Ugartechea, Domingo deMilitary commandant of Coahuila and Texas, he was put in charge of the forces at San Antonio in 1835. He ordered Lt. Francisco Castaneda to attempt to reclaim the cannon at Gonzales, thus setting off the organized resistance of the Texan colonists. He arrived in San Antonio with reinforcements for General Cos on December 9, just in time to take part in the surrender of the city. He retreated with Cos’s army to Laredo. Urrea, JoseOn January 2, 1836, Santa Anna ordered Urrea to march to Matamoros to prevent the expected invasion by Texans. On February 18, Urrea left Matamoros and forced marched to San Patricio. There he surprised F. W. Johnson and his men at San Patricio on February 27, killing all but a handful. He attacked and defeated James Grant at Agua Dulce on March 2, then began the advance to Goliad on March 12. He attacked the mission at Refugio on March 14, occupying it on the following day. He laid siege to Goliad from March 16 to 20, finally defeating James Fannin at Coleto Creek on March 20. Urrea continued his march, capturing Texans at Victoria and on the Guadalupe River on March 21. On March 22 he captured the 100-man unit led by William Ward. Units under his command captured W. P. Miller and his men when they landed at Copano Bay. Urrea captured Matagordo on April 13, Columbia on the 21, and Brazoria on the 22. He was preparing to invade Velasco when ordered to retreat. Urrea strongly opposed executing the Goliad prisoners. The March 27 Massacre was carried out by Nicolas de la Portilla in obedience to Santa Anna’s orders.