ye be—now put et on. RODNEY [giving in] But—but what will you do—Uriah? URIAH I'm rugged—I don't need et. [exchanging coat] RODNEY Really, you oughtn't to do this. URIAH I'm a-doin' et—thar ye be! [another clap of thunder and storm noises] She's a-comin' down now! Come on, follow me! Giddap, boy! RODNEY Giddap! [sound of horses' hoofs] ANNOUNCERAnd on into the storm they rode. Another hour—another change of horses. It is after midnight and they come upon a stretch of good road— URIAH Here we be on the turnpike. RODNEY Is that as far as we've got? URIAH It's nigh onto thirty mile. RODNEY But we've got fifty miles more! Can we make it? URIAH We got to make et. How ye feelin'? RODNEY I guess I'll—hold out. URIAH Then let's step along a mite and make up some of thet time we lost in the storm. RODNEY All right. Tch—tch—come along. URIAH Giddap, boy! [beat of horses' hoofs increases] [to himself] Fifty mile. We got to make et, boy—we got to make et—come on—tch—tch—come on—and don't ye make a misstep. RODNEY [off a bit] Oh—whoa! Ow! [thud of falling body, a groan] URIAH Whoa, boy! Hey! What's the matter? What's happened? RODNEY [off] Quick! Catch the horse—I'm off. URIAH Hey! Whoa, thar—whoa, thar—stand still thar, boy! Thar—I got ye! [calling] Where are ye, Mr. Rodney? What happened? Be ye hurt? RODNEY No—I—I guess I'm all right. URIAH How'd he throw ye? RODNEY [in] I don't know—the saddle slipped—then it came clear off and I came with it. URIAH Here—hold the hosses, will ye—let me see thet saddle! Ah-ha!—Girth broken! RODNEY Can you fix it? URIAH Ain't got time. RODNEY I'm afraid I can't—can't keep a seat bareback. URIAH Here—you climb on my hoss—I'll take your'n. RODNEY But— URIAH Not another word—climb aboard, thar. [sound of getting Rodney on horse] All right, boy, stand still. Thar we be! Go along with ye! BOTH Tch—tch—giddap! [sound of horses' hoofs] ANNOUNCERAnd now five miles farther into the next remount station. Rodney and Uriah clatter up to the stable and find the stable closed, with everything dark. URIAH Whoa, boy! Hm—cal'ate they've all gone to bed. Wal', we'll fetch 'em out. Hold the hosses a minute! RODNEY All right. URIAH I'll git thet lazy stableman out! Here's where he lives. Hey! Wake up! [knocking] Wake up—come on out here. [knocking] Come on—we want a pair of hosses—wake up thar. TOM [off] Hey—what's goin' on out there? What do ye want? URIAH We want some hosses—come on out. [door opens] TOM Who is et? URIAH Et's Uriah Clarke of Philadelphia. TOM Oh, hello, Uriah. Kinda late fer ye to be out, ain't et? URIAH Oh, hello, Tom. I'm in a big hurry—come on—saddle me a couple of yer best hosses! TOM Pshaw now, I'm right put out. URIAH Eh? What the trouble? TOM I let my last hoss go not two hour ago. URIAH Yer last hoss? TOM Yes, sir—my last fresh one. URIAH Wal', we've got to have two hosses. Give us what ye got. TOM There's nothin' in the stable but two hosses thet come in so tuckered out they couldn't hardly eat their corn—ye'll hev to go on with the hosses ye got—less'n ye want to wait until mornin'. URIAH We got to be in Philadelphia by mornin'. TOM Philadelphia? Ye'll never make et. URIAH We got to—I give my word. If ye can't give me a hoss, let me hev a saddle. We broke a saddle girth. TOM All right, Uriah—I'll git ye a saddle! Come on—but ye'll never make Philadelphia by mornin'! Not with the roads the way they be! URIAH We got to make et. TOM Here—git this door open! [sound of opening door] There's a saddle fer ye. URIAH Come on—give me a hand—git et on this hoss! [sound of putting saddle on] TOM There ye be! URIAH All right, Mr. Rodney. Let me give ye a hand up. How ye feelin'? RODNEY I guess—I'll make it. URIAH Thar! Good-bye, Tom. TOM Good-bye—good luck. URIAH Tch—tch—giddap! [sound of horses' hoofs] TOM [off—fading] I'll bet ye a new hat ye don't make Philadelphia! URIAH [yelling back] I'll bet ye a hat and a new pair o' boots—come on, boy! [sound of horses' hoofs] ANNOUNCERAnd now two hours later Rodney is riding ahead when his horse stops suddenly— URIAH [calling] What's the matter? RODNEY Listen—[sound of rushing water] URIAH Pshaw now! Thet brook's kinda doin' business, ain't et? RODNEY The storm has turned it into a torrent. URIAH Wal', we got to git across! RODNEY How? URIAH Let the hosses swim! RODNEY All right. URIAH You drive in fu'st! I'll be right behind ye. RODNEY Tch—tch—giddap! URIAH Lean way over his neck—give him his head! RODNEY Tch—tch—get in there, boy! Go on! URIAH What's the matter? Is he skittish of the water? RODNEY Get in there—go on! He won't go in, Uriah. URIAH Here—let me hev the reins. I'll lead him in with my hoss. RODNEY Here you are. URIAH Come on, boy—come on in—'tain't goin' ter hurt ye! Come on—giddap! [sound of splashing water—roar of stream rises] URIAH Go on—swim fer et! Go et, boy! Hold on tight, Mr. Rodney! Go et, boy—go et! [sound of water recedes a little—we hear horses' hoofs on solid ground] URIAH Wal'! Thar we be! Made et slicker'n a greased griddle! You all right, Mr. Rodney? RODNEY I'm still here. URIAH Mite wet? RODNEY I've been dryer. URIAH All right, take yer reins—we'll ride fast to keep warm. You ready? RODNEY All ready. URIAH Tch—tch—giddap! Come on, boy! ANNOUNCERAnd now two hours later just as the first streaks of dawn begin to brighten the eastern sky our two riders are pushing their horses over a piece of rough, stony road. Suddenly Uriah pulls up his horse— URIAH Whoa, thar, boy! Ah, you've done et now! RODNEY [off a little] Whoa! What's happened now, Uriah? URIAH Wal', blamed ef I didn't think thet everything had happened to us thet could happen! RODNEY [coming in] What's wrong now? Why are you dismounting? URIAH This blamed hoss has pulled up lame. RODNEY Oh, too bad! URIAH Mebbe he's jest got a stone in his shoe—I'll take a look! Here, boy—lift up yer foot! Come on—let me look at et! Thar! No, 'tain't a stone. RODNEY Can't he carry you any farther? URIAH No. He can't hardly hobble. I cal'ate ye better go on without me, Mr. Rodney, while I lead this hoss into the next remount station. RODNEY I—I'm a little afraid to try it alone. URIAH Oh, ye kin make et all right—the hosses know the road. RODNEY I know—the horses can make it—but I don't know that I can. URIAH Gittin' wore out? RODNEY I'm afraid so. URIAH Wal', ye got to git to Philadelphia—I give my word. RODNEY All right—I'll go on—I'll try to make it. URIAH Look here—et's six or seven mile to the next remount station—I tell ye what I'll do—I'll tie this lame hoss here—and thet hoss of your'n will hev to carry double thet far! RODNEY I guess that's the best thing. URIAH Let me hev thet stirrup— RODNEY You all ready? URIAH Let him go. RODNEY Tch—tch—giddap! [sound of horses' hoofs] ANNOUNCERAnd now let us leave the two riders and their heroic effort against enormous odds to reach Philadelphia in time to make the decision for independence unanimous. Our next scene is on the steps of the State House, the morning of July 2, 1776. The hour for assembling Congress is drawing near. Thomas McKeen of Delaware is standing on the steps anxiously waiting and watching for Caesar Rodney. Dr. Franklin rides up in his carriage and steps out. MCKEEN Good morning, Dr. Franklin. FRANKLIN Good morning, good morning, my boy. Has Rodney come? MCKEEN Not yet. I've been waiting for an hour. FRANKLIN Oh, I hope he gets here. MCKEEN It is a long, hard ride. FRANKLIN This morning our action must be unanimous and final! One dissenting colony and we'll be defeated! MCKEEN How is it with Pennsylvania? FRANKLIN I was able to persuade Dickinson and Morris—we can count on Pennsylvania. MCKEEN You must have given them a good dinner, Doctor. FRANKLIN And good advice. [chuckles] Oh, here comes Rutledge. MCKEEN I hope he's convinced his colleagues from South Carolina. FRANKLIN Good morning, Mr. Rutledge. RUTLEDGE Good morning, Doctor—good morning, McKeen. FRANKLIN I trust, Mr. Rutledge, your dinner of last evening was as productive of good results as mine. RUTLEDGE You can count on South Carolina. FRANKLIN Great news, sir! MCKEEN Good! RUTLEDGE The members are beginning to assemble. ALL [growing from one voice to many] Good morning. VOICE [calling] Come on, gentlemen, we must go in! It's nine o'clock. The session will open in a moment. MCKEEN Doctor, ask the members to delay—hold them a few minutes—don't let a quorum assemble. FRANKLIN Yes, yes! [louder] Gentlemen, just a moment. ALL Yes, Doctor, what is it? FRANKLIN Wait—wait a moment—don't go in just yet—come—do you mind standing here with us—no—perhaps—Mr. Adams, take several members and go up Market Street! VOICE Yes, certainly, Doctor—why? FRANKLIN Don't ask me why! We must delay the opening of the meeting. Come back in a quarter of an hour! VOICE Of course, sir. FRANKLIN And Livingston, keep the members here on the steps in conversation—don't let them go in. VOICE Certainly, Doctor. FRANKLIN Oh, Jefferson, you are always too prompt! My boy, be late this morning—stroll about the Square! Take some of your friends with you—sh—don't ask me why—I might incriminate myself! It's a beautiful morning for a stroll—you need the air, my boy—you need— [sound of horses' hoofs off, growing louder] MCKEEN Oh, Doctor, look! FRANKLIN Eh? What? MCKEEN Two horsemen coming up Market Street! FRANKLIN Is it by any chance— MCKEEN Yes, yes, it's Rodney—Rodney and the postrider—they're coming! FRANKLIN Good, good! This is a glorious day! ALL Here comes Rodney of Delaware! URIAH [calling] Wal', here we be, Mr. McKeen. MCKEEN Good! You're just in time! RODNEY They haven't voted yet? MCKEEN No, no, the session is just assembling. Come, dismount! RODNEY You'll have to give me a hand. URIAH Here—I'll help ye. [sound of dismounting] RODNEY I—I can hardly stand. FRANKLIN Here, Rodney, take my arm—I seldom have a chance to support young and vigorous men now, but I insist on this! RODNEY Thank you, Doctor. FRANKLIN Come—let me lead you in a triumphant entry! RODNEY I'm glad I got here in time. FRANKLIN My congratulations, Rodney—you've ridden to a great victory! Before another hour is passed a new nation will be born! [members cheer] MCKEEN Mr. Clarke, I want to thank you. I was almost afraid you wouldn't get him here in time. URIAH Why, pshaw, Mr. McKeen, I give ye my word, didn't I? I had to git him here! ANNOUNCERAnd so Rodney, with his mud-spattered clothes, booted and spurred as he had ridden, went into the meeting of Congress and secured the adherence of Delaware to the Lee Resolution. When Congress was called to order and the vote taken, every Colony voted for independence, and, as New York did not vote at all, there was not a dissenting voice in the victory! |