The subject discussed in the following pages is one of great importance, and especially so to the people of this country. The views presented for consideration differ widely from those generally entertained, both as regards the cause of evil and the mode of cure; but it does not follow necessarily that they are not correct,—as the reader may readily satisfy himself by reflecting upon the fact, that there is scarcely an opinion he now holds, that has not, and at no very distant period, been deemed quite as heretical as any here advanced. In reflecting upon them, and upon the facts by which they are supported, he is requested to bear in mind that the latter are, with very few exceptions, drawn from writers holding views directly opposed to those of the author of this volume; and not therefore to be suspected of any exaggeration of the injurious effects of the system here treated as leading to slavery, or the beneficial ones resulting from that here described as tending to establish perfect and universal freedom of thought, speech, action, and trade. Philadelphia, March, 1853. CONTENTS.CHAPTER I. THE WIDE EXTENT OF SLAVERYCHAPTER II. OF SLAVERY IN THE BRITISH COLONIESCHAPTER III. OF SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATESCHAPTER IV. OF EMANCIPATION IN THE BRITISH COLONIESCHAPTER V. HOW MAN PASSES FROM POVERTY AND SLAVERY TOWARD WEALTH AND FREEDOMCHAPTER VI. HOW WEALTH TENDS TO INCREASECHAPTER VII. HOW LABOUR ACQUIRES VALUE AND MAN BECOMES FREECHAPTER VIII. HOW MAN PASSES FROM WEALTH AND FREEDOM TOWARD POVERTY AND SLAVERYCHAPTER IX. HOW SLAVERY GREW, AND HOW IT IS NOW MAINTAINED, IN THE WEST INDIESCHAPTER X. HOW SLAVERY GREW AND IS MAINTAINED IN THE UNITED STATESCHAPTER XI. HOW SLAVERY GROWS IN PORTUGAL AND TURKEYCHAPTER XII. HOW SLAVERY GROWS IN INDIACHAPTER XIII. HOW SLAVERY GROWS IN IRELAND AND SCOTLANDCHAPTER XIV. HOW SLAVERY GROWS IN ENGLANDCHAPTER XV. HOW CAN SLAVERY BE EXTINGUISHED?CHAPTER XVI. HOW FREEDOM GROWS IN NORTHERN GERMANYCHAPTER XVII. HOW FREEDOM GROWS IN RUSSIACHAPTER XVIII. HOW FREEDOM GROWS IN DENMARKCHAPTER XIX. HOW FREEDOM GROWS IN SPAIN AND BELGIUMCHAPTER XX. OF THE DUTY OF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATESCHAPTER XXI. OF THE DUTY OF THE PEOPLE OF ENGLAND |