Plate. | | | | I. | The Aurora during the Ice-pressure | To face page | 14 | II. | Aurora seen by Dr. Hayes, 6th January, 1861 | ” ” | 16 | III. | Aurora, Guildford, Oct. 24, 1870 | ” ” | 18 | IV. | Aurora, Guildford, Feb. 4, 1872; Eclipsed Moon, Aug. 23, 24, 1877 | ” ” | 20 | V. | Corona, Graphical AurorÆ, Zodiacal Light, &c. | ” ” | 21 | VI. | Aurora, Guildford, Feb. 4, 1874; Spectrum des Nordlichts (Vogel) | ” ” | 22 | VII. | Aurora, Kyle Akin, Isle of Skye, Sept. 11, 1874 | ” ” | 24 | VIII. | Herr Carl Bock’s Lapland Aurora, Oct. 3, 1877 | ” ” | 25 | IX. | Compared Aurora and other Spectra. Loomis’s curves of Auroras, Magnetic Declination, and Solar Spots | ” ” | 59 | X. | Spectroscope, Micrometer, Tubes | ” ” | 91 | XI. | Aurora-spectra, Candle-spectrum | ” ” | 102 | XII. | Aurora-spectrum, Solar spectrum, and Candle-spectrum | ” ” | 104 | XIII. | Vogel’s Aurora-lines, Aurora-lines near G, and in the red and green | ” ” | 108 | XIV. | Aurora, Hydrocarbons, Oxygen | ” ” | 110 | XV. | Aurora and Air-tubes, &c. | ” ” | 115 | XVI. | Aurora, Phosphoretted Hydrogen, Iron, &c. | ” ” | 117 | XVII. | Effect of Magnet on Tubes and Spark | ” ” | 134 | XVIII. | Same, and Oxygen-spectrum | ” ” | 154 |