Balch, Emily Greene. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. 8º. 536 pp. Charities Publication Committee. New York. 1910. Hodges, LeRoy. Slavs on Southern Farms. An account of the Bohemian, Slovak and Polish agricultural settlements in the Southern States. 21 pp. Washington. Government Printing Office. 1914. Hrbkova, ŠÁrka B. History of the Bohemians in Nebraska. 48 pp. Nebraska State Historical Society. Lincoln. 1914. Karpeles, Benno. Moravian and Silesian Miners; statistical inquiries into their social and economic condition. V. 1. Tables. Sonnenschein & Co. London. 1894. McClure, Archibald. Leadership of the New America, Racial and Religious. 12º. 314 pp. The Bohemians, pp. 47-60. George H. Doran Co. New York. 1916. Riis, Jacob. How the Other Half Lives; studies among the tenements of New York. 304 pp. The Bohemian Stanton, Theodore, editor. The Woman Question in Europe. Introduction by Francis Power Cobbe. 8º. Chapter on Bohemian Women by EliŠka KrÁsnohorskÁ. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. New York. 1884. Steiner, E. A. On the Trail of the Immigrant. Illustrated. 8º. 375 pp. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1906. —— From Alien to Citizen. The story of my life in America. Illustrated. 8º. Among the Bohemians, pp. 169-76. Fleming H. Revell Company. New York. 1914. ARTICLESBaker, James. Small Holdings in Ireland and Bohemia. Times. London. Oct. 17, 1891. Balch, Emily Greene. The Story of a Bohemian Pioneer. Chautauquan. Chautauqua. 49:396-403. Feb., 1906. —— Slav Emigration at its Source. Charities. New York. 15:438, 591. 1905-06. —— Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. The question of assimilation. Illustrated. Charities. New York. 19:1162-74. 1907. —— Peasant Background of our Slavic Fellow-Citizens. Illustrated. Survey. New York. 24:666-67. Aug. 6, 1910. Bedrich Smetana Portrait by Max ŠvabinskÝ Capek, Thomas. The Bohemians in America. The Chautauquan. Meadville. 14:55-60. Oct., 1891. —— Christmas Day and how it is celebrated in old Bohemia. Illustrated by E. V. NÁdhernÝ. 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Bohemian and Hungarian Emigration to the United States. U. S. Consular Reports. 32:491-94. 1890. —— Bohemians in Chicago. Preface by —— to page article. Illustrated. The Chicago Sunday Times. Jan. 24, 1892. Kissner, J. G. The Catholic Church and Bohemian Immigrants. Kohlbeck, Valentine. The Bohemian Element. Short History of the Bohemian Catholic Congregations in Chicago. The New World. Chicago. Pp. 136-40. Apr., 1900. —— The Catholic Bohemians in the United States. Champlain Educator. 25:36-54. Jan., Mar., 1906; same, Mt. Angel Magazine. Oregon. Jan., Feb., 1909. Kotouc, Otto. The Bohemian Settlement at Humboldt in, A History of Richardson County (Neb.). 1917. KomenskÝ Club of Columbia University, New York. Memorial. 16 pp. English and Bohemian. Apr. 21, 1917. Koukol, Alois B. A Slav’s a Man for A’ That. Illustrated. Charities and Commons. New York. 21:589-98. Jan., 1902. Kucera, Magdalena. The Slavic Races in Cleveland. Charities. New York. 13:777-78. Jan., 1905. McLaughlin, Allan. The Slavic Immigrant. Popular Science Monthly. New York. 63:30-32. May, 1903. Masaryk, Alice Garrigue. The Bohemians in Chicago. A Sketch. Charities. New York. 13:206-11. Dec. 3, 1904. —— Thomas Garrigue. The Labor Academy of Bohemia. A new feature of the labor question. Translated by Josefa Humpal-Zeman for the Chicago Record. Public Opinion. London. 22:203-04. Feb. 18, 1897. Mashek, Nan. Bohemian Farmers in Wisconsin. Charities. New York. 13:211-14. Dec. 3, 1904. Miller, Kenneth D. Bohemians in Texas. The Bohemian Review. Chicago. 1:4-5. May, 1917. Robbins, Jane E. The Bohemian Women in New York: Their work as cigar makers. Home work among them. Charities. New York. 13:194-96. Dec. 3, 1904. Ross, E. A. Slavs in America. Illustrated. Century Magazine. New York. 88:590-98. Aug., 1914. RudiŠ-JicÍnskÝ, J. Bohemians in Linn County. Linn County Atlas. Iowa Publishing Co. Davenport. 1907. Schauffler, H. A. Slavonic Populations in the United States. Evangelical Alliance. 89:248. Steiner, E. A. Character of the Bohemians in the U. S. Outlook. New York. 73:968-72. Apr. 25, 1903. Švarc, VÁclav. The Culture which the Slav offers America. The handicraft and industrial exhibition conducted by the Slavic Alliance in Cleveland. Illustrated. Charities. New York. 14:875-81. July 1, 1905. Swehla, Francis J. The Bohemians in Central Kansas. Portraits. Map. Kansas Historical Society Collections. 13:469-512. Topeka. 1915. Turner, R. W. Emigration from Bohemia. U. S. Consular Reports. 32:343-44. Feb., 1890. Vlach, J. J. Our Bohemian Population. Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Pp. 159-62. Madison. 1902. Zeman, Josephine Humpal. The Bohemian People in Chicago, pp. 115-28. In, Hull House Maps and —— Bohemian Settlements in the United States. Industrial Commission. 15:507-10. 1901. —— Bohemia: A Stir of its Social Conscience. The Commons. New York. July, 1904. |