Bohemia, Account of the Campaign of 1756, in Bohemia, Silesia and Saxony. 8º. Griffith. London. 1757. —— The Theatre of War in the Kingdom of —— by T. Jefferys. Drawn from the Survey of J. C. MÜller. London. 1757. —— Moravia, Saxony, Silesia, etc. Correct Map of ——. Showing the Seat of War between the Prussians and Austrians in those parts. 1770. (?) —— Cruchley’s New Map of the Seat of War in ——. Showing all the fortified Towns, Railways, Roads, etc. London. 1866. —— Two Views of —— by Walmsley, engraved by Bluck. 1801. —— The Campaign in ——, 1866, by G. J. R. GlÜnecke. Maps and Plans. London. 1907. Prague. An Internal View of a Great Hall at ——. George Egidius Sadeler. 1607. —— An Exact Plan of —— with the particular Disposition of ye French and Austrian Armies, in —— A Plan of the City of —— with the French Camp, and the disposition of the Austrian Army to attack the same in their Trenches. Copyed from an original Draught sent from the Austrian Camp. M. Senex. London. 1742. —— An Exact Account of all that passed at ——, from the French Army’s flight thither after the battle between the King of Prussia and Prince Charles of Lorrain, down to the raising of the Siege ——. By an Engineer in the French Armey at Prague. Translated from the French. With a postscript, containing a few reflections on Marshall Belleisle’s evacuating Prague, etc. 8º. London. 1743. —— A Journal of the Siege of ——, wrote by a principal officer to one of his friends. 8º. Dublin. 1743. —— A Plan of the City of —— with the Prussian Camp and Batteries. 1757. With a Map of the Country round —— showing ye Junction and March of the Prussian Armies. Wenceslaus Hollar’s Memorial Tablet Herrman, Augustine. View of New Amsterdam (New York) about the year 1650. Appended to J. H. Innes’ New Amsterdam and its People. —— Virginia and Maryland. As it is Planted and Inhabited this present Year 1670 Surveyed and Exactly Drawne by the Only Labour and Endevour The Czecho-Slovak State, map of —— colored. Supplement to The New Europe. London. 2:64-5. Jan., 1917. |