I. The Aurora during the Ice-pressure To face page 14
II. Aurora seen by Dr. Hayes, 6th January, 1861 16
III. Aurora, Guildford, Oct. 24, 1870 18
IV. Aurora, Guildford, Feb. 4, 1872; Eclipsed Moon, Aug. 23, 24, 1877 20
V. Corona, Graphical AurorÆ, Zodiacal Light, &c. 21
VI. Aurora, Guildford, Feb. 4, 1874; Spectrum des Nordlichts (Vogel) 22
VII. Aurora, Kyle Akin, Isle of Skye, Sept. 11, 1874 24
VIII. Herr Carl Bock’s Lapland Aurora, Oct. 3, 1877 25
IX. Compared Aurora and other Spectra. Loomis’s curves of Auroras, Magnetic Declination, and Solar Spots 59
X. Spectroscope, Micrometer, Tubes 91
XI. Aurora-spectra, Candle-spectrum 102
XII. Aurora-spectrum, Solar spectrum, and Candle-spectrum 104
XIII. Vogel’s Aurora-lines, Aurora-lines near G, and in the red and green 108
XIV. Aurora, Hydrocarbons, Oxygen 110
XV. Aurora and Air-tubes, &c. 115
XVI. Aurora, Phosphoretted Hydrogen, Iron, &c. 117
XVII. Effect of Magnet on Tubes and Spark 134
XVIII. Same, and Oxygen-spectrum 154


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