A Declaration of the Cavses, for the which, Wee Frederick, ... By the Grace of God King of Bohemia, ... Covnt Palatine of the Rhine, Elector of the Second Empire, etc., haue accepted of the Crowne of Bohemia and of the Covntryes therevnto annexed. 4º. 23 pp. Middlebvrg. Printed by Abraham Schilders. Nov. 7, 1619. A Short Relation of the Departure of the high and mightie Prince Frederick King Elect of Bohemia: With his royall & vertuous Ladie Elizabeth. And thryse hopefull yong Prince Henrie, from Heydelberg towards Prague, to receive the Crowne of that Kingdome. Whearunto is annexed the Solempnitie or maner of the Coronation. Translated out of dutch. And now both togither published (with other reasons, and iustifications) to give satisfaction to the world, as touching the ground, and truth, of his Maties proceedings, & vndertakings of that Kingdome of Bohemia: lawfully and freelie Elected, by the generall consent Newes from Bohemia. An Apologie Made by the States of the Kingdome of Bohemia, shewing the Reasons why those of the Reformed Religion were moued to take Armes, for the defence of the King and themselues, especially against the dangerous Sect of Iesuites. With a plaine Declaration, that those who belong vnto the Monasteries and Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction (according vnto his Maiesties Letters, and Agreements made betweene the States of the Reformed Religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being Subiects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their Diuine Seruice, and building of Churches. Translated out of the Dutch into Latine, and thence into English, by Will. Philip. Printed by George Purslow for Ralph Rounthwaite and are to bee sold at his Shop, at the Signe of the Flower de luce and Crowne, in Pauls Church-Yard. London. 1619. The Reasons which Compelled the States of Bohemia to reiect the Archiduke Ferdinand, etc., inforced them to elect a new king. Togeather vvith The Proposition which was made vpon the first motion of the chocie (choice) of th’ Elector Palatine to be King of Bohemia, by the States of that Kingdome in their publique assembly on the 16th of August, being the birth day of the same Elector Palatine. Translated out of the french copies. 4º. 30 pp. By John Harrison. Printet by George Waters. At Dort. 1619. Gallants, to Bohemia, Or, let vs to the Warres againe: Shewing the forwardnesse of our English Souldiers, both in times past, and at this present. To a pleasant new Warlike tune. In two parts, with two cuts. Imprinted at London, by G. E. 1619. The Declaration and Information of the High and Puissant King of Bohemia, against the vniust Mandates in the name of the Emperour: As also against those that are further threatned to be decreed and executed, touching the Crowne of Bohemia. Given at Prague the 1. of July, 1620. No imprint. London. A Most true Relation of the late Proceedings in Bohemia, Germany and Hungaria. Dated the 1. the 10. and the 13. of July, this present yeere 1620. As also the happie Arrivall of Sir Andrew Gray into Lusatia. Together with the Articles of Peace betweene Maximilian, Elector of Bavaria, on the part of the Catholikes and Joachim Ernest, Margrave of Brandenburg, on the part of the Princes of the Reformed Religion in Germany in the Citie of Ulme, the third of July last. Faithfully translated out of the high Dutch. 4º. 14 pp. Ornamented. Dort. 1620. A Letter written by a French Gent: of the King of Bohemia his Army: Concerning the Emperour Ferdinand his Embassage into France. Translated out of the French Coppie. 4º. 13 pp. Printed at Flushing. 1620. The Popes (Paul V.) Complaint to his Minion Cardinals, against the good successe of the Bohemians and their generall Proceedings. In verse. 4º. 26 pp. 1620(?). Prosopopoe. Or, a Conference held at Angelo Castle, between the Pope, the Emperor, and the King of Spaine. In verse. 1620(?). The Late Good successe and victory, which it pleased God to give to some of the King of Bohemia’s Forces, vnder the Conduct of the Prince Anhalt, Generall for the said King, Against the two great Generalls of the Emperour, Bucquoy and Dampiere, atchieued neare Horne in Austria. With many other considerable things concerning the affaires of that Countrye. Vnto which is added the Articles of agreement, made betweene the said King of Bohemia and Bethlem Gaber, Prince of Hungaria and Transiluania. Printed by Abrahm Schilders. Middleburg. 1620. A Cleare Demonstration that Ferdinand is by his own demerits fallen from the Kingdome of Bohemia and the incorporate Provinces. Written by Nobleman of Polonia. And translated out of the second edition enlarged. Printed by George Waters. 4º. 25 pp. Dort. 1620. An Answere to the Qvestion: Whether the Emperour that now is, can bee Iudge in the Bohemian Controuersie or no? Together with the Extract taken out of the Acts of the Dyet at Auspurghe, in the yeare 1584; Concerning the Kingdome of Bohemia. 1620. Two Letters of Embassies. The one Sent by the States of Bohemia, to the Elector of Saxony. The other from the Popes Holines to the Emperour, concerning the Troubles of Germany. (William Barlow writes dedication to H. C. & Thos. Frodringham to W. B.) Printet (!) at Amsterdam. 1620. Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662) Daughter of James I. of England, wife of Frederick of the Palatinate, Queen of Bohemia from 1619 to 1620 A Proclamation made by the High and Mighty Fredericke by the Grace of God King of Bohemia, etc., Commanding All those his Subjects (altered in MS. to Feodaries) which are now in the Service of his Majesties Enemies, to repair Home within the space of 14. dayes, vpon paine of his Highnes displeasure, and Confiscation of Goods and Lands. Translated out of the Dutch Coppie 4º. 6 pp. Printed at Prague. 1620. A Relation Containing the Manner of the Solemnities at the Election and Coronation of Ferdinand the Emperour, in Francford the 30. of August last past, 1619. With other occurrences in Bohemia, and divers parts of Germany, for three Moneths last past. 4º. 43 pp. Printed for Robert Mylbourne. London. 1620. The Trve Copies of Svndrie Letters concerning the Affaires of Bohemia, as they have beene seuerally written in High Dutch, Latine and French, to Princes, and other men of account. Ornamented. No imprint nor note of the translator. 1620. The Present State of the Affaires betwixt the Emperor and the King of Bohemia, and their Confederates as it hath beene very Truely related, by certaine Letters Sent by Persons of extraordinary qualities, etc. Together with the occurents lately happened in the Armies of Generall Veere, the Princes of the Vnion and Spinola. Translated out of the French, and High Dutch Coppies. 4º. 22 pp. 1620. The Bohemian Lawes or Rights Defended, Against the Informer: or an Answer to an Information, falsly so called, secretly printed and divulged A Plaine Demonstration of the Vnlawful Succession of the now Emperovr Ferdinand the Second, because of the incestuous Marriage of his Parents. Translated out of the Latine printed copie. Printed at the Hage. 4º. 1620. Bohemia Regnum Electivum. That is, A Plaine and True Relation of the proceeding of the States of Bohemia, from the first foundation of that Province, by Free Election of Princes and Kings vnto Ferdinand the eighteenth King of the house of Austria. Wherein is evidently manifested, that the first Princes were elected, and no true and simple Hereditary Succession established, nor practiced in all that time, containing about 900. yeares; taken out of vnpartial and Classique Authors. 4º. 26 pp. 1620. No further imprint. The Last Newes from Bohemia, with all the adioyning Prouinces that be now vp in Armes. Wherein is related all the passages that haue happened since the high and mighty Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine was elected and Crowned King of Bohemia, with other accidents very delightfull to the Reader. 4º. 1620. En English-Man’s Love to Bohemia; with a friendly Farewell to all the noble souldiers that goe from Great Britaine to that honorable expedition, etc. The Instruments of the pactions or conditions concerning a perpetuall succession in the Kingdomes of Hungary and Bohemia and the prouinces thereunto belonging ... made at Prague, Philip the III. King of Spaine, renouncing his right.... Ferdinand, Arch-Duke of Austria accepting ... them.... Mathias the II. Emperor of Rome ... confirming them. 16 pp. London. (?) 1620. Two Letters or Embassies. The one Sent by the States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony: the other from the Popes Holines to the Emperour, concerning the Troubles of Germany. Translated by W. Barlow. 4º. Amsterdam. 1620. A Briefe Description of the reasons that make the Declaration of the Ban made against the King of Bohemia, as being Elector Palatine, Dated the 22 of Januarie last past, of no value nor worth, and therefore not to be respected. 4º. 13 pp. Printed at the Hayf by Arnold Meuris. 1621. A True Relation of the Bloudy Execution, lately performed by the Commaundment of the Emperors Maiestie, vpon the persons of some Chiefe statesmen, and others, in Prague, the chiefe City of the Kingdom of Bohemia; the 11th of June, 1621. With the Manner and Proceedings therein observed. Faithfully translated out of the Dutch copye. 4º. 24 pp. Printed the 21st of July, 1621. The King of Bohemia’s Welcome to Count Mansfield, The Apollogie of the illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield, & Wherein from his first Entertainment, are laid open the Occasions of his Warres in Bohemia, Austria, and the Palatinate, with his faithfull Services to the King of Bohemia. Translated out of the Originall French coppie. 4º. 76 pp. Printed at Heidelbergh. 1622. The Continvation of the German History. Part V. The History of the Present Warres of Germany. Part VI. The German History Continued. Part VII. The Modern History of the World. Printed for Nath. Butter and Nicholas Bourne. London. 1632-35. The Great and Famous Battle of Lutzen, fought between the renowned King of Sweden and Walstain. Wherein were left dead upon the Place between Five and Six Thousand of the Imperialists, where the King himself was unfortunately slain, whose Death counterpoised all the other. Pappenheim, Merode, Isolani, and divers other great Commanders, were offered up like so many Sacrifices on the Swedish Alter, to the memory of their King. Here is also inserted an Abridgdment of the King of Bohemia’s Death, faithfully The Relation of the Death of Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Waldstein, the Duke of Friedland. Together with the cause thereof. A coppy of the oath taken by his Commandere (to be faithfull unto him) but a little before the same, etc. London. 1634. Monroe or Munro, Robert Colonel. Monro his expedition with the worthy Scots Regiment (called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626 by Sir Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, Colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark, and reduced after the Battaile of Nerling, to one Company in September 1634, at Wormes in the Paltz.... Collected and gathered together ... by Colonell Robert Monro, etc. Dedicated to the Elector Palatine, son of Frederick. Part I, 84 pp., and table. Part II, 244 pp., and table. 8º. Printed by William Jones. London. 1637. A Protestation of the Most High and Mighty Prince Charles Lodowicke, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Archidapifer, and Prince Elector of the sacred Empire, Duke of Bavaria, etc. Translated out of the High-Dutch, into English, French, and Latine and Printed at London for Richard Whitaker. 4º. 26 pp. 1637. The Dutie of Sir Francis Wortley deliniated, in his pious pitty and Christian Commiseration of the sorrowes or sufferings of the most vertuous, yet unfortunate lady Elizabeth, queene of Bohemia; being a dedication to fame and truth, prefer’d to both the houses of Parliament. By her humble A Declaration of his Highness, for a collection towards the relief of divers Protestant Churches driven out of Poland; and of twenty Protestant families driven out of the confines of Bohemia. Printed by Henry Hills and John Field. London. 1658. An Animadversion upon the late Lord Protector’s Declaration, for the distressed Churches of Lesna, etc. London. 1659. A Prospect of Hungary, and Transylvania, With a Catalogue of the Kings of the one, and the Princes of the other; Together with an account of the Qualities of the Inhabitants, the Commodities of the Countries, ... An Historical Narration of the bloody Wars amongst themselves, and with the Turks; continued to this present Year 1664. As also A brief Description of Bohemia.... 4º. Printed for William Miller. London. 1664. Death of John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia, described in The French King Conquered by the English. 8º. 31 pp. Printed for William Birch at the Sign of the Peacock, at the lower end of Cheapside. London. 1678. The Annals of King James and King Charles the First. Both of Happy Memory. Containing a Faithful History, and impartial Account of the Great Affairs of State, and Transactions of Parliaments in England, etc. Printed by Tho. Braddyll, for Robert Clavel, at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church-yard, London. 1681. Historical Register and Chronicle of English Affairs, before and after the restoration of King Charles II. Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvie. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James the First. 2 vs. 8º. Longmans, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green. London. 1825. Berkeley, George Monck. Literary Relics; containing Original Letters from King Charles II., King James, the Queen of Bohemia, Swift, Berkeley, Addison, Steele, Congreve, The Duke of Ormond and the Bishop Rundle; with an Inquiry into the Life of Dean Swift. London. 1789. BlazÉ, de Bury (Marie Rose Stewart). Memoirs of the Princess Palatine of Bohemia; including her correspondence with the great men of her day. 8º. 400 pp. R. Bentley. London. 1853. Bohemia. Elizabeth, Queen of ——. Twenty-five Unpublished Letters from the Queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I. to Sir Edward Nicholas between April, 1655 to January, 1656. Footnotes by John Evans. The letters which passed between the Queen and Sir Edward, from August, 1654 to January, 1655, fifteen in number, have been published in the Appendix to Evelyn’s Diary, edited by Bray. ArchÆlogia: or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity. Society of Antiquaries of London. 37:244-43. —— General Index to Dodsleys Annual Register from its Commencement in 1758 to the Year 1819. —— A Brief Evaluation of Bohemia’s Contribution to Civilization. Illustrated. Edited by J. J. Zmrhal and Vojta BeneŠ. Articles by: Harry Pratt Judson, Bohemia—A Foreword. J. J. Zmrhal, Contribution to Literature. J. E. S. Vojan, Music. Vojta BeneŠ, Art. L. J. Fisher, The Sokols. 64 pp. The Bohemian National Alliance in America. Chicago. 1917. Bolton, Henry Carrington. The Follies of Science at the Court of Rudolph II., 1552-1612. 217 pp. Illustrated. Plates and portraits. The Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Co. Milwaukee. 1904. Capek, Thomas. Bohemia Past and Present. 12 pp. Reprint of an article in the Omaha Bee, on Bohemian Day at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, held at Omaha, Nebraska, Aug. 27, 1898. —— The Slovaks of Hungary, Slavs and Panslavism. 8º. 214 pp. The Knickerbocker Press. New York. 1906. Carleton, Sir Dudley. Letters from and to ... during his Embassy in Holland, from January to December 1620. 510 pp. London. 1780. The Bohemian Estates have a secret agent at the Hague, p. 317. Queen Elizabeth gains the love of the Bohemians by her free and gracious demeanor, p. 419. King Frederick (of the Palatinate) not Chapman, Benjamin. The History of Gustavus Adolphus and of the Thirty Years’ War, up to the King’s Death: with some account of its conclusion by the Peace of Westphalia, anno 1648. 8º. 441 pp. Bohemia, chap. 5. Longmans, Brown, Green and Longmans. London. 1856. Colquhoun, Archibald R. and Ethel. The Whirlpool of Europe. Austria-Hungary and the Hapsburgs. Illustrated. 338 pp. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York. 1907. Cox, William. History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold the Second, 1218-1792. London. 1807. Eden, Lizzie Selina. A Lady’s Glimpse of the Late War in Bohemia. 8º. 313 pp. Hurst & Blackett. London. 1867. Eisenmann, Louis. Austria-Hungary. Chap. 7, v. 12, pp. 174-212. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1910. Englishman. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Policy of Count Beust. A Political Sketch of Men and Events from 1866 to 1870. By an ——. 8º. 331 pp. Chapman and Hall. London. 1870. Fitz-Simon, Henry. Words of Comfort to Persecuted Catholics. Written in exile, anno 1607. Letters from a cell in Dublin Castle, and Diary of the Bohemian War of 1620. With a sketch of his life by E. Hogan. 8º. 284 pp. Gill & Son. Dublin. 1881. Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, editor. Letters and other Documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the Commencement of the Thirty Years’ War. From the Outbreak of the Revolution in Bohemia to the election of the Emperor Ferdinand II., pp. 212. From the Election of the Emperor Ferdinand II. to the Close of the Conferences at MÜhlhausen, pp. 194. Camden Society. London. 1865. —— The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648. Longmans, Brown, Green and Longmans. London. 1874. Gindely, Anton. History of the Thirty Years’ War. Translated by A. Ten Brook. With an introduction and a concluding chapter by the translator. 2 vs. Maps. Portrait. 8º. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. New York. 1884. Concerning the unjust Mandates against the Bohemians Glenn, Thomas Allen. Some Colonial Mansions. Edited by ——. Augustine Herrman of Bohemia Manor, v. 1, pp. 121-38. Fredrych Philipse, v. 2, Green, Mary Anne Everett. Elizabeth, Electress Palatine and Queen of Bohemia. Revised by her niece, S. C. Lomas. With a prefatory note by A. W. Ward. 8º. 469 pp. Methuen & Co. London. 1855. Gregor, Frances. The Story of Bohemia. 8º. 486 pp. Cranston & Curts. Cincinnati. Hunt & Eaton. New York. 1895. Hayes, Carleton J. H. Political and Social History of Modern Europe. 2 vs. 8º. Maps. The Macmillan Co. New York. 1916. Hazen, Charles Downes. Europe since 1815. Henry Holt and Company. New York. 1910. —— Modern European History. Illustrated. Maps. Henry Holt and Company. New York. 1917. Innes, J. H. New Amsterdam and its People. Studies, social and topographical, of the town under Dutch and early English rule. With maps, plans, views. 365 pp. Augustyn Herrman’s life, portrait, etc. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1902. Jenkins, Robert Charles. The Last Crusader: or, The Life and Times of Cardinal Julian, of the House of Cesarini. A Historical Sketch. 8º. 408 pp. R. Bentley. London. 1861. JicÍnskÝ, J. RudiŠ. Historical Sketch of Bohemian Freethought in the United States. 20 pp. Freethought Society. Cedar Rapids. Reprint of an article from the Truth Seeker. New York. 1908. Kerner, R. J. Bohemia under Leopold II., 1790-1792. A study in the political, economic and social history Leger, Louis Paul Marie. A History of Austro-Hungary from the earliest times to the year 1889. Translated from the French by Mrs. Birbeck Hill, with a preface by Edward A. Freeman. 672 pp. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. New York. Lodge, Henry Cabot, editor. Austria-Hungary. Based on the work of Louis P. M. Leger, by Wm. E. Lingelbach. v. 17. Illustrated. 468 pp. John D. Morris and Company. Philadelphia. 1906. LÜtzow, Count. Bohemia. An Historical Sketch. 12º. 359 pp. J. M. Dent & Sons. London. E. P. Dutton & Co. New York. 1896. —— Lectures on the Historians of Bohemia; being the Ilchester Lectures for the year 1904. 8º. 120 pp. Henry Frowde. London. 1905. —— Later Thoughts of the Apostles of Moravia and Bohemia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. v. 30. London. 1911. —— Bohemia. Reprint from the 11th edition of the EncyclopÆdia Britannica. 55 pp. Bohemian National Council. Prague. 1911. Mallery, Charles Payson. Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor, their homes and their graves. 4º. 74 pp. The Historical Society of Delaware. Wilmington. 1888. Maurice, Charles Edmund. The Revolutionary Movement of 1848-49 in Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany, with some examination of the previous thirty-three years. 515 pp. G. Bell & Sons. London. 1887. —— Bohemia: from the earliest times to the fall of national Michiels, Alfred. Secret History of the Austrian Government and of its systematic persecutions of Protestants. The Austrian System applied in Bohemia, pp. 18-45. Compiled from official documents. Chapman and Hall. London. 1859. Mitchell, John, Major General. The Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland. 8º. 368 pp. James Fraser. London. 1837. Monroe, Will S. Bohemia and the Cechs. The history, people, institutions, and the geography of the Kingdom, together with accounts of Moravia and Silesia. Illustrated. 12º. Map. 45 pl. 10 portraits. 488 pp. D. C. Page & Co. Boston. 1910. Newman, Francis William. The Crimes of the House of Hapsburg against its own Liege Subjects. 12º. 60 pp. John Chapman. London. 1853. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Crimes of the House of Austria against Mankind. Collected from accredited history and edited by ——. 230 pp. Bohemia, pp. 65-90. For the benefit of the Hungarian fund, by Rudolph Garrigue. New York. 1852. Poyntz, Sydnam. A True Relation of these German Warres from Mansfield’s going out of England which was in the yeare 1624 until this last yeare 1636 whereof my self was an ey-witnesse of most I have here related as followeth. By Mee Sydnam Poynes. 144 pp. Edited for the Royal Historical Society by A. T. S. Goodrick. London. 1908. Putnam, Samuel P. 400 Years of Freethought. Pp. 634-37 allude to Bernard Bolzano, Francis M. KlÁcel, Karel HavlÍcek, Augustin Smetana, Jakub Arbes, Jaroslav VrchlickÝ; pp. 155-58 to J. A. KomenskÝ. Illustrated. 8º. 874 pp. The Truth Seeker Company. New York. Reich, Emil. Hungary and the Slavonic Kingdoms. Chap. 10, v. 1, pp. 329-46. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1902. ŠaŠek, VÁclav of BÍrkov (?). Diary of an Embassy from King George of Bohemia to King Louis XI. of France in the year of Grace 1464. From a contemporary MS. Literally translated from the original Slavonic (Bohemian) by A. H. Wratislaw. 8º. 80 pp. Bell & Daldy. London. 1871. Sidney, Sir Philip and Hubert Languet. Correspondence of ——. Now first collected and translated from the Latin with notes and a memoir of Sidney by Steuart Pears. Letters dated Prague, 18 Sep., 1575, relates to Bohemia, p. 100; John Hus, p. 94; Baron Slavata, pp. 22, 113. William Pickering. London. 1845. Smith, Charlotte Fell. Life of John Dee (1527-1608), astrologer at the Court of Rudolph II. Portraits and illustrations. Numerous references to persons and places in Bohemia. Constable & Company. London. 1909. Steed, Henry Wickham. The Hapsburg Monarchy. 8º. 304 pp. Constable & Company. London. 1913. Stiles, William H. Austria in 1848-49: Being a history of the late political movements in Vienna, Milan, Venice and Prague. 2 vs. Harper & Bros. New York. 1852. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman conquest; with anecdotes of their courts now first published from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. Anne of Bohemia, Vickers, Robert H. History of Bohemia. 8º. 757 pp. 1 map. 21 illustrations. Charles H. Sergel Company. Chicago. 1894. Ward, A. W. The Outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War. Chap. 1, v. 4, pp. 1-34. The Protestant Collapse 1620-30. Chap. 3, v. 4, pp. 64-84. Cambridge Modern History. University Press. Cambridge. 1906. Williams, W. H. Elizabeth Stewart, Queen of Bohemia, pp. 189-92. Portrait. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire for the year of 1916. Printed for the Society. Liverpool. 1917. Wratislaw, Mitrowitz Wenceslas, Baron. Adventures of ——. What he saw in the Turkish metropolis, Constantinople; experienced in his captivity; and after his happy return to his country. Committed to writing in the year of our Lord 1599. Literally translated from the original Bohemian by A. H. Wratislaw, A. H. How Saints are made at Rome in Modern Days. An enquiry into the canonization of St. John Nepomucen (patron saint of Bohemia) in 1729. 16º. London. 1866. —— Life, Legend, and Canonization of St. John Nepomucen, Patron Saint and Protector of the Order of the Jesuits. 8º. 86 pp. Bell & Daldy. London. 1872. ARTICLESBaker, James. A Great Historian (PalackÝ) Honoured. The Times and Mirror. London. July 15, 1912. —— Bohemia. An Historical Sketch. AthenÆum. London. Sept. 19, 1896. Bohemian History. English Historical Review. London. 29:131-33. Jan., 1914. Cope, G. Will of Augustine Herrman. Pennsylvania Magazine of History. Philadelphia. 15:321. Hrdlicka, AleŠ. Civilization of Bohemia. Science. New York. 30:880. Dec. 17, 1909. Hye, Isadoor. Bohemian Embassy to England, Spain, etc., in 1466. Quarterly Review. London. 90:413-44. 1852. See, VÁclav ŠaŠek of BÍrkov. Jacox, F. Seacoast of Bohemia; a vexed question in Shakespearian geography. Bentley’s Miscellany. London. 61:205-11. 1867; same, Bohemian Voice. Omaha. 3:8-9. Sept., 1894. KrÁl, Josef JirÍ. Shakespeare in Bohemia. Poet Lore. Boston. 4:231-32. Apr., 1892. PalackÝ, Francis. History of Bohemia; the most part from MS. and original documents. Review in Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 20:21-38. 1838. ŠafarÍk, Paul J. Sclavonian Antiquities. Review in Foreign Quarterly Review. London. 20:21-38. 1838; same, 26:57-80. 1841. Vericour, L. R. de. Bohemia Past and Present. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. London. 2:54-76. 1873. Wratislaw, A. H. How History is Sometimes Written. Frazer’s Magazine. London. 12:519-27. 1875. —— Bloody Parliament of Wilemow. Frazer’s Magazine. London. 14:294-301. 1876. —— St. Procop of Bohemia: a Legend of the Eleventh Century. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. London. 4:439-48. 1876. —— History of Bohemia. AthenÆum. London. 2:597-734. 1882. |