Act I. Nothing. Act II. Fireplace on when Nana strikes match. Off when Nana says “There, that’s the end of them.” Act III. (one) table lamp and #17 off at start of Act, on at cue from Fabry: “Ah, they are there.” Off on “And they are working.” (Two) Table lamp and #17 spot on at cue “Our people are still there”—off on cue “A torch to be handed from age to age, from hand to hand forever.” (Three) Dim first-border spots #9, 10, and back stage hanging bunches on cue “Anything can be bought for half a billion.” (Four) The table “lamp-out” second time works simultaneous with the black out on cue: “A torch to be handed from hand to hand, from age to age.” Everything is pulled out except #18 and 20 (deep blue). (Five) With explosions in cellar the 2 1500-watt floor lamps at back (red) and brought up quickly to full and worked up and down quickly on dimmer until Radius enters, when they remain on full to end of Act. EPILOGUE A frost 1000-watt spot (frost) on stand off stage are lighted and blinded at rise. The blinds are With entrance of Helena and Primus the sunrise effect begins. Floor lamp and stand lamp up stage at Right, both amber. With sunrise effect bring up #24 pink and #21 rose-pink. Foots up to 1/2 and overhead Xray (pink, frost, and steel-blue) full up. When all this is up to mark, dim #17 to out. SCENE DESIGN—ACT I SCENE DESIGN—ACTS 2 & 3 EPILOGUE TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES: Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Inconsistencies in end punctuation in stage directions have been retained from the original. |