Decoration. | Page | "They stood in the Shade of the western Door" | Frontispiece | "A Class in the Front, with their Readers, were telling, with difficult Pains" | 19 | "And nodded obliquely, and muttered, 'Them 'ere is my Sentiments tew'" | 23 | "When grave Baw Beese, the Indian Chief, had beaded the Neck of the pale-face Miss" | 27 | "Hiding e'en from the Dark his Face" | 35 | "E'en in your Desolation you are not quite unblest" | 37 | "Himself on the Door-stone idly sitting" | 41 | "He runs and stumbles, leaps and clambers" | 45 | Rob, the Pauper | 50 | "And Bess said, 'Keep still, for there's Plenty of Room'" | 55 | "Several Times he, with Policy stern, repressed a Desire to break out of the Churn" | 57 | "And there his plump Limbs through the Orifice swung" | 59 | "Alice, the country Maiden, with the sweet loving Face" | 65 | "My Boy! come in! come in!" | 71 | "The Mother, who carries the Key to Thomas' Heart" | 74 | "I threw them as far as I could throw" | 78 | The Christmas Baby | 80, 81, 82, 83 | "They who in Mountain and Hill-side and Dell" | 90 | "And does Columbia love her dead?" | 93 | "When a Man throws the Treasures of his Life" | 97 | "E'en when was fixed, with far-resounding strokes" | 109 | "How happy are We!" | 119 | "'Twas a bright, glorious March! full of Joys that were New" | 123 | "And loudly wild Accents of Terror came pealing from Thousands of Throats" | 141 | Ship "City of Boston" | 147 | Some Time | 157 | "With the World, Flesh, and—Lad of General Work" | 171 | "The Public Heart's Prime-ministers are We" | 179 | Decoration.
Farm Legends.
FARM LEGENDS. Decoration.