Contract versus Municipal Cleaning 5
Philadelphia, experience of 5
Washington, experience of 5
Elements of Street Cleaning Program 3
Classes of street litter 4
Lack of accurate data 4
Records 4
Methods of Reducing Litter 5
Carelessness of Citizens 6
How public and officials can cooperate 8
Philadelphia’s plan 7
Preventive work 8
Educational campaigns 6
Street Cleaning Factors and Standards 9
Conditions and factor 9
Horse traffic 1011
Paving and repair policy 111213
Quantity and volume of dirt 11
Schedule of Street Cleaning 14
Amount and character of cleaning affected by kinds of pavement 15
Assignments 16
Block system 14
Organization of employees 15
Unit of work 15
Spring Cleaning 16
Character of pavement a factor 17
Rates per man 17
Number of men required in gang 16
Unit cost according to character and kinds of pavement 17
Sprinkling 17
Bureau of Municipal Research, Milwaukee, Wis., Cost data 19
Dust prevention 17
Effect on pavement 18
Experts, opinions of 1819
Ordinances and regulations 20
Practices in various cities 2 6271@56271-h@56271-h-16.htm.html#Page_123" class="pginternal">123
Method of collection:
Municipal 123124
Contract 124
Private 123
Districting the city 124125
Organization of force 125
Type of equipment 126127128
Cans 126
Vehicles 127128
Location of receptacles 128129
Time of collection 129130
Frequency of collection 130131
Enforcement of regulations 131
Disposal of Ashes and Rubbish 132
Dumping 132
Burning 132133
Revenue from By-Products 133134
Specifications 135136137
Efficiency Tests and Suggestions 138139
Per Capita Production 139
Cost data 140
Types of Collection Systems 152153154
Combined 153
Separate 153
Method of Collection 154155156
Scavengers 154
Contract 154155
City 154155

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