Preface vii
i. GiosuÈ Carducci and the Hellenic Reaction in Italy 1
ii. Carducci and the Classic Realism 29
i. Roma 57
ii. Hymn to Satan 58
iii. Homer 66
iv. Virgil 67
v. Invocation to the Lyre 68
vi. Sun and Love 70
vii. To Aurora 71
viii. Ruit Hora 76
ix. The Ox 77
x. To Phoebus Apollo 78
xi. Hymn to the Redeemer 81
xii. Outside the Certosa 84
xiii. Dante—Sonnet 85
xiv. In a Gothic Church 86
xv. Innanzi, innanzi! 88
xvi. Sermione 89
xvii. To a Horse 93
xviii. A Dream in Summer 94
xix. On a Saint Peter's Eve 97
xx. The Mother 99
xxi. “Passa la nave mia, sola, tra il pianto” 101
xxii. Carnival.
Voice from the Palace 102
Voice from the Hovel 103
Voice from the Banquet 105
Voice from the Garret 106
Voice from Beneath 107
xxiii. Sonnet to Petrarch 109
xxiv. Sonnet to Goldoni 110
xxv. Sonnet to Alfieri 111
xxvi. Sonnet to Monti 112
xxvii. Sonnet to Niccolini


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